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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. The pictures in the article are the only existing photos of the line at this time. (Though I don't get the broken heart necklaces with Spidey and the Green Goblin on 'em. Are you trying to tell us something, Marvel?)
  2. Venneh


    Hm. Does it say anything against having friends/family on there as reference on your application?
  3. It's most the assumptions behind the marketing that piss me off. (And yeah, she's pretty decent.)
  4. So, more or less, Marvel is making a line of shirts with space for boobs cut out for them praising how attractive the male characters are, lip stick, and heart necklaces like you would use for friendship necklaces to appeal to females (not girls, not women, females). ...Because clearly, because I have boobs, I can't be interested in comics other than for the hot guys and the romance. Oh, and the article contains this lovely gem: ... I'm sorry, but I'm just sick of this sort of thing. I'm sick of it being assumed I'm only in this for the pretties/female characters/hot men. I'm sick of comic store employees (and this happened once at Powerhouse) asking if I'm interested in Power Girl or the female version of some superhero, when I'm clearly picking up comics that would suggest I'm not.
  5. Mike, life > things getting up on time. Do what you need to. Also, where you moving to?
  6. Venneh


    12:05:17 AM Hannah Krueger: I have Dark Knight music playin in the background 12:05:27 AM Preston: So? 12:05:51 AM Hannah Krueger: That makes me Batman by proxy. 12:05:57 AM Preston: No. 12:05:59 AM Preston: I'm Bats. 12:06:01 AM Hannah Krueger: Yes. 12:06:04 AM Hannah Krueger: I have the theme music. 12:06:05 AM Hannah Krueger: You don't. 12:06:11 AM Hannah Krueger: I'm the goddamn Batman. 12:06:29 AM Preston: *puts the BTAS theme on iTunes.* 12:06:40 AM Hannah Krueger: I have the darker theme! 12:06:48 AM Preston: Mine is better! 12:06:56 AM Hannah Krueger: Mine is better orchestrated! 12:07:11 AM Preston: Arguable! 12:07:39 AM Hannah Krueger: Look at what the iTunes says on my status! 12:07:41 AM Hannah Krueger: I AM THE BATMAN 12:07:43 AM Hannah Krueger: So there. 12:07:49 AM Preston: No. 12:07:52 AM Hannah Krueger: Yes. 12:07:57 AM Hannah Krueger: Battle for the Cowl? xD 12:08:01 AM Preston: I'll win. 12:08:32 AM Hannah Krueger: Probably, has to do with that whole bigger than me thing. 12:08:51 AM Preston: And the violent tendancies. 12:09:01 AM Preston: And the wrestling and boxing. 12:09:20 AM Preston: FOR THE COWL! 12:09:24 AM Preston: *punch* 12:09:43 AM Hannah Krueger: *reflected!* 12:09:59 AM Preston: *throws a Berry Wiess at you* 12:11:48 AM Hannah Krueger: *grabs teh beers* 12:12:08 AM Preston: *chokes you out when you're distracted!* 12:12:11 AM Preston: Sleeper! 12:12:26 AM Hannah Krueger: *jabs you in the throat/kicks you in the knee* 12:13:58 AM Preston: Too late! 12:14:01 AM Preston: I win! 12:15:10 AM Hannah Krueger: Nope. 12:15:13 AM Hannah Krueger: FULL RECOVERY! 12:15:22 AM Preston: No. 12:15:27 AM Preston: MURDER~! 12:15:30 AM Hannah Krueger: ZOMBIE DANCE! 12:15:41 AM Preston: BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS! 12:15:50 AM Hannah Krueger: ~ *rainbow*
  7. Probably. You have to catch me first. ^^
  8. Stealing your cold beer on a hot afternoon. *runs off with it*
  9. That works too, and it's cheaper. And I can just ask for it for my 21st/Christmas from the family (we'll see how they react to it xD).
  10. Shall keep that in mind. Thanks!
  11. Good show, guys. Definitely have Hellboy: Seed of Destruction on my Amazon Wishlist now, we'll see if I can't find it for a decent price. Also, old man Toland pants for the win.
  12. It's going to be 85 today. :urock:
  13. Blergh. I watch it with my friends. We spend most of the episode screaming at the screen and debating just how the fuck that is possible.
  14. I will watch something new once I get space on my hard drive for more series. (External hard drive, once I have enough, here I come!) Looking around for the subbed version of Advent Children Complete; just came out and might actually be decent, from what I hear?
  15. Venneh


    Sorry for the double-post, but found it! Source is Weapon X: First Class #2.
  16. Venneh


    Found it on daily_scans on IJ. They didn't give a source. Wish they did, though.
  17. Venneh


    Katamari Damacy. Okami. Those two. Go get. Now.
  18. Venneh


    Well, speaking of Chicago, I'll be at ACEN in May. Those of you in the area should come by and say hi at some point.
  19. I honestly think they're trying to forget they created this. They've cut down advertising to almost nil, and it's got a 14% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It's already in the running for worst movie of the movie year. Something tells me that me and my friends having lots and lots of alcohol to help us through this will be a good thing. Suggestions for a drinking game that won't get us drunk too quickly?
  20. Venneh

    Secret Six

    I think it's going to go for a while; at the moment, it's being done well, and as far I'm aware, it's selling well. Going to get #8 next week, and will catch up on #1, 6, and 7 when I buy the trade in July.
  21. Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns: Pretty much the last piece that I needed to know to understand what's going on currently in the Green Lantern universe. I like the interaction between Sinestro and Hal here, and the background as to the Guardian who seems to be controlling the strings and the Red Lanterns. Secret Six #5: So, uhm, yeah. I love Gail Simone. Like the insight into Bane and Deadshot, the Hatter's quips are excellent, and Scandal Savage has to be one of my favorite characters ever now. Good fight scenes, especially with Jeanette and the sharkman. Want the rest nao. Definitely going to get the trade in July, and will get #8 next week. Comic Books: 35 TPBs: 19 Graphic Novels: 2 Motion Comic: 1