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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Dread

    The Music Thread

    Actually, anything good to come from AIC was written by Cantrell. He still liked his heroin. Just not enough to die.
  2. Dread

    The Music Thread

  3. Dread

    The Music Thread

    Heroin's a hell of a drug...
  4. Dread

    The Music Thread

    Those who listen to DM know that I"ve had an unhealthy obsession with the Conan the Barbarian score lately. I want to crush my students, see them driven before me and hear the lamentation of their Facebook friends...
  5. Stole the keystrokes right out of my fingertips.
  6. I see your point but you have to realize that this is the most fictionalized show about medicine EVER. A doctor-regardless of pedigree or renown-who acts in such a way would have their license stripped. Period. Not to mention the fact that his addiction being known in the hospital makes everybody who employs him and works under him as legally liable as him. "Do no harm" is part of the Hippocratic Oath.
  7. Didn't Arachne flee to Canada rather than register?
  8. Because it was post CW. And Tony sent USAgent to spy. I tried to block it out.
  9. Has something changed in Omega Flight? As far as I know it isn't an Initiative branch. Canada has had a superhero registration act for close to 20 years now. In Marvel continuity that is (we still have trouble keeping those fellas in tights reined in up here in the real world) Only gripe. otherwise, great set o' reviews!
  10. Was that an Asian joke? Not cool, man... :laugh:
  11. House is the one of the best shows on tv. Now we can talk about Lost if you want to talk shit shows. At least each episode of Lost is somewhat different. What follows is the plot of every episode of House: -person falls deathly ill for unknown reason -treated for most obvious diagnosis: patient reacts badly -House can't be bothered to stop playing guitar/popping pills/sticking his nose in relationships/being an asshole/bouncing a rubber ball against a wall to try and figure anything out. -Patient almost dies because of House not being involved. -House orders a round of tests and sends two understudies to patient's home to check for mold and shit -Patient seemingly gets better then dips to near death again. -Team looks at symptoms in a new way and tries mre shit that doesn't work -House forces patient to admit they are lying by trying to kill them. -Turns out it's a brain tumor (80% of the time) If House is one of the best shows on TV then television is even more creatively bankrupt than I thought.
  12. I called it. At least partially. At least this lull has made my wife uninterested in House. One shit show down the drain...
  13. Wow...that is crazy. He was almost two years younger than me. I became pretty involved in his stuff through IIWY and he always had beautiful work. A damn shame. People can stop dying for a few days, now.
  14. Fuckin' hell! When it rains it pours... RIP
  15. Infidel! Aparo preserve me! You will all be destroyed in the name of Aparo!!!
  16. That's an excellent point. My fond memories of this story (and this era in general) probably come from the fact that I would have been about 14 or so at the time, and totally caught up in the hype surrounding the movie. I will always stand by my mancrush on Jim Aparo, though. Aparo is a man god! All glory to Aparo! Aparo-u-akbar!
  17. That's an excellent point. My fond memories of this story (and this era in general) probably come from the fact that I would have been about 14 or so at the time, and totally caught up in the hype surrounding the movie. I will always stand by my mancrush on Jim Aparo, though. Aparo is a man god!
  18. Batman: Year One: What else to say about this? THE definitive Batman stories all others will be compared to. Batman: Year Two Fear the Reaper: Only worth it for the Alan Davis art but this is a bit of a stinker. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: For me, this one's overrated but I really like what Miller was doing with page layouts and storytelling. Really European in style. Batman: A Death in the Family: My guilt little pleasure. I loved this book because I read it at the right time. Does it hold up? I think so but others don't. Any Sin City Novel(I do have The Hard Goodbye): Most are pretty good. The original is the best. But I have a soft spot for The Big Fat Kill.
  19. Star of the best movie of all time: Jaws. He'll be missed.
  20. A darker element? Conan the Barbarian was fucking dark. This Conan is not confirmed as a Rob Zombie film. His camp is notorious for jumping the gun and saying "yeah we're doing this." If you are to believe them, then CHUD is being remade by Zombie, Werewolf Women of the SS is getting its own feature. He's getting to be like Tarantino. His next film is titled Tyrannosaurus Rex and will be started after Haunted World of el Superbeasto is finished. Don't believe the hype! http://www.dreadcentral.com/node/26081