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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. No offense, but that's usually the case with large groups of people.
  2. Christ. I don't see how anyone can do that. I only drink energy drinks around finals or midterms time, when I actually need to be up till ungodly hours, and I can't do it on soda alone.
  3. *passes you industrial size George Dickle's whiskey*
  4. Lobo doesn't sound like anything I'm much interested in, but I like the sound of Gotham Girls. How easy is it to find, for those interested? Also, going to argue with you on the Nolan thing. I think Harley could be bought in in a subplot in Arkham. Joker doesn't even have to appear onscreen, really. All we have to see is a general outline of him in the shadows, and if people really want the Ledger!Joker, someone can probably do a pretty decent impression. She could potentially be good setup for later movies, but, then again, if they're looking for wrapping up the trilogy, then it might not be such a good idea.
  5. Okay, anxiety attacks are le suck, BUT, at least it's not heart issues. Glad you're okay. Now. Rest. We order you to.
  6. Well, there you go. *gives you alcohol to help you through it perhaps?*
  7. Adorable Harley is adorable. More thoughts later.
  8. Venneh


    Because I want to see what people pick, aside from what two of us have done on FB: Pick your five person dream team to fight off a zombie invasion in your homeland. GO!
  9. Road trip to Maryland, anyone?
  10. So go do it. If you think it's that much of a bad idea, it's probably worth being voiced.
  11. Watched the first half of 10.5: Apocalypse with the aid of alcohol and friends. ... It's still godawful.
  12. Warning: You may die of teh laughters.
  13. Looking forward to hearing about Hellboy next week. ^^ The lack of decent was clearly getting to you guys this week. Agreed with Ian for most of the Watchmen review, might go back and nitpick later. (So the Spirit IS out this week! Torrent times...)
  14. Actually, there is a way that she could be wearing those sort of underpants, but, I'm not going to go into it here.
  15. Go for the 120 gig, you get about 112 more gigs for $20 more, which, relatively, makes it cheaper than the 8 gig one. Also, I've found myself feeling the need to listen to music buried deep in my iPod, so methinks that the 120 gig one would probably be better for you, especially with the size of your library.
  16. Venneh


    "This is not the Wolverine you know. Logan is a teenage rebel with a real good reason for having a real bad attitude. Ever since being left in a nearby forest—with no memory of who he was or how he got there—Logan (or Wolverine, as his classmates sometimes call him) has been stuck in a martial arts school in the icy wilds of Canada. No wonder he's bored, restless, yearning. There's a whole world out there, and Logan can almost taste it. But he's chained to a past he can't remember and can't escape. Now it just may destroy his future." -- ...
  17. Sorry Dubs, but screw not having insurance. You don't mess with that kind of pain, especially when it's centered in your chest and you can't feel your hands and fingers (has that last part been going on long?). Please go to the hospital?
  18. I liked seeing the more vulnerable side of Adele in this episode, really. Also, yay for the traitor being probably the last person I personally expected. It just keeps getting better and better; I'm just worried that it might be too late for that, though.
  19. Cept for one's female.
  20. It's a cute little film, good for a one time watch.
  21. Good luck! Also, I can has state tax refund check. ^^
  22. Venneh


    Suave, have you ever had the option of just going somewhere, taking all sorts of different classes, and just seeing what appeals to you? Most of the people who come to my uni don't have a clue going in what their major is going to be, and they take all sorts of different classes for the first year or two, and figure out sometime around junior year what they want to do.
  23. Saw Monsters v. Aliens today with the family. Used a lot of the gimmicky 3D that I disliked, but the film itself was pretty decent. Good voice work, and the references to older monster/alien movies were pretty nice.