You Know Who

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Everything posted by You Know Who

  1. Catwoman and Talia just keep flip-flopping between doing good and evil, and the latter is too beholden to Ra's to be compelling villain for me, especially not in a film where Ra's is dead. Catwoman at least is an independent woman, but I sort of have a bias against her because she's never really been portrayed too well on film or even in animated form and because I don't see Bruce/Batman falling for her so soon after the death of Rachel Dawes. Granted, there probably are good Talia and Catwoman stories out there which I haven't read, but I know for certain there is at least one extremely good Phantasm story in the form of Mask of the Phantasm. Incidentally, I just started reading Hush (though mostly for the artwork), so thanks for putting a damper on the experience.
  2. Though I know they won't do this, it would be awesome of the love interest/female antagonist was neither Catwoman nor Talia al Ghul but Andrea Beaumont/Phantasm. She's the best love interest Batman/Bruce Wayne has had in any media. PERIOD.
  3. Poll of best and worst DC Showcase Animated Shorts
  4. I'd like to see a Hawk and Dove episode on Batman: Brave and the Bold. That show does an awesome job making strong stories for C-listers like B'wana Beast and Red Tornado. I'm not sure if they were good episode material to begin with for the more serious JLU, though less preachyness and better action wouldn't have hurt their spotlight episode.
  5. Booster Gold may be annoying, but he's a fucking legend compared to Hawk and Dove. Why did we have to have an episode devoted them?
  6. Then I apologize for the careless wording of that statement. I did not in any way mean to invite name-calling of that level on the forums and sully a website that so many people have worked hard to make great.
  7. It pains me to complain about an episode of The Show featuring the hilarious team that is James Deaux and Dubs, but I nearly fell asleep during this episode. James' roommate was frankly a rather weak co-star even for someone contributing to a podcast for the first time (look how funny Pandy was in his first appearance on For Your Ears Only). I really hope he doesn't come back for the next audio addition of Tranquil Tirades. Some background about the game and its characters before the review would also have helped for those of us who have never played it. Tell me I'm wrong and that I'm being a bitch about it, but that's seriously how I feel about this episode.
  8. what? no scores for "Saw 3D" or "Saw I"? Not even a "fuck you" out of five? for shame
  9. FUCKING HILARIOUS My only complaint is that Dubs didn't name names in his final rant about overrated writers. Who might these writers be and where can I find rants of yours about them?
  10. Is it, though? Think about it. When have you ever read a superhero story in which evil actually won? I'm not talking about in the short term; I mean overall. Superman will always defeat Lex Luthor. Spider-Man will always defeat Doc Ock. The Fantastic Four will always beat Doctor Doom. It's a law of virtually EVERY superhero story, not just the DCU. The DC Universe is a place where the literary laws of storytelling become literal laws. Ideas and concepts are actual entities unto themselves. It's actually pretty brilliant. What incentive do you have to read ANY story if there's a law within the universe dictating that the hero will eventually win??? You expect it to happen but it being stated within the work does give you any reason to care about whether the hero succeeds or not. But anyway, we're getting off-topic...
  11. good triumphing over evil is a known law of reality within the DC universe? I'm sorry but that's really LAME O, and forgot to add DC: New Frontier to the list of comics I read this year; fantastic book Trade paperback count: 10
  12. I won't argue your point about Frank Quitely since I know he's very much a love him or hate him artist (I love his work, but will admit JLA: Earth-2 has my least favorite art of his), but what did you find lacking about the resolution and how was it not new reader friendly? Maybe "not new reader friendly" isn't the right term, but it still felt as though this wasn't the first time we'd seen them before in the series. As for the resolution, I was expected a big-ass battle between the Justice League and the Crime Syndicate, rather than the former just going into the latter's world and putting them in check, but I suppose the book was too short to allow for that.
