The Eclectic Podcast

Darque Edge

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Hey guys. Long time no see.

I'm pimping.

Check out my new podcast over at Link in sig. It's the first part of the Alan Moore special, leading up to Watchmen, featuring me and Matt Dillon (The Matt Dillon. The Hollywood guy is the other one). This first part looks at Alan Moore's work pre-Watchmen. The second one will look at his stuff post-Watchmen, and the third one will be a Watchmen special previewing the movie.

This is going to be a regular thing, and we have plans for the website.

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would just mention one thing- Its not a good thing when I'm correcting your co-hosts pronunciation of your name :P .

I know...

It's partially my own fault. He asked if it was pronounced 'Brosnan', so I emailed him to say it was 'Bros-Na-Han', just to point out the middle bit was pronouced. He then said it exactly as I'd emailed it.


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would just mention one thing- Its not a good thing when I'm correcting your co-hosts pronunciation of your name :P .

I know...

It's partially my own fault. He asked if it was pronounced 'Brosnan', so I emailed him to say it was 'Bros-Na-Han', just to point out the middle bit was pronouced. He then said it exactly as I'd emailed it.


Should have stuck with Brosnan. Or just left it until he was corrected by a listener email after like 5-6 episodes.

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I liked this. You two worked well together, especially considering this was your first podcast. You didn’t stumble too much, you kept the pace going, you stayed on topic, you didn’t speak over each other, it all worked together pretty well.

I think you could use a break around the mid-point. You two talked pretty consistently over the running length, and I think a breather would make things easier for you and the audience. The podcast felt like a lot to take in too, which is good, don’t get me wrong. I learnt way more than what I was expecting. I do think a little more banter probably wouldn’t hurt.

I could probably think of more things if I listened to it again, but it was a good first effort, and I’m interested in hearing where the podcast goes from here.

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Not only is the length point good advice, it's something that occurred to me when I listened to it properly (Matt did the editing).

While the second Moore-cast will be roughly the same length (just because there's so much to get through), the third will be shorter, and they'll be 45-60 minutes from there on, I figure.

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Great stuff, you guys work great for a first time team. I think I'm naturally a bigger fan of british podcasts just because the cultural touchstones are closer to home, for example- Blackadder quotes for the win!

"If I have a chamber full of gold Kryptonite then I should be OK, because the chances of there being another chamber of gold Kryptonite are very small indeed."

The other reason is of course, and this isn't the fault of Earth-2, but for some reason like 80% of the podcasts relating to film, TV and comics I listen too are at least partially based in Chicago for some bizarre reason. Its not a fault in the shows, I still listen, but its nice to have a show that definitively is NOT based in Chicago, it makes me feel less like I'm listening to some sort of local cult opinion radio channel from halfway around the world.

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Thanks for the feedback, everyone.

We've incorporated some of it into the podcast, or at least we've tried to. We recorded the next one last night, and it should be going up at the weekend. It's the last 'monster' one, just because of the sheer amount of stuff we have to get through.

After this, we should be keeping it down to an hour or so.

Also, you may all be getting far too much of a view into how my mind works in this one, due to a somewhat surreal trailing off the topic.

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Hello all! I've been lurking for a little while -- like Galactus, I prefer to send out a herald -- but I thought it was perhaps time I popped my head above the pulpit.

First of all, thanks to everyone for the kind and generous feedback. As Chris has mentioned, we're trying to take as much of it on board as we can. Gerald is especially pleased with his fan-mail -- he was so excited by Stavros' comments, for example, that he let me swear at a nun (twice). I'll see if we can work more of him in in future. I'd also like to extend a personal thanks to Dread for his kind words; I've been a big fan of Jonathan's for a while, and interviewing him was certainly a highlight of 2008. Just as pleasant off-record as on, incidentally -- an utter gentleman.

