You Know Who

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Everything posted by You Know Who

  1. Some feedback before we review Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, please?
  2. Thanks again for posting it! I apologize for some audio issues throughout. Also, bear in mind that this is our first foray into podcasting.
  3. Day 28 - The Most Obscure Comic You Own (the comic adaptation of the 2003 movie) Day 29 - Your Favorite Comic As a Kid
  4. Day 27 - Your Favorite Comic Book Film (Animated) A four-way tie:
  5. Day 26 - Your Favorite Comic Book Film (Live Action)
  6. Day 25 - Your Favorite Comic Book TV Show (Animated) This one, however, warrants a top five countdown, as well as my least favorite. Number Five: Number Four: Number Three: Number Two: Number One: Least Favorite
  7. Day 24 - Your Favorite Comic Book TV Show (Live Action) NONE. I have yet to come across a live-action comic book TV show that I've liked (bear in mind, though, that I have yet to see "The Walking Dead").
  8. "Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes", the fairly recent animated series, since the Fantastic Four is a group of heroes that I've never really known much about and always passed over in favor of Spider-Man and the X-Men. Saw the first two episodes and they weren't bad but not mind-blowing either. I don't mind the anime influences but still have to ask "What the fuck is up with Johnny Storm's hair?"
  9. Any chance there'll be any editions of this segment focusing on prominent comic book villains, like Magneto or Harley Quinn, or are you just doing heroes?
  10. Day 22- Your Favorite Trade/Hardback
  11. Day 21 - The Comic That Depicts Your Life ...I wish. I'm big and blonde but beardless and bilious.
  12. Ah, no this isn't Countdown to Final Crisis, the year long series/toilet paper substitute. Ah. My mistake.
  13. Why does that make you feel down? Does it have a cathartic conclusion or is it because of the wasted talent of Paul Dini among others in that series? Day 20 - A Comic That Makes You Feel Good
  14. It's a reference to an early 18th century French Libertine philosopher by the name of Baron Hulk Hogan. Ooh yeah! Signed, Macho Marquis Randy Savage Nomination for Post of the day anyone? Seconded.
  15. Ummmm...what exactly is the episode description referring to/homaging/parodying?
  16. Finally saw the "Night of the Batmen" episode. Pretty good, but I was rather disappointed that the way Batman finally got past Martian Manhunter didn't involve oreos (or chocos, or whatever they're called).
  17. Day 19 - A Comic That Makes You Feel Down Specifically the last issue in the storyline (Action Comics #870), which I unfortunately couldn't get an image of.
  18. I would not be sorry were that to happen. His art is the definition of "over-rendered".
  19. Day 18 - Your Favorite Non-Superhero Comic Honorable Mention
  20. Day 16 - A Comic You Used to Love, But Now Hate None. I pick up only trade paperbacks and only occasionally.
  21. yo took your advice and obtained Batman and Robin #1-3; will get back to you once I've read them

  22. Day 15 - Your Favorite Creative Team
  23. No, I haven't. I have yet to lift my rule against buying stuff by Grant Morrison (incidentally, I was thinking of lifting it and getting "The Return of Bruce Wayne" but your post about it earlier on this thread convinced me otherwise).