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Everything posted by drqshadow

  1. Since they're giving it away at no charge, that means I can go trade my 20GB hard drive for one of these new 60 giggers, right? Man, the one thing Sony did right with the PS3 was their non-proprietary HDD format...
  2. What was Batman coming back with that night?
  3. One of my favorite weeks of IIWY? yet. Dan, you're on top of your game in that Thor review. That was solid gold.
  4. Yeah, that moment still sends shivers down my spine every time I read it. Probably one of my five favorite moments in all of comics. The V for Vendetta version is just as good... even though the circumstances are completely different.
  5. The graphics look great but that music makes me want to punch myself in the face.
  6. Looks purdy. As somebody who's only played CoD2... did they ever do a WWI game?
  7. He was a brilliant comedian in his prime, inspired most of today's top comedians, and remained sharp until the day he died. That's the way to leave a legacy. RIP
  8. I saw the goatse one yesterday, and thought it was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. Sadly, YouTube has since removed it.
  9. Now that I've had some time to digest this, I actually think a lot of it is an improvement. I'm not crazy about the totally bleak, grey palette they've used to re-color the Joker, but the rest of the changes are for the better and even that panel has a lot of perks. I love the differences in the way his eyes are colored - they're twice as piercing and haunting with the new colors - and although I don't agree with the decision to nix the purple gloves, I have to admit the lighter color does a much better job of bringing out his hair. The gleam of his lipstick and improvements in the coloration of his teeth make a big difference, too. Also, this is a minor thing that I only really noticed because I know the difference between the printing processes involved, but take a look at the shade of black that's used on his head's shadow when it overlaps his button-up. In the original coloration, it's a mildly different tone than the shadow that carries through to his vest, where in the new version they're identical, which I think brings a lot more the composition. I think maybe with a bit more saturation in his wardrobe, I'd be universally in favor of the new colors, but that's a major stumbling block. As is, it's like most of the scenes were run through a filter and clarified significantly... and I love that Gordon has abandoned the fluorescent yellow overcoat and hat. Something a bit more like this...
  10. http://www.popcultureshock.com/killing-jok...tered-13/43466/ Looks interesting, at the very least... I don't know if the new colors are an improvement, but they're certainly different.
  11. Yeah, I loved it, and I wouldn't have even thought twice about it if I hadn't been given issue #1 to review for IIWY?
  12. I think it looks pretty silly, but it's Pixar so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
  13. drqshadow


    Yeah, just read it and once again totally loved it. I never know what's next with this series, and that's a lot of what's so enthralling about it. Where the hell can they go from here...?! I also love that the protagonist routinely gets his ass kicked. Like, in every single fight. Maybe his name has a double meaning? :smile:
  14. Didn't buy the issue, but I flipped through it and thought the big reveal was a good idea, at least. Anything that leads to an original idea in the Ultimate Universe, and not a simple retelling of a twenty year old 616 story with new wardrobe, well, that's good by me. Dread, you're nuts. Ellis's run on UF4 was the last time I really, really enjoyed that book, and Ultimate Human was excellent as well.
  15. That does look excellent.
  16. Thanks, guys! A much smaller than usual IIWY this week, but I don't think the quality slid at all. Dan, you make for a fine partner in crime!
  17. This may be the worst movie I've seen since Episode III. Utter garbage. I wish I hadn't gone.
  18. Sorry to hear that, dude. We'll keep your spot warm for you until you get back.
  19. Much as I loved Clerks, Chasing Amy and Dogma, I think I'm over Kevin Smith. This looks amusing, but it's like he's running around in circles now.
  20. Here come the google search results!
  21. That is absolutely brilliant.
  22. drqshadow

    PS3 news

    Hanging out at my boss's place last night, we were treated to the death of his PS3's hard drive. Never let it be said that hardware issues are strictly a Microsoft domain. He's had it about nine months.
  23. God, that poster is genuinely incredible. I may actually buy that.
  24. I don't see the point in waiting to unveil Manhattan until the SDCC. It's not like he's a character whose design leaves a lot to the imagination. Think the crowds will turn on the film when he's revealed to be wearing manties?