  13. I've only recently gotten into comics and didn't pick up my first DC book until 2008, so my comments might be a little shallow -Kingdom Come- interesting story though I slightly prefer Ross' work in "Justice" to this one and wasn't too crazy about Norman McCay and the handling of his character -Battle for the Cowl- Picked up because I wanted to see if I liked Dick as Batman; art was alright but think I would've enjoyed it more if I'd read "Batman: Under the Red Hood" and more stories with Damien Wayne; Terry McGinnis is still the other person other than Bruce Wayne who I'd fully accept as Batman -JLA: Earth-2- Picked up in anticipation for Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, but was turned off Frank Quitely's ugly character designs and the lack of a satisfying resolution to the story; my first and, to date, only exposure to Grant Morrison as a solo writer; not new reader friendly at all -Sinestro Corps War, Part 1- Epic storyline and my first exposure to Geoff Johns and what he's done to the Green Lantern mythos; particularly like the fight between Kilowog and Arkilo -Superman: Brainiac- Very strong Geoff Johns Superman story, with awesome art by Gary Frank and very sad ending -Superman and the Legion of Superheroes- Another awesome Johns-Frank Superman story; appreciation of it was enhanced by watching The Legion of Super-Heroes cartoon around the same time and getting to know the legionnaires through that show -52, Volume 1- Intriguing storyline making me interested in characters I otherwise wouldn't give a shit about like Ralph Dibny and Renee Montoya; looking forward to Volume 2! -Sinestro Corps War, Part 2- Suffers a bit from me not having read the first part in a while and the art is kinda weak in the eighth issue, but still a good follow-up to Part 1; ending makes me interest in picking up Blackest Night Those are my two cents; spend them as you will.
  14. I'll agree with that. First time watching it, I thought it was awesome, but with each subsequent viewing, it just got less and less enjoyable. I think the only one I still actually like is the Deadshot story. First time I saw it my attention drifted quite a bit, surprising since I was really high on the idea at the time. However I watched it back not long ago and really liked it. I wouldn't call it an overall film or anything, more a collection like the Showcase stuff, but it's still worth watching. WOW...we agree about something
  15. My second worst would probably be Crisis on Two Earths or one or both of the Superman/Batman films. Care to elaborate on why First Flight and Gotham Knight rank low for you?
  16. I was gonna add third question asking what everyone thought the best DC Showcase was thus far, but I'll delay that until "The Return of Black Adam" comes out
  17. With all the superhero media we've had, I'm past the point of being impressed by fight scenes. I'm still impressed by good animation, imagination and willingness to show brutality. Wonder Woman was good for that, as was everything in Superman/Batman: Apocalypse after Barda showed up. I can't remember any of the fights from Public Enemies. How does one forget the massive battle Superman and Batman have with all the villains trying to hunt them down to collect the reward money? (Note: For all that I'm defending the movie, I think it was average at best.) I remember they did the Claw of Horus bit without explaining why it was significant. Apparently, a lot of important stuff in the comic didn't make it to movie or was changed for the worse. The Claw of Horus is the tip of iceberg. Who gives a damn about Hawkman anyway?
  18. With all the superhero media we've had, I'm past the point of being impressed by fight scenes. I'm still impressed by good animation, imagination and willingness to show brutality. Wonder Woman was good for that, as was everything in Superman/Batman: Apocalypse after Barda showed up. I can't remember any of the fights from Public Enemies. How does one forget the massive battle Superman and Batman have with all the villains trying to hunt them down to collect the reward money? (Note: For all that I'm defending the movie, I think it was average at best.)
  19. With all the superhero media we've had, I'm past the point of being impressed by fight scenes. Fair enough.
  20. That is true, and is also a symptom of Superman/Batman: Apocalypse. In terms of animation models, both of those films are mixed bags, but certainly better than those of Superman: Doomsday.
  21. Superman: Doomsday at least had the scene where the clone removed the ball of lead from his brain. Public Enemies has no such moments that stand out. It had some pretty awesome fight scenes, if you ask me (excepting the unresolved Superman and Batman vs. Captain Marvel and Hawkman one).
  22. care to elaborate on the latter? I liked New Frontier quite a bit, too, and can see why some people would put it above Wonder Woman, but Public Enemies worse than Superman: Doomsday?
  23. Best: Wonder Woman (see KnightWing's post) Worst: Superman: Doomsday (see James' Tranquil Tirade on the film)