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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. Venneh


    Back from ACEN, it was teh awesome. Some awesome cosplays to put up, especially Big Daddy from Bioshock, among them.
  2. Venneh


    Headed to ACEN for the weekend, 's going to be my first time at a con. Not taking the laptop with me, so 'm going to be out of contact until Sunday. Can't wait~ (Also, Mike, will be calling you tomorrow prolly to work out specifics.)
  3. Venneh


    Yeah, pretty much.
  4. Venneh


    Preview from Secret Six #9:
  5. Venneh

    NFL Well, it looks like they're sure as hell going to try to get him. And he's probably going to sign. Feh.
  6. Deadpool #10: Not as good as previous months, but still pretty solid. We get Bullseye this month, and Norm continues to be having troubles with Deadpool, or at least attempting to make trouble for him. I do like that they're acknowledging modern technology, with having him troll Craigslist for jobs. Not quite as much as the fun inner dialogue that I've come to expect, but it's still solid. I'm starting to wonder if they're ever going to take the series outside of the big events that are going on. The run started in the context of Secret Invasion, and it pretty much went straight into Dark Reign, with, as I understand it, only a few issues not situated within any of the larger events. Flash: Rebirth #2: ...This is starting to lose me. We get a lot of flashbacks, Barry acts all stunned that he's being treated as this sort of saint, something's definitely up with the Speed Force and apparently the gorillas know everything that's going on through their cave drawings? Flipping through this next month before I pick up the third issue. Not sure if it's worth it or not. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz #1: The art for this is beyond amazing. That I pretty much established on Saturday, when I got the sketchbook for FCBD. The problem, though, is that the dialogue is... well, pretty clearly aimed towards kids. Which is the target audience, but it's kind of painful to read. Debating following this just for the art. Comic Books: 46 TPBs: 19 Graphic Novels: 2 Motion Comic: 1
  7. Great job, Erin! Welcome to the crew.
  8. Please, if this is done right, it could be a lovely, lovely thing. But, then again.
  9. The burn looks really good. As in I was seriously debating asking you what the hell you did to yourself this time. And I thought that the 18th century thing was a cross-dressing assignment. Works either way. xD
  10. I just had to describe Katy Perry as a musical artist in an ethnography.
  11. Pajiba's Wolverine Review
  12. Good job, as ever, guys. Buck Rogers looks pretty from the cover art, and I saw a few scans of Fantastic Force on scans_daily, might check it out.
  13. The girls on my floor seems to specialize in passive agressive whining on the whiteboard in the bathrooms.
  14. I've heard the Japanese stuff is what Miller wrote, and, from what I've heard, is pretty decent. My reaction to it, though? UGH, NOT ANOTHER WOLVERINE WHORING VEHICLE.
  15. Venneh


    Yeah, he convinced me, too.
  16. *eyebrow raise* I'm hesitant about this, but I am probably going to see it.
  17. Venneh

    Who's the new Batgirl?

    ...Wait, I thought that BftC was coming out after August... Never mind, just ignore me. xD
  18. Venneh


    Murderous bromance triangle? Man, I could sell tickets to this and make a killing!
  19. *coughs pointedly on you*
  20. ..... Can't wait for this to be back on.
  21. Fuck you, Starvos. ^^ Besides, I haven't been home since the end of March. 'm safe.