Greatest Moments In Competitive Gaming

Pablo Molinero

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Well, I just got back from a Marvel vs Capcom tourney at my school. I went to it thinking I'd completely own, considering I'm great a MvC... 1. The game of choice was Marvel vs Capcom 2, for... and this is the kicker, the Dreamcast. I've never even picked up a Dreamcast controler before, so it was incredibly awkward. Two of the guys, who owned the game, there were already talking about how good their matchup in the finals would be, as if they were locks for the spots.

Needless to say; they weren't.

With the team of MvC1 characters: Strider, Gambit, and Wolvie, using my normal MvC1 tactics, I beat one of the "great" players. Of course, he insisted, after it was over, that the handicap was off. I'm certain it wasn't. I hate when people do that, try to weasel their way out of a loss. In the finals I beat the other one soundly, when he tried using three distance characters against Strider and Wolvie; not a good idea. Man, it felt sooooo good two put those two in their place.

So, share your stories about great wins (or losses) in your gaming experience.

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Well, I just got back from a Marvel vs Capcom tourney at my school. I went to it thinking I'd completely own, considering I'm great a MvC... 1. The game of choice was Marvel vs Capcom 2, for... and this is the kicker, the Dreamcast. I've never even picked up a Dreamcast controler before, so it was incredibly awkward. Two of the guys, who owned the game, there were already talking about how good their matchup in the finals would be, as if they were locks for the spots.

Needless to say; they weren't.

With the team of MvC1 characters: Strider, Gambit, and Wolvie, using my normal MvC1 tactics, I beat one of the "great" players. Of course, he insisted, after it was over, that the handicap was off. I'm certain it wasn't. I hate when people do that, try to weasel their way out of a loss. In the finals I beat the other one soundly, when he tried using three distance characters against Strider and Wolvie; not a good idea. Man, it felt sooooo good two put those two in their place.

So, share your stories about great wins (or losses) in your gaming experience.

MVC2 for the Dreamcast, you say? Well, sir, it looks like I have a cocky little guy here that I need to own just like everyone else I play against in that game. :evil:

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I'll always remember the very first time I played Soul Calibur 2. It was during a party at my friend Tom's place. Somebody else brought over a gamecube with SC2. We played that all evening. When everybody else stopped hogging the controllers, me and Tom started constantly practicing. During our 22nd match of the evening(Tom with Talim, myself with Link), we had a battle that went on for 2 and a half minutes without a single hit. Every single attack was either dodged or blocked. I forget who won but that was an awesome match either way.

Me and my other friend Chance were once very competitive at Monster Rancher 2. He had a Horn(Suezo/Tiger) type monster that had the luck to win an F-Rank Tounament right after it was born and then the D-Rank Official Cup! He got cocky and challenged my newest monster,a Dark Zuum(Zuum/Monol). Even though he was two ranks above me I was much stronger because my monster didn't ever fluke out on really tough opponents. I got a knockout in about 14 seconds and Chance got so mad he nearly threw my controller.

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