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Posts posted by ShaunKL

  1. MY GOD! Three dimensional Blu-Ray you say? How awesomely wonderful!

    My family will probably want to sit through the fourth on, so I'll give it a go. 1 & 2 were both good, 3 was terrible, I hope they get back into a little more of the risque humor from 1.

  2. I actually thought that Adam & Eve would've been Rose and Bernard. I did enjoy the twist of Jacob creating the Smoke Monster (Note, I think that it is similar to the way that Michael and everyone else are dead but also say they are trapped on the island, but because Jacob and his weird "can't kill SM/MiB" sortof screwed him over good when he went into the golden cave.) I'm wondering how Jacob changed his job to include blocking MiB from leaving. I hope they give us some conclusion with that.

    Anyways, I'm wondering what Richard and the gang are cooking up, hopefully Ben will be able to have one last hurrah.

  3. My goodness Reach is amazing. Halo 3 wasn't this good in the beta stage. Some things need definite tweaking, but this a worth finale to BUNGIE's current run of Halo games.

    Sword Base is awesome for everything, Powerhouse can grate with objective games. It's much funner to play slayer types rather than objective as compared to Sword Base.

  4. I'm going to post a rant I wrote on another forum,

    I will not be buying or renting this. While I have a soft spot for CoD3, Treyarch has lost all respect for me as a game developer. After all we were promised with WaW we ended up with a CoD4 clone that had lower grade graphics (console), a weapon system that was completely unbalanced, and a childish disrespectful portrayal of WWII that has damaged children's perception of what that war really was and who those soldiers really were.

    Treyarch as really turned into a gimmick developer for me, first with "CoD4:WaW" and now this just seems like they have no idea what to do, so the reflex is "rip-off, steal, replicate!". I have no hope for this game or the rest of the Call of Duty series as it stands.

  5. iTunes is at last online! The pilot is up and I intend to add the JLU commentary shortly.

    The listing for future episodes is as follows,

    Smallville - Pilot

    LOST - Pilot

    Back to the Future

    Batman: The Animated Series - The Terrible Trio

  6. Hartnell to Troughton: Beautifully done for the 60's. The TARDIS controls going haywire and operating themselves and then then Hartnell fading into a flash of light to be revealed as Troughton was brilliant. Saddens me that Pertwee to Baker couldn't have been done similarly.

    Troughton to Pertwee: Wasn't actually seen. A semi-psychedelic sequence followed in the next episode by the TARDIS appearing and Pertwee falling out.

    Pertwee to Baker: Bland, dull, stupid. Could've at least added a white flash or something. I actually would've preferred if the regen happened off screen and we watched the Brig's and Sarah Jane's reactions.

    Baker to Davison: I love the whole concept of the Watcher, it was the actual regeneration itself that misfired. The whole flashback sequences were well done, but the watcher getting sucked down into Baker didn't work. IMO would've been better with the Watcher laying down on top of Baker (Sounds weird in text) or having the Watcher walk up to everyone and have a flash or fade with Baker disappearing and Davison revealed as the next Doctor.

    Davison to CBaker: This should be the bar for all future regenerations, it is the best. Davison fighting actual death, doubting whether he will regenerate. All after the heroic rescue of Peri from Androzani. Davison fading, his companions urging him to fight and regenerate while his envisionment of the Master abuses him, trying to keep him from regenerating. Then we get this wonderfully disorienting effect while the sound effects add even more confusion and then THOOM!, there's the new Doctor sitting straight up with the afterimage of Davison fading away, none have done better.

    McCoy in a Wig to McCoy: After a confusing but neat sequence of the TARDIS being fired at and crashing in a rainbow explosion( :shakehead: ) Ba-WigMcCoy gets turned over with a green effect covering his face to reveal McCoy, meh. (There has been a lot of debate of how the Doctor regenerated. From fear of becoming the Valeyard, to the book Spinal, and some weird thing about McCoy forcing the regeneration from the future so he could become "Time's Champion". Let's face the facts, Mel had the Doc on the exercise bike, the TARDIS got hit, and he went head first into the console.)

    (Onto the button that Ian had messed with thus electrocuting himself.)

    McCoy to McGann: After a weird and traumatic sequence of the beloved Seventh Doctor being defibrillated to death we get an odd sequence of the regeneration intercut with the Token American Fatty watching Frankenstein. The effect itself was a little odd, but it was decent.

    McGann to Eccleston: Sadly this was never seen on screen, but it is implied in Rose that the Doctor had recently regenerated (RTD later skewed the crap out of it with Eccleston on the Titanic and JFK whatnot).

    Eccleston to Tennant: Quite sad sequence for me seeing as he was my first real Doctor. Sadly I can't remember my reaction when I first saw it. The scene itself is very well done, with Eccleston lamenting his imminent death but glad that will be free of his tormented personality and happy about his time with Rose. The effect and morph is well done, especially the morph. However this effect doesn't really allow for "quiet" regenerations (I.E. Hartnell and Pertwee).

    Tennant to Morrissey: Alas, no.

    Morrissey to Smith: Alas, no.

    Tennant to Smith: While Davison's is the best, this is without a doubt the most gut-wrenchingly sad regeneration of the whole entirety of the series. Tennant staggers to the TARDIS after stopping one of his hearts to hold off his regeneration (A tactic Pertwee used awell). As he starts off the TARDIS he is just using all of his might to hold off his impending death, but he realizes that he must go on, and after one of the most beautifully delivered lines in all WHO he just lets loose. All his pent up energy, sadness, rage wreaks havok on the TARDIS. Close in to Tennant's face where he has a final look of terror before being replaced by Matt Smith, who nails the Doctor right on the spot and leaves us wanting more.

  7. No, I get tons of joy out of it, and if you ever decided to podcast Smallville, I'd be happy to help :).

    I just saw Hostage, dialogue was good if a bit cheesy at certain moments (But cheesy dialogue feels good in Smallville for some reason). Loved Perry. Mrs. Kent's moments from time to time where she'd have moments reminiscing about Jonathan were very well done. Maybe the worst moment was when Chloe was upset and wanted to leave, I thought that could've been played alot better and now that I think of it all it really was was foreshadowing of Chloe's imminent departure.

    Martha Kent as Red Queen could've been destroyed in the wrong hands, but they managed to keep it real.

    It really seems that they are and I really think it will be a mistake if Clark doesn't reveal himself to Lois.

    I'm also thinking with the book of Rao and

    Martha's comment that it will exile all the Kryptonians on the planet

    that this will be the point that "fixes" everything so that Clark can reveal himself as Superman to the world. (Without the side effect that Lois forgets who he is, this seems very logical and will make me mad if that happens.)

    Oh boy, next week here we go!

  8. Ra's can work if you've got a fresh secondary villain. Maybe bring in Talia and some special assassin to rival Bat's in a physical way. Ra's also needs a good story to return. He's a villain that doesn't work on his own merits like Joker does.

    I'm watching Batman Begins to regain a feeling for the world.

    While the Nolan films are more character than action, I would like to see a tense one-on-one between Batman and another rival martial artist.

  9. I thought last episode was very well done. I've never seen a non-villainous take on Metallo before so that was nice. I also thought the dialogue was a lot more "free" than it has been in a while. Everyone seemed happy while filming it. Some good plot development thrown in there aswell. The preview for the next episode looks very promising, can't wait.

  10. JMS: They came to me. Basically, they said, "We want to introduce Superman more thoroughly into the world of mainstream bookstore publishing, and we want this to be the vehicle to do that. You're going to have a clear field to handle it however you want. You don't have to worry about continuity or other characters, just tell a good story."

    So what was Secret Origin then?