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Using Photoshop on a Mac is one of the most annoying things ever. I can't use any of the keyboard shortcuts that I'm used to on my PC because on the Macs they all use the damn apple key. And it doesn't help that the school computers all have crappy keyboards, anyway.

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Using Photoshop on a Mac is one of the most annoying things ever. I can't use any of the keyboard shortcuts that I'm used to on my PC because on the Macs they all use the damn apple key. And it doesn't help that the school computers all have crappy keyboards, anyway.

It isn't easy, is it? That picture in my previous post is the first one I've ever been able to post online.

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Batman Across Mediums in 15 Minutes or Less:

12:28:25 PM Hannah Krueger: Why did they not go with a young Bruce Wayne story?

12:28:29 PM Hannah Krueger: I would've watched that!

12:28:35 PM Preston: Because that's boring.

12:28:43 PM Preston: I want the goddamn Grant Morrison Bat-God.

12:28:58 PM Hannah Krueger: Time travelling batsy?

12:29:10 PM Preston: No, no, no.

12:29:15 PM Preston: I'm better than everyone.

12:29:21 PM Preston: I'm always right, fucking deal.

12:29:35 PM Hannah Krueger: I thought that was Mahnke Bats. :P


12:30:20 PM Hannah Krueger: Nolan Bats. :P


12:30:50 PM Hannah Krueger: Burton Bats. :P

12:30:56 PM Preston: I'm Batman.

12:31:26 PM Hannah Krueger: Miller Bats.

12:32:12 PM Preston: Whores. Whores. Whores. Whores. Whores. Dick Grayson, age 12. Whores. Whores. Whores. Whores. Shut up, Clark. Whores. Whores. Whores. Whores. Goddamn Batman. Whores. Whores. Whores. Whores. Wonder Woman is a slut.

12:32:31 PM Hannah Krueger: O'Neil Bats.

12:33:03 PM Preston: Nailed Talia Al Ghul fucking Raw. Hairy chested, globe trotting sex god.

12:33:22 PM Hannah Krueger: Schumacher Bats. :P

12:33:40 PM Preston: I'm Batman... ... and I'm faaAaabulous.

12:33:46 PM Hannah Krueger: Alan Moore Bats.

12:34:17 PM Preston: I'm Batman, and I'm incredibly two dimensional, but it works well within the context of the stories being told.

12:34:24 PM Hannah Krueger: Loeb Bats.

12:34:39 PM Preston: See Morrison's, slightly more likeable.

12:34:54 PM Preston: Due to the relationship with Selina.

12:35:07 PM Hannah Krueger: Adam West Bats.

12:35:21 PM Preston: A fully deputized agent of the law. :-P

12:35:34 PM Hannah Krueger: Dini Bats.

12:35:55 PM Preston: Oh Zatana, for reasons that have never been explained, we're almost OTP.

12:36:17 PM Hannah Krueger: (I'm starting to run out of reasonably knowable Bats writers.)

12:36:23 PM Preston: Haha

12:36:24 PM Hannah Krueger: Ross Bats.

12:36:58 PM Preston: Take Denny O'Neil Bats and throw in a touch of Adam West and Neal Adams.

12:37:05 PM Hannah Krueger: Bob Kane bats.

12:37:23 PM Preston: The poor fool, he is insane. Death, to Doctor Death!

12:37:31 PM Hannah Krueger: Neal Adams Bats

12:37:32 PM Preston: "He's not insane. He's on fire."

12:38:09 PM Preston: The world's greatest detective. He isn't Batman because he's mentally ill, he would be mentally ill if he hadn't become Batman.

12:38:12 PM Hannah Krueger: Waid Bats.

12:38:40 PM Preston: Did Waid write Tower of Babel?

12:38:45 PM Hannah Krueger: Yep.

12:38:52 PM Preston: And Kingdom Come?

12:39:12 PM Preston: So, basically, incapable of being close to anyone, emotionally closed off jackass.

12:39:21 PM Preston: A poor attempt at Morrison's Zen Warrioe.

12:39:24 PM Preston: *Warrior

12:39:32 PM Preston: I like both of those stories.

12:39:41 PM Preston: But Batman is not a high point.

12:39:50 PM Hannah Krueger: Brubaker Bats.

12:39:56 PM Preston: Never read any.

12:40:02 PM Hannah Krueger: Gaiman Bats.

12:40:08 PM Preston: ...Meh.

12:40:12 PM Preston: Neal Adams 2.0.

12:40:20 PM Preston: Which is fine.

12:40:32 PM Hannah Krueger: Alan Grant bats.

12:40:35 PM Preston: Because Gaiman's only Bat-Stories are love letters to Adams.

12:40:46 PM Preston: Grant wrote Death in the Family, yes?

12:41:02 PM Hannah Krueger: writer (Batman: The Last Arkham, Anarky, Batman: Anarky, Batman: Dreamland, Batman: Shadow of the Bat, Judgement on Gotham and Knightfall with others).

12:41:12 PM Preston: Oh, shit.

12:41:13 PM Preston: Knightfall.

12:41:20 PM Preston: Yeah, Grant gets Batman.

12:41:23 PM Preston: Pretty well.

12:41:31 PM Preston: I've not read enough to make a joke.

12:41:41 PM Preston: But, he does well with him in Knightfall.

12:41:50 PM Preston: And Bane is fucking awesome.

12:41:55 PM Hannah Krueger: Devin Grayson.

12:42:02 PM Preston: Moron.

12:42:12 PM Preston: Not her Batman.

12:42:12 PM Preston: Just her.

12:42:20 PM Hannah Krueger: And what of her Bats?

12:42:29 PM Preston: Terrible father.

12:42:36 PM Hannah Krueger: Greg Rucka. (last one.)

12:42:54 PM Preston: Meh. Rucka is always better with B and C list characters.

12:43:15 PM Preston: Like, Huntress and Question.

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Using Photoshop on a Mac is one of the most annoying things ever. I can't use any of the keyboard shortcuts that I'm used to on my PC because on the Macs they all use the damn apple key. And it doesn't help that the school computers all have crappy keyboards, anyway.

It isn't easy, is it? That picture in my previous post is the first one I've ever been able to post online.

It's not exactly that for me, because I'm pretty good at basic Photoshop in general, but when it comes to Macs the whole experience in general is just different and kind of slow and awkward compared to the PC version I'm used to.

I guess I'll have to get used to it, though. I'm on the school magazine this year and we're going to have at least 5 (6?) more production cycles throughout the year after this/next week and all the school computers are Macs.

Everyone go to Google Maps, search for 26.358298,127.78389, then hit satellite view, and zoom in.

That is awesome.

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