2010 Resolutions


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With a new year comes a new round of resolutions, so let's list 'em here. Also, I'm going to pin this thread, so we can update how the resolutions are going.

Me, normally I don't make 'em, but I will this year:

- Read at least one book a month.

- Lose at least 25 pounds by eating better and exercising.

- Get back on a pescetarian diet.

- No more caffeine. It makes me too edgy.

- Take more chances.

- Be more outgoing.

- This one will make Niki happy: Write more.

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All right, I don't really do this but this is the plan.

1. Lose 20 pounds. Already lost 10 over the past few months by just doing karate so I'll continue with that.

2. Write more, a lot more. 5000 words a week.

3. Cut down on caffeine. I care for the well-being of my family too much to cut it out completely but down to one or two cups a day would be nice.

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Mine are:

1. Write fiction, it's been over a year and a half since I last did anything.

2. Finish all my college work and pass it.

3. Get into a Uni to study a course I want.

4. Write up where I see myself in five years.

5. Buy less shit.

6. Save more.

7. Be less safe, I just seem to be plodding along, I need to take chances and do things.

8. Go somewhere I've never been before.

9. Try and lose around 10 pounds, probably won't work, but I would like it.

10. Actually work on fixing my shitty grammar, spelling errors, and all round poor comprehension of the written english language.

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I'm not losing weight. Not even going to kid myself this year. I'm not gaining either, so I'm not going to stress about it anymore.

1) Read more novels with the purpose of becoming a better writer.

I average maybe 3 novels a year. This is not through lack of trying. My ADD just makes the whole process very difficult. Imagine reading a book, and every other paragraph, a siren goes off and breaks your concentration. You keep reading the words, but they become meaningless. Before you know it, you've reached the bottom of the page and don't remember a thing you just read. That's what it's like for me.

2) Meet new people.

I've completely given up on dating, but the holidays sort of reinforced my lack of a social life. It'd be nice to find some people to hang with, if nothing else.

3) Find a new line of work.

Not just a new job, but something that, at the very least, has a direction. I've been with the company that I work for over two years and never got a single raise due to corporate BS. Retail is an empty existence and my store may be closing soon anyway.

4) Get the fuck out of Maryland.

There's nothing for me here and I've been trying to get out for months now.

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Imagine reading a book, and every other paragraph, a siren goes off and breaks your concentration. You keep reading the words, but they become meaningless. Before you know it, you've reached the bottom of the page and don't remember a thing you just read. That's what it's like for me.

This happens to me, too.

You may be reading the wrong books. Don't force it. Find something you really love.

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-Finish DEX

-Figure out what the fuck is going on with my thesis

-Keep my fellowship/perfect record

-Don't fall behind on MAP again.

-Lose weight (blah blah, everyone wants this--we're all desk jockeys, after all. Maybe it'll be easier now that I'm not on hormonal birth control) by making food that isn't crap. I know how to do this. I will make the time to do it more.

And one pie-in-the-sky wish for this year:

Agent. Good God almighty, an agent.

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Imagine reading a book, and every other paragraph, a siren goes off and breaks your concentration. You keep reading the words, but they become meaningless. Before you know it, you've reached the bottom of the page and don't remember a thing you just read. That's what it's like for me.

This happens to me, too.

You may be reading the wrong books. Don't force it. Find something you really love.

It only happens when reading novels. I can't handle heavy exposition and my own writing reflects that with its minimalism.

I can read a book on theoretical physics and I'm fine, though.

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"Heavy" may be a strong word. Sometimes all it takes is for a character to pause for a second and think about the cabin back home for half a paragraph. It doesn't take much. Hell, I never finished American Gods, despite loving it (and Gaiman is pretty straightforward). I'd rather not read authors that write like me, because I hate how I write. Not to say I want to emulate someone else's style, but I'm trying to expose myself to more.

But yeah, trying. I work in a bookstore, so I'm exploring my options.

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The only true "resolution" I have for 2010 is to keep a detailed list of all the movies I see or buy (DVD), books I read or buy, etc. in the year 2010. Just to see how I will have passed the time and spent the money in the 365 (361, actually) days to come.* I started doing that last year (a habit I picked up reading James Reasoner's blog, back in the day) and made it to about March (was 30 deep on all of them) then was distracted by the shiny of meeting and falling in love with the awesome woman that is to be my wife. (Getting married this year, yay!)

* 5 movies already watched, and 4 books, 3 DVDs, and 2 CDS purchased. :blush:

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I'll join everyone is wanting to lose weight. I'm currently at 240, having lost a few pounds over break oddly enough. However, I still need to lose a few pounds or just firm up what I have.

Other (and more important) resolutions include:

-Read most of the books I've accumulated in the previous months. I'm forcing myself this time with punishment if I don't.

-Finish school. I need to do this. I can't afford to let the Spanish language continue to kick my ass.

-Get a better job. I love working at the bookstore but it also makes me miserable. That and a dead monkey could do a better job than our current Textbook Manager.

-Drop a few comics. Right now I average about 60 bucks a month because I can't work up the drive to switch to trades for a few of the titles or just say, no, I don't want to get this comic anymore. To be fair, post Blackest Night, I'm not going to be reading any event comics for a while. I burnt out on events.

-Write, for the love of god, write something not for game or class.

-Drink less soda. I was doing good for awhile but when I have people over I buy beverages and I had about a month there where I bought a cube of Mountain Dew a week.

-Try and not be such a pushover. Make people do stuff for themselves for once.

-Get a washer and dryer becaude I seem to be the only one of my roommates who hasn't promised to get one at one point or another and I need to do my laundry, bad.

And for my resolution that I have no real hopes on:

-Get something good written and submit it out to either an indy comic publisher or work up the nerve to send it out bigger and get published. A boy can dream.

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Night with a hooker: $100

Guy Gardner costume: $60

Mike's happiness: Priceless

Well, just a crappy Guy Gardner costume, sure, but if you want a good night, you need a lantern, you need to have some authenticity. We're looking at something between 150-300 dollars here and that's if you go for a crappy power battery repica. If you go for the light up DC Direct replica, 365 bucks there and you still need to get a Michigan sticker for it. For a good night as Guy Gardner, 500+ and that's not even including the Ice costume for the hooker.

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Night with a hooker: $100

Guy Gardner costume: $60

Mike's happiness: Priceless

Well, just a crappy Guy Gardner costume, sure, but if you want a good night, you need a lantern, you need to have some authenticity. We're looking at something between 150-300 dollars here and that's if you go for a crappy power battery repica. If you go for the light up DC Direct replica, 365 bucks there and you still need to get a Michigan sticker for it. For a good night as Guy Gardner, 500+ and that's not even including the Ice costume for the hooker.

Who said the hooker would be ice?

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