Secondly, a huge apology to all of those who got inconvenienced by iTunes. Chris was right, we've had some hideous issued with the iTunes store, and their customer service has been frankly attrocious. In the end I solved the problem myself by switching our Podcast feed to a self-hosted one being passed through Feedburner, hence all of the jiggery pokery Dread reported. It's all settled now, though, and episode three went up effortlessly (no thanks to the iTunes tech people, who couldn't even be bothered to send me a generic "RTFM" email ).

And finally, does anyone have any feedback regarding Mark's first episode, "Soul Ravers"? It would be great to hear whether the "non-core" episodes are hitting their mark (no pun intended!).

Edit: Stavros, if you or anyone else want to write the plot synopsis for a "Wayans Brothers" adaptation of an Alan Moore work, I *swear* we'll read it on the final Podcast! :laugh:

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Edit: Stavros, if you or anyone else want to write the plot synopsis for a "Wayans Brothers" adaptation of an Alan Moore work, I *swear* we'll read it on the final Podcast! :laugh:

This sounds like a challenge! (cracks knuckles) Ow. My knuckles. :cry:

League of Extraordinarily White Gentlemen? Yeah that'll work. Its actually a semi-sequel to the film. The white members of the original league are accidentally killed when Nemo crashes the Nautilus whilst high on opium that Allan Quatermain left lying around (white people introducing drugs to keep black people down). As a direct result of the leagues absence Fu Manchu conquers England with ninjas and locks Queen Victoria up in the tower.

Filled with guilt Nemo goes about creating a new league from ethnic fictional characters including Friday from Robinson Crusoe, Jim from Huckleberry Finn (Shawn Wayans), folk legend John Henry (Mr T), Blackula (Marlon Wayans), and a time traveling Foxy Brown. Muhammad X Leiter (Felix Leiter's ancestor played by Ice Cube to riff on xXx) is their contact, the top agent for the Pinkerton Detective Agency charged by President Lincoln with saving the world with his dying breath. Muhammad X Leiter is haunted by his inability to save Lincoln that night in the theatre, it was his first night on the job as bodyguard and he had gone to get some snacks (popcorn, large coke) instead of staying at his post. Lincoln was yelling at the play as it was going on, which is the reason given for John Wilkes Booth (who was in the opposite box yelling at him to be quiet) shooting him. Lincoln was taunting him, yelling "Step up boy, I'm right here".

They decide to break Queen Victoria out of prison and put a stop to Fu Manchu and his evil henchmen. Fu Manchu is declaring to the world that he will kill the Queen unless the league is delivered to him (their deaths being a closely guarded secret). The LXWG decide to white up and dress as the old league, using Police Academy style voice throwing techniques to give the impression that the invisible man is with them. Fu Manchu throws them all in prison except for Jim/Mina Harker, who he attempts to seduce. Jim goes along with it trying to get the key to the jail cells down below. Fu accidentally rubs some of the makeup off whilst getting a bit frisky and Jim/Mina slaps him so hard he falls the the ground, then runs out of the room with the key. Fu calls down his horde of mighty ninjas and Jim races to the tower to free his friends. He gives the ninja's the slip in a mighty rooftop race across London, with plenty of slapstick unidentifiable ninjas coming to sticky ends along the way.

Jim hides inside the tower of London, and has a passionate evening with the big Q. In the morning they escape when she seduces a guard and then find their way down to the cells of the League.

To be continued...

I'm considering making the big final plot about Fu Manchu using stolen time travel tech from Foxy to see into the future, and then have the league race him to america to try and stop him abducting the infant Martin Luther King Sr and brainwashing/killing him, which would change the face of the civil rights movement by eliminating/radically changing the personality of MLK Jr.

Maybe I should have gone with From Hell-A, but a serial killer deal is too close to the cinematic anti-matter that is Scary Movie 2.

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.....what have we done?

You really don't have to read this on air, its purely for my own amusement at this point. :happy:

Damn! I wish I had that much time on my hands at work!!

I don't, but since I'm the only one in this office 90% of the time nobody really notices. I'm out on site tomorrow so that makes up for it. :(

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