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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. See, I was actually never really like that. I drink (though that didn't start till college) and stuff that my parents don't agree with, but I don't throw the evidence of it in my parents' face. They know I do it, but we've just agreed to disagree (and yell at each other every once in a while about it).
  2. Ahh. She's just being like my littlest sister, then. I'm told they grow out of it at some point.
  3. I could've slept till nine today. My body decided I needed to get up at 8. But that's probably mainly because I've been at work at 8:30 for the last four days. As such, fuck internal clocks.
  4. Plus, she probably doesn't think that your mom will see them, knowing how some of my friends put those sorts of pictures up on FB even though their parents have FB accounts. Unless she has filters on who can see what, in which case, it's entirely possible that your mom won't see it. But, I get where you're coming from.
  5. My friend was in Amsterdam for a term and told me about window-shopping for brothels. But, to be fair to the kid, there are hookah stores that sell non-tobacco stuff to smoke.
  6. Generally aren't they smoking tobacco out of those things? I think so. I'm not sure on this. Was she smoking or just sitting there? Cause, I don't know legally whether or not she could be in there, but if she wasn't smoking, she wasn't doing anything illegal. EDIT: Well, then. Nevermind.
  7. Is it 18 federally now for cigarettes? Or is that state-to-state? And, technically, there's no legal age for hookahs. Which is why I was able to try it when I was sixteen.
  8. Ganked from Twitter: Paul_Dini: I dibs writing the Donald Duck/Howard the Duck team-up. @BrianReed: Disney buys Marvel. Look for an animatronic singing & dancing @brianmbendis in It's A Small World starting spring 2010 @FrankTieri: Yeah, Disney's gonna love me. @JoeQuesada: Everybody take a deep breath, all your favorite comics remain unchanged and Tom Brevoort remains grouchy @StephenWacker: Working on my Howard the Duck pitch! warrenellis: so I got this phone call from Joe Quesada and it was just the sound of him rubbing himself with money and now I am confused warrenellis: Hm. Have been instructed to make Bambi a member of the X-Men. warrenellis: I'm sure my new corporate overlords will enjoy the forthcoming graphic novel ASTONISHING X-MEN: DOE-EYED MEAT GEYSER. ThatKevinSmith: RT @BrianLynch First Disney/Marvel collaboration: Hannah Montana refuses to reveal secret identity, goes to war with Iron Man.
  9. Venneh


    Various reactions to the Disney acquisition: Ray Anthony Height:
  10. Came home to Ferris Bueller on AMC, and am now also listening to the new DM. This is good to come home to.
  11. Venneh

    Episode 105

    Probably. It just gives me another reason to hope that the next two-and-a-half hours goes quicker. And more to look forward to on Thursday.
  12. Venneh

    Episode 105

    Goddamn my being at work right now. Will listen to this when I get home this evening.
  13. And realistically, that effect will be none. They'll just be using each other to their economic advantage. Also, thanks for pointing that out, Jiminy, and reiterating what I said earlier.
  14. I don't see Marvel characters fitting in very well with Kingdom Hearts. Though, if they tried to translate the styles of the art into a video game (Wonderful Land of Oz, hello Skottie Young!) into a world, then I'd definitely be interested. KW, I'm at work, tell me what they say in the video interview?
  15. Rereading American Gods for the I don't even know how many-th time. Love this book, so much, if only for trying to figure out as you go through which god/goddess and mythologies they're referencing. And actually knowing the areas of WI they're talking about (and I'm pretty goddamn sure I know where Lakeside is).
  16. Huh. It looks like Sony and Fox are keeping the Spidey and X-Men franchises (*shrug* to the first, DAMNIT to the second). I'm ambivalent to the Marvel characters being added to the Disney parks; if they get their own park, that could be interesting/more geared towards thrill rides. And yeah, Marvel has sucked at doing stuff besides comics that involves their characters somewhat awful. But, from what I'm reading, it doesn't look like they'll be sticking the Disney logo on the comics. They'll have say over what's happening to the comics/characters, but I don't think they'll be phasing out more mature storylines; Disney's tried for a while to appeal to that age and hasn't done well.
  17. Also, is Marvel really doing that badly profit-wise that Disney would need to essentially buy them out? KW, I highly doubt that they're going to interfere with the comics publishing to that degree. They own Miramax, which puts out quite a few mature indie things. Plus, they have to keep Marvel's buyers. Interesting point with the movies, though. They'd definitely have the capital now to get them back and to be able to do what they want with them (TAKE THE X-MOVIES AWAY FROM FOX NOW PLZ). But, with the Spidey movies, how much $ does Marvel get off the royalties from that, and would it be worth buying back to have the control from the studios? ...I'd like a Marvel area at Disneyland. More thrill rides = good.
  18. I mean, Christ, just think of the lucrative properties Disney gets out of this. They just hit the jackpot, in terms of making cartoons out of this, T-shirts, you name it. I'll be interested to see how it unfolds and whether or not it affects the comics being released.
  19. Venneh


    FREEDOM! And now, to watch Planet Earth and listen to the new BITD. Also, I am worth 500 camels. My sense of self-worth appreciates this. ^^
  20. Venneh


    Yes, but so will Question!Montoya. X| Forty-five more minutes and I can close up shop, and then get the remittance done in fifteen to be home maybe by sevenish... to an empty house cause the family's out doing stuff. God, this summer has sucked so badly.
  21. Venneh


    ...I've been sucked into the Countdown universe? All right, time to find something to kill myself with.
  22. Venneh


    Two more fucking weeks and then I'm back in Appleton. Nine more days of work in that time. Three and a half hours till I'm out of here, three until I can close up the place. Today is now the day of countdowns. But not the kind done by DC.