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Everything posted by ragernok2002

  1. In no real order Xmen Spiderman Avengers Ironman Bru's Captain America
  2. Is that Helo from Battlestar on the left?
  3. maybe so but it is awesome
  4. Also, awesome movie, maybe the best Marvel Movie yet
  5. Its the end of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or maybe someone's talking crap
  6. Lost Odyssey DLC There is DLC for Lost Odyssey for 200ms you get. "new dream sequence called "The Shattered Beyond," a "memory lamp" to view dreams and a Battle Ring for fighting magic weaponry"
  7. Its not bad, but I don't know if I would pay full price for it though
  8. It's always Yoda's fault
  9. yeah I'm trying to find a mp3 of it, all I can find is a crappy sounding Wav
  10. Would anybody have the Ironman cartoon theme music?
  11. ragernok2002

    Xbox Live

    Tell me about it the wireless adaptor costs over 100 euro in Ireland
  12. Gambit,Deadpool Nightcrawler, Colossus and Nova
  13. I got Frontlines fuel of war and I have to say its really bad. The single player game is poor. There's no drama or supsense like COD4, a tank shows up and there is a rocket launcher nearby every time. I'm currently on a mission where I am on my own with a sniper rifle and have to take out several outposts. Not too bad right? so I take out the three outposts and then I have to take out another three but I get ripped to bits by enemies with machine guns so far away, I have to use the sniper scope on max to barely see them and did I mention that it took 3 count em 3! head shots to kill one enemy, the fuckin hand gun does more damage. All the guns feel the same as well. The assault rifle feels like the heavy assault rifle, there's no real need to change how you fight as in COD4. Also set in a world of dwindling resources you would think you could pick up an enemy's weapon wouldn't you. The control scheme for the vehicles is very poor, often the vehicles were doing stuff contary to what I wanted ie push stick up to go forward but the car starts moving in a circle. Say what you will about Halo but in my opinon it has the best vehicle control system going. Apparently multiplayer is suppose to be great but to be honest I hate this game so much I could bear to play it online. Back to the shop with you.
  14. ragernok2002


    Considering Dido wanted to kill him off its no suprise one of DC's best characters gets no love from the JLA.
  15. Bru and fraction leaving God dammit, This was one of my favourites
  16. Thats the beauty of marvel with the exception of the actual gods, its possible for most characters to beat another (Spidey beat both Hulk and Jugernaut)and you forget that Spiderwoman has some pherome(sp?) that makes men crazy around her. The whole purpose of Zombies was to crazy which it was. Pym as leader makes sense since he's super smart but it has been established that Ultron is Pym without any emotion. On the ending People seem to be worried that Bendis is saying 30 years of Comics is wrong. I don't think so, i think they were the characters going to be replaced but who knows really.
  17. Stephen King coming to the defense of video games, King is awesome
  18. I dunno, they covered his resurrection in House of M. Maybe a skrull is behind Wanda going postal.
  19. don't forget Xavin from the runaways is Super Skrull in training