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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Okay, so we've got Brett Ratner... okay... and Eddie Murphy... Mm-hmm... yeah... Well, that's $10 I don't have to spend.
  2. That can't be right. I was a college sophomore when Bill Bixby died. Oh, fuck. I am old. Ha! If I remember correctly, he died shortly after an appearance on Arsenio Hall that I saw when I was a very young teenager. You are old. Get off my lawn. Damn hippie. I honestly believe that the first Hulk movie is something that people will appreciate more years down the line. It's not perfect - it moves too slowly and it's at least half an hour too long - but there's a LOT of good stuff in there. I love the "comic panel" layout.
  3. Dan

    DC Universe #0

  4. He's pretty fun, but part of it is that the Order is filled with a lot of wooden and fairly uninteresting personalities, and Stane steals every panel he's in almost by default.
  5. Having read last months The Order, I want to go on record as saying that I would buy a lifetime subscription to Zeke Stane and Friends.
  6. I've only reviewed one Mike Carey X-book, and it was... okay. At best. I assume (and Des, please correct me if I'm wrong) that Des will stop crapping on X-books when the X-books stop... what's the word? Sucking. I actually assume this has something to do with editorial fiat; good writers will come on the X-books and churn out garbage. Robert Kirkman's another one. I'm not sure it's the writer, but the editors whose hands are on the wheel.
  7. Please. I've punched a hole in a cheesecake lots of times. Well, by "punch" I mean eat. Erm... Eat a hole in a cheesecake. Sigh.. yes, all right... eat a whole cheesecake. Damn... here come the cheesecake sweats...
  8. I realize that thisis going to be a Boll-centric panel, but will there be any room for "Death of Batman" survivors? Or should I plan on organizing a separate support group? "Fan Films: Star Wars: Revelations: Worth Your Time. Death of Batman: Not So Much."
  9. Anyway... I do believe that cat allergies are the worst allergies there are; partly, at least, because the cat is doing it intentionally. Hope you're feeling better.
  10. You know, someday, there will be more movies in the Saw franchise than there are Police Academy flicks. At that point, the world will implode upon itself.
  11. WOW. I CARE ABOUT A FUCKING PUPPET AND HIS GODDAMNED TRICYCLE. REALLY, I DO. :youlose: See now, if this was a comic book, you'd have a three-issue story arc detailing the Secret Origin of the Tricycle Puppet. I have it on good authority that he people who spend money to watch this crap are subsequently allowed to vote.
  12. You, me, and tens of millions of other pre-pubescent young men. I'm pretty sure she's officially the all-time hottest woman ever shoved into Lycra.
  13. And hey, here's a truly frightening fun fact: for reasons that will undoubtedly remain fuzzy for many years to come, some of the episodes discussed here are actually available to view for free on NBC.com.
  14. Okay, these lullabye CDs are... kind of awesome. They're really mellow, and yet unbelievably sinister at the same time.
  15. So, are you able to do that without throwing up in your mouth a little?
  16. It's not fucking things up; it's adopting, adapting and improving classic properties to fit the needs and sensibilities of the modern moviegoing audience. Studio executives will always know what we, the ticket buying public, really want. Wow. I actually felt myself die a little inside while I typed that. I wholeheartedly approve of the new avatar, Yoda.
  17. Is "Hooker with a Penis" on it? If so, then I'd have to agree... Is it? 'Cause I have a brand new niece whose music library is a little short on transvestite lullabyes. Well, you could get Mutter by Rammstein, which has a song about a hermaphrodite on it. That sounds doable. I figure I've probably got at least three more wholly inappropriate gifts before her parents ask me to stop coming around for a while.
  18. Is "Hooker with a Penis" on it? If so, then I'd have to agree... Is it? 'Cause I have a brand new niece whose music library is a little short on transvestite lullabyes.
  19. Awesome review, sir Dubs. Too many online reviewers break games down into varying shades of r0XX0r or teh suck. You take the time to go into a fair amount of detail here. I'm a fan.