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Everything posted by slothian

  1. That the whole thing really annoys @Preston is just the sweetest icing on the cake!
  2. I believe she starred in Nickelodeon/Disney Channel sitcom. That's the extent of my knowledge about her.
  3. Totally by chance too! The Smackdown roster are staying at my hotel. I arrived to find the entrance cordoned off and then the next thing I know, I'm having a selfie with Daniel Bryan!
  4. HHH also picked up an injury in that match, and he was the youngest guy involved.
  5. I mean, all tag teams are formulaic to some extent - the big teams in the 1980s being a prime example. It's more the storylines that they involve themselves in that, to me, defines them. Think how damn bland The Usos were a couple of years ago before they turned heel and had an epic feud with The New Day. As far as I'm concerned, the Outlaws never had a big match or major rivalry that defined them as an all-time great match - they were merely the most over team in a poor era of tag wrestling. Incidentally, I think history will be kinder to the New Day, as they've not only had some great matches/feuds, but their promos, side projects and ability to switch out members through the Freebird rule have kept them fresh and given them longevity.
  6. I like the way Mr Smis thinks! ....that doesn't really work with Mike's surname...
  7. If you get a chance, I'd recommend the Attitude Era podcast which is hosted by 3 university chums under 30. The main host is Irish and watched the entire era (defined as WM14 to WM17) contemporaneously, whereas his English colleagues have respectively watched the latter half of the era at the time, and wasn't watching wrestling at all at the time. I bring this up because the guy who didn't start watching wrestling until 2006 (the poor guy) immediately took a dislike to the New Age Outlaws and managed to ruin them for the other hosts by pointing out how formulaic they were.
  8. See, I never get whether kids these days regards "the hot shit" as a positive or a negative. I am truly on the Toland train in that respect.
  9. Also Halloween (1978) vs Die Hard With A Vengeance
  10. Notwithstanding the Flickchart Forum, I'd put it at #2 between the original and H20. Does everything you could want, there's 3 final girls of sorts and tips it's hat to pretty much all the previous instalments (including Halloween 3). It isn't flawless - there are tonal issues - and it wears its sequel status on its sleeve, but it was a great cinematic experience.
  11. I have two ideas, with at least one tentatively agreed, to do before going back to a franchise. Superman appeals more in that only the first live action film has been covered on The Show before, but then next year is the 80 year anniversary of Batman's debut, so that one makes more sense.
  12. It's Tomlinson Award-winning!
  13. 1,003: The Moss-covered Three-handled Family Gredunza. 1,004: Armbar
  14. Johnny Depp walks*, James Gunn gets fired. Loving the consistency of Disney's moral employment practices. *Innocent until proven guilty and all that, but he's pretty damaged goods at this stage, whatever the scuttlebutt.
  15. Somewhere in Chicago, @The Master is dancing a jig.
  16. Yeah, without going into specifics, an extremely close family member, as well as one of my cousins, went through lymphoma and that was pretty bleak (both are in remission, thankfully). Black humour probably not appropriate on my part, but you have to be a pretty despicable wrestling mark to be glad that a wildly misbooked wrestler needs cancer treatment. Seemingly Twitter is being shockingly well-behaved on that front.
  17. That's a pretty drastic measure of getting over as a face...
  18. "Oscar Award winning" and "great movie" are not mutually exclusive - the easiest example being Braveheart. But if Spotlight is good, then fair play to it.
  19. Halloween III: Season of the Witch vs Bugsy Malone
  20. Damn! And I liked the first Suicide Squad, but a James Gunn Suicide Squad movie?!? Sign me up!
  21. My only concern is that if Wilson Jr. doesn't postpone Cate Blanchett month, then next year is something of a sausage-fest. Miranda Otto's possible, I guess, but I'm struggling beyond Tyler/Blanchett/Otto. And whilst I'm on my inclusivity soapbox, it's a bit Oscars 2016 too, if you get my drift. That being said, that's more on the casting/studios than it is the concept itself. For the record, I am up for the Year of Tolkein if the demand's there as it is a theme that has legs, as Mike's demonstrated above.
  22. That's very much up to your lawyer. And before you ask, I don't practice in the US.
  23. New series has begun. Won't spoil anything, but I enjoyed it a lot. Very different to the New Who that's come before and Whittaker comes across as a hybrid of 9 & 10 in my opinion.
  24. Not seen it, but I obviously have to ask how prominent she is in what is clearly an ensemble film (without spoilers, obviously). Yeah, take that Pandy!