You Know Who

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Everything posted by You Know Who

  1. Actually, my theory is that he either does a lot of his drawings during earthquakes or that he has a terrible case of arthritis. As for all the unnecessary lines, that might be his inker being too slavish rather than Quitely's fault. While the panels above make better use of space and the faces aren't as hideous as in All-Star Superman, I'm still not impressed by the way he draws things like hands and lips.
  2. Which standards are you speaking of? If it's our standards of comic book art, I'll continue to recognize one of the greatest storytellers in modern comics if that's okay with you. Go ahead. If you don't mind all the needless lines on faces, over-sized lips, over-rendered foregrounds, and under-rendered backgrounds, there's little I can do to make you do so.
  3. Day 14 - A Comic By Your Least Favorite Artist Frank Quitely There. I said it. Get over it and raise your standards.
  4. South Park. Simpsons stopped being funny a long time ago and can't get away with nearly as much as South Park.
  5. An Ironette. Iron Man at least is hero who's worth a damn in the Marvel Universe, while Booster Gold's a second-stringer. Would you rather... be whacked in the head by Mjolnir OR be whacked in the head by Hawkgirl's Nth-level mace?
  6. Day 13 - A Comic By Your Favorite Artist Though I will admit that he isn't very good at drawing children.
  7. What do you mean by "[this writer] has lost the shine off of her"? Last I checked, Bill was a boy's name.
  8. Saw it last night. 'Twas verily awesome. The fact it was in 3-D made no difference, though.
  9. Good thing Thomas Deja and D.W. aren't on this thread, otherwise the former would be giving you lip about Winick and Dubs would be giving Koete, SuaveStar, and dc20willsave lip about Morrison. On a related note... Day 12 - A Comic By Your Least Favorite Writer Tony Daniel Why not Grant Morrison, you may ask? Because I by and large have liked what I've read of 52 so far (that being the first three volumes) and Lobo as written by Morrison is one reason why (for anyone who knows, please tell me what other parts of 52 he wrote). In addition, though I malign All-Star Superman for its plot structure and execution, the actual writing isn't terrible. Dishonorable Mention: I don't hate him as much as Mike or a lot of the other people here, but reading more of work has made me recognize that his work has way too much exposition/introduction, glaring plotholes, and has way too many characters in it. He does occasionally have a good command of dialogue, though, and, with a few infamous exceptions, knows how to choose good artists.
  10. Day 11 - A Comic By Your Favorite Writer
  11. Day 10 - A Comic With Your Favorite Character (Female)
  12. Day 9 - A Comic With Your Favorite Character (Male) Guess who...
  13. Day 8: The Comic You Can Quote Best I'm trying not to double-dip, but this has to be the one "Rorschach's Journal: October 13th, 1985, 8:30 PM...Veidt is a typical liberal. He is decadent and pampered, betraying even his own shallow, liberal affectations. Possibly homosexual? Must remember to investigate further."
  14. Paper-cut under fingernails; would be far less traumatic than seeing my own intestines opened I meant just the films you've reviewed written form excluding Saw, like The Last Airbender and The Death of Batman. Would you rather... live in a world where Captain Planet existed and he was the only superhero in existence OR live in a world where Jigsaw existed? I could live with Jigsaw existing considering he's nowhere near me. Would you rather... live in Gotham City or live in Marvel Comic's New York City? Marvel's New York City. I would sleep sounder knowing that there was a red-and-blue webslinger, a blind guy dressed as a devil, a maniac with a skull t-shirt, a quartet of science weirdos, and an entire academy of freaks protecting my native city than knowing if there was just a guy dressed a bat and few of his lackies doing the same thing. Would you rather... be a patient in an operating theatre with Magneto as the surgeon OR be a patient in the same operating theatre, only with the Joker as the surgeon?
  15. Paper-cut under fingernails; would be far less traumatic than seeing my own intestines opened I meant just the films you've reviewed written form excluding Saw, like The Last Airbender and The Death of Batman. Would you rather... live in a world where Captain Planet existed and he was the only superhero in existence OR live in a world where Jigsaw existed?
  16. within a span of twenty-four hours, mind you
  17. If there's just one capsule in a box of about thirty tic-tacs, I'd go with that. Wouldn't go up against a polar bear even if I had an AK-47 in hand. Would you rather... Sit through all seven Saw films back to back OR Sit through the seven lowest films you've ranked in your written Tranquil Tirades reviews (excluding the Saw ones, of course)?
  18. Day 5: Comic that reminds you of something This was a really tough one, but I ultimately have to go with this: Reminds me of my good friend and collaborator Chris Samson, who not only is a huge Bat-fan but is in the camp that believes that Batman can beat up Superman on a regular basis. Can't say I agree, despite preferring Batman to Superman.
  19. Wow, we actually agree about something. What indeed, prez?
  20. Oooo, forgot about Battle for the Cowl. Scratch "Lex Luthor: Man of Steel". This is now my "Dishonorable Mention".
  21. You are not a sufficiently unstoppable force to make this immovable object even consider surrendering.
  22. No. It looked ugly and pixilated, and Superman looks like a 6-year old boy in one particular panel. As for the story, it did rather little for me. What was the point of Batman being there anywhere?
  23. Day 4- Least Favorite Limited Series BEFORE any of you jump down my throats about my choice, bear in mind that 1) this is my least favorite limited series, not what I consider the worst of all time and 2) I'm counting only books which I've actually read in this thread. I know for a fact Ultimates 3, Countdown, Cry for Justice, All-Star Batman and Robin, and Onslaught Reborn are worse comics, based upon detailed reviews of them, but I'm not counting them. Therefore, my least favorite limited series is... Dishonorable Mention:
  24. Day 3- Favorite Comic (Limited Series) Honorable Mention: