Episode 547


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For the second time in less than a month, Ian Wilson returns to Earth-2.net: The Show! This time around he's here to discuss Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2, as well as The Amazing Spider-Man! (For a complete look at Ian's coverage of the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies, listen to Earth-2.net: The Show 99, in which he spoke about Spider-Man 3.) [ 48:20 || 23.7 MB ]

To listen, click here: http://www.earth-2.net/theshow/episodes/e2ts_547.mp3

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Very nice job, but I'm not sure I agree with your summation of Peter's character in ASM. Much of your points regarding how he treats Aunt May and Uncle Ben and later on Capt. Stacy I honestly felt were more blamed on him being a dumb teenager lacking perspective rather than a genuine character flaw. If he treated Gwen, Connors or anyone else similarily I might agree. But I think generally he's shown to be a good guy who doesn't tend to think during moments of stress like Aunt May demanding to learn where he was or when Capt. Stacy dogs on Spider-Man. To each his own.

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You can certainly argue the "dumb teenager lacking perspective" point when Peter's with Capt. Stacey, because there is at least an implication there. The argument doesn't wash nearly as well when it comes to Aunt May. With Uncle Ben, he's still distracted by his powers, so it's fair enough, but Peter almost never thinks about his aunt until the very end of the film when he brings some eggs. The relationship is left on the high, and it can be argued that the end justify Peter's douchey means, but I maintain the fact that he doesn't even try to reach out to Aunt May makes him a more unsympathetic character.

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Well I suppose for the sake of comparison if only to further the point, the 2002 movie had Peter comfort May after the Burglar debacle, visit her for Thanksgiving and spend time with her in the hospital after Willem Dafoe forced her to finish the Lord's Prayer. In the comics during the Ditko era, as much as Peter was billed as a teenager, he was written pretty much as an adult and the teenage context rarely came into focus aside from older characters referencing it. So anytime May was in the picture, it was basically like the Raimi films as someone to only bring about pangs of guilt.

So I suppose your point does hold up although I think the scenes Koete mentioned do show that he hasn't forgotten May entirely, just largely lolz. Especially since May is played more as his mother figure than his elderly guardian. Still, I didn't take his neglectful nature towards his aunt reasons for him not to be likable or someone not worth rooting for if only because he had so much concern with trying to save the city. I mean, yeah. Since the movie focuses on his feelings of anger towards Ben's death, they should have concentrated more on May's grief since he's still living with her. It is an unfortunate afterthought and hopefully the sequel will address it.

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I see you points with the May problems and the cutting of the Oscorp guy's last scene however I still rather enjoy the film and did not have a problem with the villain plot. Sure it's silly but it seemed to work with the Marvel comic book set up to me. Granted as more of a DC guy I don't often read the Marvel titles although I watch the films. I have only seen The Amazing Spider-Man the once but after I saw it that time I thought it may be my favorite Marvel based film besting Avengers leaps and bounds (which I don't know where I place in the grand list of all Marvel films but I rank about third or forth in the new Marvel-owned continuity films series). Perhaps I need to take a good long look at all the Marvel films over again before I rank something like that.

About the review proper I was surprised you did not say Garfield 'Is British...and American' As if I recall he was born in the states.


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