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Everything posted by drqshadow

  1. Just when you think they've mined every last bit of your childhood...
  2. Man, you wrote this question for me. I'll run through the ones I own. -Kether -ABC Sports Presents the Palm Springs Open (I think? The shitty shitty golf game with the obnoxious Australian announcer. "Boy, he really shanked that one! HAW HAW HAW!" Screw you!) -Video Speedway -A baseball game that I can't remember for the life of me. It had Dennis Eckersly and Dave Stewart and was strictly pitching and hitting. -Dragon's Lair? I don't own this one, but I'm 90% sure it was released. Space Ace, too. I double-checked the wiki to make sure, I WIN YAY! My question... Where does the name "Atari" originate? Probably stupendously easy...
  3. As far as I'm concerned, the Askewniverse ends when the credits roll on Dogma. Everything that followed is so bad, it makes me question why I enjoyed any of them in the first place.
  4. I have the first Spider-Man movie game for the old-school Xbox. Played it when my 360 was sick with the RRoD last winter. It was terrible.
  5. Wow, this really is the time of the month for birthin'. Hope it's a good one, man.
  6. What, no Long John Silver?
  7. Thanks guys, it was indeed a fine birthday. :smile:
  8. I've tried to get through the first TRON probably four or five times over the last few years. I keep falling asleep. It's ridiculous. That said, this teaser looks friggin' awesome.
  9. Didn't even realize the demo had hit. I'll give it a shot this weekend.
  10. My first desktop was an Apple IIe. Old skool baby. I didn't own a laptop until recently, so my first is also my last. MacBook Pro 17". It's gorgeous.
  11. Another excellent review, man. Nice work!
  12. Well, that looks like it has absolutely nothing in common with the original... I'm both relieved and disappointed. The first is one of my all-time favorites. Klaatu Barada Nikto!
  13. Where was the guy with black wings in the game?
  14. Jack, you should be ashamed. Doesn't it still air on the Cartoon Network? :youlose: This is one of my favorite anime series, which isn't saying much because I'm not that huge into the medium, but I can't see it working as a live action. So much of what I dug about Bebop was the artistic style that I don't know how it could possibly translate to the screen. I strongly disliked the animated movie, though, so maybe...
  15. Blah, they had a revolving door of good to very good artists and it stops with him?!
  16. A copy & paste from my O posting because I'm lazy. Just saw it last night. I loved it, but I loved Batman Begins more. Strangely, I didn't like how superheroey it was. That's what I loved about the previous film - it wasn't a tights-n-capes brawlin' movie so much as it was an examination of what could happen if somebody threw up their hands and decided to be Batman in the real world. TDK had hints of that aspect, but it wasn't the central focus like it was before, and that changed the tone of the movie for me. But still, I adored it. I managed to avoid spoilers of Harvey's face, so that big reveal was genuinely shocking, and actually said "that was so fucking cool" aloud after the Joker . Loved the message behind his character, It's a horrible shame that Ledger won't be able to deliver a swan song, because he clearly had unfinished business at the end of this film. For argument's sake: http://www.filmschoolrejects.com/opinions/...d-5-i-didnt.php Edited to include spoiler tags. Whups.
  17. Actually, that's what I don't like about him in the trailer... he looked twice as lifelike and realistic in the comic. In the movie, he looks like a bodybuilder.
  18. I can't disagree with any of that. It's a great concept, but right around the halfway point, the good ideas just vanish and the ending is about as unrewarding as they come.
  19. About the only thing I can fault there is Dr. Manhattan's appearance... and even that wasn't far off. Man alive, that looks good...
  20. I'm in the cool club too! "There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Sean Lamberger." I'll raise the stakes; "There are fewer than 335 people in the U.S. with the last name Lamberger."