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Everything posted by Gareth

  1. "The film is the second in Smith's True North Trilogy."
  2. Contact (1985) by Carl Sagan Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life (1995) by Anne Lamott Hollywood Cartoons: American Animation in Its Golden Age (1999) ​by Michael Barrier Of Mice and Magic: A History of American Animated Cartoons, Revised and Updated Edition (1987) by Leonard Maltin Novels: 4 Non-Fiction: 3
  3. More like the "Hey this IS Poison Ivy RIGHT NOW" stuff. That's part of what I hated so much. They spelled everything out like I was a five year old. "Look here's a girl dressed in a tight black suit stealing things and feeding cats." You're telling me that she had been doing this exact stuff since she was ten and there was no specific event to lead her to this lifestyle? That is God stupid. Look here's a fast talking guy who's obsessed with riddles. Here's a weird aloof "plant freak" girl. Here's a short fat guy with an umbrella whose nickname is "the penguin"?! I-I don't think I quite get it yet, give me a few more hints. We're not learning about how they got to be this way, they're just already insane. That is so much less interesting. I wanted to see a pre-mental breakdown, Oswald Cobblepot, instead I just see a young version of The Penguin. They should have shown us people who we don't immediately recognize, facing severe emotional trauma or abuse compounded with living in a crime ridden city. Their mental state begins steadily deteriorating as they're comic-persona start to shine though and finally Batman's appearance is the last straw. That's one of the most interesting parts of the modern Batman mythos, that it wasn't until Batman's arrival that all these freaks started to come out of the woodwork. Remember in The Long Halloween when Gordon implies that Batman is the cause of all the madness in Gotham and Batman refuses to accept it. That's fascinating. Instead, the show gives us what is essentially a live action version of "Gotham High," you know, that terrible April Fools Day joke from a few years back. Where everyone has already settled into their over-the-top personas for no discernible reason except so dumb TV watchers can congratulate themselves for recognizing that "oh yeah, that's the penguin!" A hugely missed opportunity. That and the show is just fucking terrible in every other aspect as well.
  5. Well Prime Kirk's dead right? So it can't really be a flashback.
  6. I thought it might be a good idea to dedicate a thread to the independent movies we watch. Just for recommendations and discussion. There are so many great films that I don't hear about until years down the road so what are some great films, new and old, that no one seems to know or talk about? I'll throw out two, Short Term 12 and Blue Ruin. Both great films that are currently on Netflix.
  7. Gareth


    The Star Wars booth at Comic Con 1976
  8. After all the shit they pulled in Into Darkness, I don't really care as long as it's a fun movie.
  9. On the other hand, I think the pilot of Smallville is a far better series opener. At least that one didn't insult me as a viewer.
  10. Honestly, that's probably true.
  11. So I watch a little more, it's really fucking bad. One of the worst pilots I've seen in recent memory.
  12. Who cares if it's """"good""""? It'll be fun as fuck.
  13. Based on the first ten minutes, it was quite bad.
  14. Generally, I enjoy great movies more the second time.
  15. Well then I guess I'd throw in the original Star Wars trilogy as well. That'd be crazy, not knowing..
  16. Probably The Dark Knight. I was really too young to grasp it the first time I saw it. That was almost 7 years ago BTW!
  17. Inception - 10/10 This is Spinal Tap - 11/10 This is Spinal Tap.
  18. Gareth


    I'm with you man. I still drink coffee but I've sworn off soda completely. I haven't had a carbonated beverage so far this year, and I don't miss them.
  19. I love this so much! My 70's TV! My 80's TV! My 90's TV!
  20. That's always been a favorite of mine.