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Everything posted by annericelover

  1. I know this....but since they are films about the same characters, but a different source of materials it could still be said that its a remake. The Universal films are based on the plays that were adapted from the novels. Bram Stoker's Dracula is a definite remake to the Hammer film Horror of Dracula. With Mary Shelley's Frankenstein being a remake of Evil of Frankenstein from Hammer Films. The Frank Langella Dracula film is a remake to the Universal Film, mainly because it was remade by Universal.
  2. My problem with them remaking the classic monsters is that, very little movie watchers won't bother with them because they're black and white. The Mummy and Mummy Returns were great remakes, but its rare that they can pull it off with all the monsters. The Wolf Man is a favorite of mine, but Bride is my favorite of all the Universal Monster films, next too Dracula and Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Bram Stoker's Dracula are also great remakes, but they had the fotunate advantage of sticking to the novels. The Hammer Films are another example of how remakes can work, but at the same time studios are more interested in wowing an audience with special effects and more blood, than leaving them with a mark in their heads. The new Friday the 13th left a lot of cliche's in, but toyed with them, they had a twist, but different than the original, that's how it worked. The Bride was an okay film, like I said before, the perfomances were good enough for repeat viewings, but my problem was that they had no first film to come off of, the making of the Monster takes place in the credits and than it runs off to the circus and he starts on a mate. At least that's what I remember, that and the little guy who was in charge of the Time Bandits. I hope its not a shot for shot remake, but I also hope they show enough respect for the originals to keep the classy look, the silent, but dark atmosphere and not the over the top blood and gore and no nudity, its not always needed in horror films.
  3. It seems that Universal Pictures will remake the classic sequel(the the first to surpass the original in quality)to Frankenstein. The film was remade in 1985 as The Bride, starring Jennifer Beals and Sting. The film was okay, but unless you know the story you got lost(since there was no original to come off of). I'm not sure if this remake will be considered a sequel to the De Niro remake Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, but considering they did adapt the Bride part of the Shelly novel in that it most likely won't be.
  4. Kirsten Dunst is on board
  5. Rodriguez is trying to get Arnold back into the franchise.
  6. Ivan Reitman says he is most likely returning to direct the third installment(but of course he hasn't signed on yet)
  7. Here's an interview where he confirms that the series will be pushed to part 8, but with a possible part 9 Here he talks about the video game coming soon
  8. Hello everyone, I wanted to advertise my new blogspot, where I will be posting reviews for several of my favorite and not so favorite films. The link is on my signature, but I thought, I 'd make this thread
  9. Apparently we are getting an adaptation of this book, which has a reporter trying to find the truth behind the real life exorcism of the 14 year old boy who was the inspiration for William Peter Blattey's best selling novel(thus the William Friedkin film to follow) Here's the link I'm actually interested in this, at least its no remake
  10. It seems like 20th Century Fox has given up on both Alien 5(which Weaver and Scott were on board for)and AVP series and decided to just restart the series in a combo Remake/Prequel(probably in the way of Rob Zombie's Halloween). Here's the link:
  11. I kind of figured that, lol Actually the Season 8 Buffy comic and Season 6 Angel comic is adapted from Joss Whedon's outlines or scripts he was planning to use if the series continued I can see what you're saying, but that is still going to piss a lot of people off.
  13. Comedian-turned-actor Dan Aykroyd has been pretty accessible as of late and even better is his inability to keep the goods under wraps. Today a new interview with Aykroyd reveals a little more of the plot points for Columbia Pictures' forthcoming Ghostbusters 3, the highly anticipated sequel that is said to be shooting this winter with returning cast Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Rick Moranis and Sigourney Weaver. Read on for the skinny. From The Guardian: "And now for the supernatural bit: after coming together for the game, all the players have stated their intentions to go back, and a script is being written by Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg, writers on the US Office. According to reports the original cast will act as mentors, handing the company over to a new generation, likely to be from the Seth Rogen and Steve Carell class of actors who are filling up just the same space in Hollywood as Aykroyd and Murray once did. "There'll be a whole new generation that has to be trained and a leader that you'll all love when you meet her," says Aykroyd. "There'll be lots of cadets, boys and girls who'll be learning how to use the neuron splitter and the inter-planet interceptor - new tools to enable them to slip from dimension to dimension." "
  14. This is bullshit man, the first film was okay, but suffered greatly without Joss Whedon behind the cameras or behind the scenes at least. The TV Series helped relaunch Joss Wedon's weird creativity and garner a great amount of loyal fans. Before he did Buffy he had some creative effort writing for Roseanne TV Series. After Buffy came out he made several great shows and films and even managed to do what few have done, make a feture length film based on a series that was cancelled early. This was Firefly(Serenity was the film). Anyway, I'm highly pissed off because Whedon has been wanting to bring Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kristine Sutherland and possibly David Boreanaz back for a remake film that better connects to the series. But it says that it won't intefere with the film and series continuity, but how is it called Buffy than? There can't be two Buffy's that became Slayers. Also it has to take place before the Buffy film because Buffy and Faith aren't dead. What theyu should do is adapt the Season 8 Buffy comic and Season 6 Angel comic into two or 4 films(2 parts for Buffy and Angel). This is just another stupid attempt at getting quick cash from an already established franchise and Hollywood continues to piss me off because of it. FUCK YOU HOLLYWOOD!!!!
