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Everything posted by Dread

  1. That's all I want with this article. Thanks. I meant to mention that! I've seen it happen before but it has always been after he has "stretched himself to his very limit" a few times but never before when it wasn't touched upon in the writing. I blame Stan. The verbal stylings of Mr. Grimm are certainly something of an upcoming topic.
  2. Oh, shit, yeah. Dude'll be on your front steps waiting for you when you get home tomorrow. Oh, crap! Warren Ellis! Noooooooooo! Don't worry, Dan. He's crippled, a smoker and probably drunk. You can outrun him.
  3. While I so entirely agree with your choices, Mike, to me Brazil is the only possible answer. It is epic brilliance on a scale never seen before. I love a lot of Gilliam films but there was absolutely no choice for me there. Seen Tideland? Creeeeeeeepy
  4. Dread

    Torrent help

    You may or may not find some links here that may interest you...the first one on the list may or may not be the most relevant.
  5. I think you're giving Miller too much credit. I think that he wrote shit. For much of his output outside of Batman, Daredevil and Sin City, he's written mediocre at best work. He's a great artist, an ok writer.
  6. Dread

    Torrent help

    Yoda, limit your uploading to about 20kb/s or methinks you'll be getting a call from your ISP...
  7. The whole Spawn Batman crossover was utter pish. Pish, I say! My window into the nineties comes straight from Savage Dragon because it holds up.
  8. Finally got around to listening. Congratulations to Mike on the prize...and now to bribe Yoda for the man's address to hunt me down some Madman Gargantua! Congrats Mike and Jenny on 200! When do we start talking about plans for episode 300 That is a joke only Yoda will get. Buzz off, headscratchers!
  9. Dread

    Confession Time

    I've been told I look like him by several different people. One person even mistook me for him. We're from the same area. So now beyond hating myself every time I look in the mirror I have to watch my back for Stavros!
  10. Dread

    Confession Time

    I once killed a kid for some Nacho Fiesta flavored Cheerios Snack Mix. Well, it was an ant, but he was hauling off with my flavored Shreddie! Homey don't play that!
  11. Dread

    Confession Time

    Ok ok, I have a confession also, I am really yoda I call shenanigans...although. I've never seen them together at the same time...OR HAVE I?!
  12. Dread


    Ok. Finally read Kick-Ass. I thought it was in a word: excellent. Funny, brutal, realistic and charming. That is, by the way, the best JRJr's art has looked in ages. After seeing Planet Hulk I'd thought he lost it but it's good to see him churning stuff this nice out. Millar is up and down for me but this is the best stuff he's done since Ultimates.
  13. Dread

    The Music Thread

    A freakin GREAT album even with the harmony lifted from Unforgiven it is brilliant. I'm listening to Turbonegro's "Party Animals" album. Listened to a lot of Hella, John Zorn and The Locust over the past few days and need some straight ahead kickass rock and roll to clear my head.
  14. This would be argument #3 by my account...
  15. I would hope its more of a version of Jonah Hex...without a Crank twist.
  16. ...and it's by the guys who wrote Crank.
  17. This is freaky beyond words. My work here is done! Seriously, it's been swell guys. I have been a sleeper agent only building a loyal following before I leave to write my werewolf rape epics. That search term just gave me the plot to the fourth novel. See ya suckers!!!
  18. Will you have my babies? No seriously, take them. I need to sleep. That was the shit! I even could have done without the commentary at the end. It was very satisfying. Funnily enough during the whole Sharkopod nonsense, I said to myself, "That could be the next Mansquito!" Lo and behold...I don't get The SCI FI Channel, but Mansquito is a legend.
  19. Is that directed at me? That's Yoda. Not me.
  20. I have to jump in here mo-di-fy - to change somewhat the form or qualities of Seems to me, going from static image on a page to a moving picture is more than enough to be considered both a modification and an adaptation. Also, it mashes together four separate (yet intertwined) stories in publication to one film.
  21. I'm actually more looking forward to the education. What is this Death Note all the kids are talking about. Go light on the horror Kellen, I spend enough money as it is...
  22. Right on, Kellen. Do you plan on covering the live action Uzumaki film? That's a masterpiece in my eyes. PS Sorry for the nonsense...I get carried away.
  23. It's all DW's fault...and for that, Avril will save him for last.
  24. We have a failsafe for Avril. She can only go south. We have programmed her with a love for Taco Time and Jack in the Box...Canada has neither of these... Goodbye lower portion of North America.
  25. And we sent her to you! All a part of our Aural Warfare takeover! Avril Lavigne, Bryan Adams and Shania Twain are all part of our plan as well. Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!