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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Yeah...pulling the curtain back a little bit, I wasn't happy with this one and I think it may be because it was so negative. The best part about it is that he wanted to stay Blackbeard!
  2. Dread

    Episode 31

    It is available on the Masters of Horror "Soundtrack" Or by email <wink>
  3. Step 1 in the George Perez school of art: If the image isn't the busiest piece of art you've ever seen, then it isn't done.
  4. Dread

    Episode 31

    Ahem! Don't get used to it...just sayin'
  5. I'm just glad that in some small way I had a part in bringing this emoticon to Earth-2.net. I'd like to thank God, Jesus my lord and savior for without whom nothing happens. My mom. My agent, Larry Dershowitz and my manager Johan Levinstein. And Puffy. I love you man!
  6. Tell him there's a fly buzzing around his head Yes, yes it is.
  7. Dread

    Episode 31

    Me too. HM is a great service and will still sing their praises sponsorship or not. Sign up for the newsletter and read the copy yourself It's the Dread Media homegame! They turned me into a rare book collector...that is until my wife sees the Visa bill. Did you grab anything from Lurker Films? Then my work is done. I have some more coming up, I wouldn't recommend Aftermath to anybody except the most jaded of horror fans but it is still a beautiful film. In the creepiest and most profane way imaginable. SGT is the best way to start. Although I dare you to sit through all of "Ruta Destroy" without eating the barrel of a shotgun. 13 films, only three are terrible.
  8. Ditto. Except Casino Royale. Good movie, not great but about a million times better than any of the other films. I'll still be listening. Damn your sly Canadian woman stealing silver tongued tea-drinking devilry!
  9. That's sad...I now have full recollection of that.
  10. I believe it's Mike you agree with. But I still say that issue stands on its own. It's written in an arc like we're all so used to but it is enough on its own. Anita Blake? not so much
  11. "Nazi bees, my God" I love it!
  12. I'll take that as the highest of compliments... ...and the lowest
  13. Dread

    Episode 31

    I know. It felt to me like I covered a lot in this episode but with short films come short reviews and I had a lot of content I could include. I got the artist's name of Gravel wrong. I'll correct myself on ep 32. Meshes in the Afternoon is on my evening Youtube plate. Cheers! Thanks for listening Dubs!
  14. If someone says something preposterous or hard to believe, instead of saying "Get outta here" I say "Fuck off!" That only comes across in the right context in certain circles.
  15. In listening to my interviews? "Sure" I have to stop that.
  16. Can anyone else wait for Thor to kill Superman in the Marvel U when he's public domain? Don't get me wrong. Superman will never be in the public domain. They won't let it happen.
  17. But how was the art? I kid. Solid review of the approach of the book rather than the intricacies of the book itself. This is the kind of the book (ie: one with a message) where that review is more necessary than a straight review and I think it was done admirably. I never bothered picking it up because the premise was tailor-made to me and seemed all: "ooh, this is edgy and relevant." I liked the book better when it was a movie called Escape from New York
  18. Fuck that! Why do you think they're coming? Wildcat can't get Werewolf Rape Porn at the JSA headquarters.
  19. Thanks Dubs! Seriously I have to say that the first five Essential Fantastic Four collections are about as essential as Marvel books get. Especially that third volume.
  20. Dread


    Exactly...if the only interesting thing about a character is the mystery of how she remains upright then it isn't even a character in my eyes.
  21. Dread


    We can only hope. The only problem I have with the current JSA is her heightened role. Lamest. Character. Ever. Matter Eater Lad is cooler.
  22. Thanks Dan. Glad to share the Thursday slot with such a vociferous writer.
  23. Scooby Doo and Underdog both suck. And Dan used vociferously in a sentence...just wanted to point that out.
  24. That's all I want with this article. Thanks. I meant to mention that! I've seen it happen before but it has always been after he has "stretched himself to his very limit" a few times but never before when it wasn't touched upon in the writing. I blame Stan. The verbal stylings of Mr. Grimm are certainly something of an upcoming topic.