  15. I actually like Dollhouse, it took a while to really develop a decent story arc, but if I had tochoose between the two, I'd rather have Terminator: TSCC. FOX obviously has no brainers working as their decision makers.
  16. Well while Dollhouse has been renewed, Terminator sadley got the ax
  17. You have to remember this was supposed to be the final season, so your porbably not too far far off. The editing for this episode was so terrible it felt like an amateur editor was working that day Yeah, this is most likely trying to say Doomsday will return later to kill him as Superman. I think having Doomsday be the villain was a terrible idea, there are so many villains you could have given him. I felt the writers backed themselves in a huge corner this time.
  18. That is actually what wikipedia is saying is most likely the case. His comic book name is James Bartholomew Olsen, not Henry James Olsen
  19. Ok, just got done watching the Season Finale and while its watchable, it is definitely one of the worse Season finale's EVER!!! First off, they screwed up one of the biggest comic book fights ever(Superman: Doomsday had a better fight), the fight ends just as quickly as it begins. Second, characters appear, just to appear, they don't have any real purpose in the episode(like that Legionairre) Third the Lois/Tess fight was also too quick and seems to have been forgotten until the end. Fourth they killed off Jimmy, why? How will he get bought back, is his little brother supposed to take his name and be Jimmy in the future? Fifth, what's up with Clark in this episode, he appears to be a background character in an episode where he should have been front and center. Sixth The Justice League is used way too little, I mean why the hell are they there, what to tie Davis up and shoot Clark, ughh Seventh, the episode just seemed rushed, while it had elements and surprises that appear in a Season or Series finale it felt like one of those okay filler episodes. Now, on to what I liked about the episode; First, we get Lois Seriously though, it does make me curious as to where in time she went. Second, the final image of Zod before the credits appear. Third, the Watchtower is kind of cool and actually reminds me of the clocktower in Birds of Prey. So judging from how many plusses I just put out and minuses, I'd say 3 out of 10
  20. I believe its Lois and Davis or Davis and Clark(Chloe is at the funeral in the previews and she is the only other verteran cast member still in the cast). In this series continuity Zod is Doomsdays father, Zod and (I forget the name of the mother)made Doomsday to destroy Kal-El. The Doomsday storyline will end in the beginning of the 9th Season, they always love to leave you hanging for 3 months.
  21. What is the hardware in it do? Is that what holds the music or is it the battery? I'm bad at that stuff. How much do you think it would be to take it to an electronic store to get it fixed?
  22. Hello everyone, I wanted to post this in hopes of finding someone who is willing to sell or trade their 40GB IPod or up for about 100 to 125 dollars or trade for it for(or lessen the price): FULL HOUSE: THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON(4 Disc) FULL HOUSE: THE COMPLETE SECOND SEASON(4 Disc) FULL HOUSE: THE COMPLETE THIRD SEASON(4 Disc) WHO'S THE BOSS: THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON(4 Disc) XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS 10th ANNIVERSARY EDITION(6 DISC) I'm selling each for $30 or all for $100 The kind of IPod I'm looking for could either be the original IPod's without video or the video IPod's. Anything newer is fine, but I understand if $100-$125 is a bit cheap. I would not normally sell my DVD's but, my IPod was stolen and I had over 5,000 songs on it. 30GB IPod is good too, but it needs to be Video than. Thanks for anyone's help.
  23. It seems like Spawn 2 is not going to happen. But does this mean Michael Jai White(who has faithfully stayed signed on all these years)is going to be replaced...? I hope not Here's the link for the story The boys over at IESB have been on scoop fire lately as today they've got a hot little blurb from Spawn creator Todd McFarlane about the potential much needed remake that's been in talks for quite some time now. "Todd McFarlane tells us he has five offers on the table to do a new Spawn film. From big special effects studio budgets to a smaller indie budgets that he hopes to be able to write and direct himself." For those of you who aren't familiar with the franchise, it was one of the first Image comic books released when the company launched in 1992 and at the time was the all-time highest selling comic. It featured an African American CIA agent killed by his own boss for witnessing his corruption, Al Simmons was sent to hell. To see his wife one more time, he made a deal with the devil Malebolgia to become an undead "hellspawn".
  24. If you enjoyed the series or even enjoyed Dollhouse, go here and sign the petition to save the series