Episode 96


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Dan and Mike take a look back at the first modern season, as well as Christopher Eccleston's time on <i>Doctor Who</i>, but only after they discuss the two-part story "Bad Wolf" / "The Parting of the Ways." <b>Note:</b> Between 10:25 and 13:10 there are spoilers for the seventh season. [ 2:12:45 || 64.0 MB ]

To listen, click here: http://www.earth-2.net/podcasts/biggerontheinside/episodes/bigger_096.mp3

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Adric - I'm better than you, I'm an elite

Rose - I cant work in a shop like other people, I'm better than that

To be fair, and I guess we will see this again when we get to the return of Sarah-Jane, this would be a good example of what happens after a companion is dropped off after their time with The Doctor is over. Especially someone Rose's age and mentailty.

Speaking of which, with the exception of the anniversary specials, providing a clip for Davison's regeneration, and Jamie in The Two Doctors, was there any other times where there was a possibility of a compainon returning?

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someone Rose's age

I have been persuaded that Rose's age isn't as big a factor as we can make it out to be. I can sit here and rail against "kids today", but people younger than Rose are extremely capable of being mature and thoughtful, and people far older are equally capable of being selfish and obtuse. Rose is selfish. Being 19 doesn't really factor into it.

Speaking of which, with the exception of the anniversary specials, providing a clip for Davison's regeneration, and Jamie in The Two Doctors, was there any other times where there was a possibility of a compainon returning?

Mawdryn Undead featured the return of the Brigadier, and was originally intended to bring back Ian Chesterton.

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I was gonna email this in, but figured I didn't want to burden the podcast with yet more Rose pro/anti flak.

Full disclosure: though I was a huge fan of Rose when you guys started your reviews of modern Who, I will admit that on more reflection, she wasn't as amazing as I remembered. However, I do take issue with your complaint about Rose's dialogue in the restaurant in "The Parting of the Ways."

Rose says "what am I supposed to do with my life" after being sent home, but I always read that as her saying "how can I go on living my life normally knowing that someone I truly care about, the most amazing person in the universe, is dying somewhere and I'm not doing anything to help him?" I think this is more to show Rose's desperate caring for the Doctor and her realization that the universe is bigger and more important than her and her life as a minimum-wage shop worker, not just her being whiny because she's stuck at home. Though, to be fair, since she's basically chosen to make the TARDIS (in its full traveling glory) her home at that point, some anger and disappointment would be natural.

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I'm realizing that apparently the way I always viewed Rose is very different from a lot of other people. I think the more positive version in my head is probably the version that was in RTD's head, but the one other people see is taken from the bare-bones what-we-see-on-screen-and-nothing-else version.

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I sometimes play a game with friends when we watch a movie. We'll come up with alternative character interpretations. For example, we were watching a movie this past weekend where we decided the female protagonist was training to be a Scooby Doo villain. Or like watching Showgirls and deciding that Nomi is Jesse Spano. The thing about that is we all have our own head canons. The key to remember about them though is that, unless the writer and director put it on screen with more than that scrap of something that spawned it, it's just that.

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I'd be lying if I said I didn't share Knighwing's point about Rose in the diner with Jackie and Mickey, but I've been coming off as a bit of a contrarian on these boards lately : p

I think the dialogue is outright selfish, but the way Piper played it gave me the impression that she was being less selfish than the script made her out to be. Idk how to fully explain that.

I suppose Rose is the third companion to cause the Doctor's death, after Grace and Peri.

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