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Everything posted by tglancy

  1. I remember you not being too big a fan. I shit on the first issue because of Sue Dibny being the big death, but as it unfolded I enjoyed it. But yeah, if I recall, you did not dig.
  2. Identity Crisis was one of the best mini's I have ever read. Too bad the ball was dropped so far afterwards. OMG HATING!!
  3. No, and I fucking hate it. I always read Amazing Spider-Man because it was the only Spider-Man book that really mattered. Now you are telling me I HAVE to read three Spider-Man books a month? Fuck off with that shit.
  4. I like his art, and avoid most DC books. Problem created.
  5. Ha. I will shit a brick if that happens. I don't mind something stupid that ONLY effects Spider-Man, like Flash when Spectre removed his name from peoples minds or whatever, but the whole universe? That would be terrible.
  6. What the fuck do you need Quick Kick for when you have Snake Eyes?
  7. tglancy

    Next week...

    I'd be willing to bet that all or most of those questions won't be answered.
  8. tglancy

    Next week...

    Wow. I didn't know that was possible.
  9. tglancy

    Next week...

    Well, what did everyone think? Astonishing: Conquest: Illuminati:
  10. Regular old X-Men WAS tremendous, but now that they are lumping it in with all this other stuff, I dropped it.
  11. tglancy


    True. I also love how the Human Torch is wearing the jacket as well.
  12. tglancy


    Pouches. Everyone in the 90's needed tons of way to small to be functional pouches.
  13. I don't know. Wally West has always been "my Flash" given the era I started reading DC in and the Flash in particular. It's not a big deal, but I would have liked West in it. Oh well.
  14. tglancy


    To me, no image represents the hell that was the 90's better than this.
  15. I loved the review, but what I really wanted to comment on was "cock crazed." That was amazing.
  16. I agree and disagree. I do think, as I said in my Gamma Corps AND WWH: X-Men reviews, that Marvel does whore out their crossovers. However, and I think this is a fault as well as a positive, they seem secondary, and you can get through the main story without having read a lot of the tie ins. I think, with WWH for example, that you can read the main WWH and monthly Hulk and you are pretty much covered. Stuff like the Punisher and Ghost Rider tie ins are cool, but non essential. With Infinite Crisis, and to be fair Civil War, there was a lot of stuff that felt MANDATORY. 52 was better, but now with Countdown there's all these Ray Palmer books and what not, and it really clutters the shelf. So again, I see Marvel doing the same thing, but to me it seems more based around greed on Marvel's part than with DC where it feels as though reading those books are a necessity. Both are wrong. Hey, I'll never be one not to shit on Marvel when they deserve it. The only book I read on a monthly basis that I haven't found a fault in (and I've only been reading it for five months) is G.I. Joe.
  17. Well, 12 yr old Tim did a lot less drugs than 26 year old Tim.
  18. All (still funny) punch jokes aside, the reason I get pissed with DC is the incessant usage of "BIG TIME EVENTS!!" and basically forcing me to read these events to keep up with the characters I enjoy. DC is the home of a TON of characters I enjoy. Hell, my youngest has a huge Countdown poster in his room. Batman, Superman, Flash, Lantern, Nightwing, Robin, Titans, JLA, and on and on. I am a big fan of all those characters for years, and I hate having to keep up with a 52 part series, followed by another one, and then another event, just to keep track of the universe. Also, I think they dropped the huge ball they had with Identity Crisis after it happened. They put out a hot mini series with great buzz, and then they go the complete opposite route that the story took, and instead of going into more personal stories involving the characters, they went into this big "multiverse" storyline. The same multiverse that they had destroyed, and brought back, and destroyed, and now was bringing back and that produced storyline confusion the likes of which you wouldn't believe. THEN they put out a 52 issue mini series while jumping their main books ahead a year. And then we get another 52 issue mini series, which is now leading to another event. So they took the heat and buzz from Identity Crisis, and went as far away from that as humanly possible. So yeah, that's why I get pissed at DC.
  19. HEY! Enough talking about what you didn't like from Marvel, and more DC bashing!! I hear DC is run by terrorists.
  20. On the other hand, I fucking hate everything not Justice League in DC.
  21. That's the secret of Countdown: Lois Lane is really Superboyman Prime in drag! I'd be willing to bet it would still make more sense than whatever ends up happening.
  22. But look at her. She is either high, or that is the worst panel in the history of ever.