Roger Rabbit sequel


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Bet money it turns out to be a remake.

Why would they do that? The original film still stands up (since it's a period piece and all), and there's way more stuff you could do with the franchise.

Are you seriously asking that question?

Yes. Even stupid film execs are smart enough to realize that. The marketable (and easy) thing to do would be to tell a new story within that fictional universe.

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This won't be the first attempt at a sequel. Way back in the early nineties, a film by the name of Who Discovered Roger Rabbit was being talked about. It never happened obviously. Wiki has a bit about it. I would personally be interested in that treatment. Any treatment would rock. I still maintain a straight crush on Jessica Rabbit to this very day.

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Remake is cheaper and easier to sell.

I would think that a new story (one that's more kid-friendly) would be more easily marketable. After all, the original story was more of an adults' film anyhow. In this day and age, it's more likely that they'd go with the kid-friendly approach rather than adapt the adult-themed original plot.

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So, it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

Seriously this will end up being a remake as it's been so long since the movie and we're all a lot older now, so of course they are going to end up making it a remake.

It's a lot simpler to rmeake a movie than it is to look at the original and expand upon it.

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Remake is cheaper and easier to sell.

I would think that a new story (one that's more kid-friendly) would be more easily marketable. After all, the original story was more of an adults' film anyhow. In this day and age, it's more likely that they'd go with the kid-friendly approach rather than adapt the adult-themed original plot.

The kids you're talking about aren't hankering after a new Roger Rabbit movie, just producers. Granted, Roger Rabbit could easily be made kid-friendly even if that wasn't the point of the first movie. A sequel at this point would be like one of those recent 4-quels or a Disney sequel that never made it past a DVD release (and rightfully so).

If this happens, it'll be a remake. Whether it should happen is another matter and personally, I'm perfectly happy with the original. Go remake a terrible movie in your back catalogue instead, Zemeckis. Like Contact.

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Guest DCAUFan1051
An animated Bob Hoskins and a real life Jessica Rabbit (Jessica Biel) along with a small pet rabbit in red shorts run amok in the real world, inflicting cartoon damage on real people with very real consequences.

ugh Stav that sounds like (gasp)

Cool World

As far as it being remade I agree with Ian the original is awesome and I'm happy to have it. I have the 2 Disc Special Edition The one thing I'd like to see is maybe updated Roger Rabbit cartoons. Like Tummy Trouble which preceeded the movie.

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