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Everything posted by tglancy

  1. I hated that you couldn't choose more freely in JL:Heroes. Fucking hated it. If they came out with a JL game like MUA, I would be all over it.
  2. tglancy

    New Avengers #39

    But in Civil War, a huge deal was made that Tony Stark was going to be the lone person with access to those files. So is Tony Stark a skrull? It would explain why he pushed so hard for registration.
  3. tglancy

    New Avengers #39

    So that brings up my next question: where are they getting all their info from. If I remember correctly, a Skrull can look like you, but they don't neccesarily know everything about you, yet this is the second book this month that I have read this in (Ms. Marvel this week as well).
  4. tglancy

    New Avengers #39

    I think the more important question here is
  5. tglancy


    werewolf sex. Think Yoda gets a cease and desist from DC?
  6. This might be the greatest movie ever.
  7. Well, that was stupid. I hate it. HATE IT!! And I know I haven't read it yet, and I don't know how it will look, but I don't care. The result blows.
  8. Ozymandias looks WAAAYYYY too young.
  9. Wow. Damn. Thanks everyone. As sad as this makes me, I am fucking legit honored.
  10. I can listen because of work, who won?
  11. This will be quick: PS2: KOF 11 Neo Geo BC Fire Pro Buzz Trivia (I know, I know) NHL 2k8 (or 7 whichever is the new one) And that is all. Broke people RULE!!
  12. I love that part. It's like they just took a bunch of random shit, threw it together and made a show. I bet they had a wheel with a bunch of words on it to create a description.
  13. In other toy/movie spoiler news:
  14. HA! Billy Kane. Always a refreshing blast from the past. EDIT: And you do realize you and I are the only two who will give a rats ass.
  15. Things are going to happen, but they will not be what they seem, until the end when it turns out they were, or were not. You heard it here first!!!!
  16. Now that I am somewhat settled (until this weekend when I start moving out of my folks house) I have been playing a lot. Neo Geo Battle Coliseum: Not as in depth as King of Fighters, but really FUN. I like the method of getting the hidden characters in this better than KOF, and I love the mix of characters as well. Terry, as usual, is the shit and my chosen gun, but I love mixing up that second slot. Fun game, and well worth $20, but don't get it before KOF 11, because that game is amazing. KOF 11: Awesome. One of the best 2-d fighters in years and better than most I have ever played. It's not third strike, but nothing is. Oswald, Terry, and K or Hayate are the team of choice, and Oswald's Leader Special is tremendous. Some of the challenges are crazy hard, but they really add replay value because of the difficulty. The rest are all on my Mame emulator: Garou: Mark of the Wolves: the contiuation of the Fatal Fury story, basically. If you love SNK games, like me, you will love this. I stay away from Terry, because I use him in every other game, but the characters in this game are weird and fun. I have a hard time getting to far with this one, but I am able to keep my fight level around AA-S, so that is something. Marvel vs. Capcom: It is what it is. Fun, fast paced, I usually play this when I have 10-20 minutes to kill and just want to have some fun. Wolverine and Spidey or Ryu are fun, but I like to throw in Hulk or Cap as well. G.I. Joe: A run and gun game, but fun for Joe fans. There is no difference between the characters, but Duke or Roadblock are the call due to my love of them in the comics. I hope with the movie that someone will release an "Ultimate Alliance" type G.I. Joe game and do the series right.
  17. Big bump, but here's the first photo from USA Today
  18. THE NECRO BUTCHER!!!! That made this a must see.
  19. That team is so sick. I can't wait!
  20. Black Panther is fantastic. I love it. It's a big, swooping action book that adds in a touch of real with the civil rights thing. I will read this book until Hundlin is done. One of my favorite books month in and month out, and I will defend it until the day I die. I love the dynamic between him and Ben, and also the relationship with him and Storm is tremendous. Very real.
  21. Always have loved this look. Can't explain it at all, but it was and is dope. Bad Ass you know you love it.