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Everything posted by Delete

  1. I find that the people who have had a hard time following the plot the last couple of years have actually made the plot a thousand times more complicated in their own heads than Moffat did on the show. Like the people who were confused by The Wedding of River Song. To hear some people explain it was gibberish when all the plot of that episode boiled down to was something was supposed to happen, it didn't, so time got fucked up.
  2. There are monsters other than Godzilla in this movie. That half a second explosion at the airport seen in the trailer is part of a sequence shown at Comic Con and the monster causing that was not Godzilla.
  3. Problem is he wasn't the villain of that movie. Spiderman and Mary Jane were.
  4. I know. That's why it's weird they have him come off like such a douche.
  5. Weird that they let him come off as such a douche on that reality show
  6. I meant nothing other than the fact that a proven money maker will always beget a search for more money
  7. The theatrical screenings did ridiculously well. There is going to be a movie.
  8. The stuff with the Zygons had already served its narrative purpose of showing John Hurt's Doctor that what comes after the time war is good for the Universe. Hence the great men forged by fire thing. So there was no need to show whatever deal UNIT and the Zygons hammered out because that was never the point of the storyline.
  9. I was not aware of this
  10. I thought you were exaggerating until I saw it. Totally looks like a tutorial to a Sega CD game
  11. Who would be the person most likely to just outright spoiler things if you let them be in it?
  12. McGann got a better regeneration story in 6 minutes than Tennant did in 2 hours btw
  13. I do understand why this was made a stand alone thing, but imagine if this was the first 7 minute of the special. I just that would be so amazing.
  14. That just made me sad he didn't get to play the Doctor more
  15. There is going to be a miniepisode called Night of the Doctor on Saturday
  16. Still a step up from the last series then
  17. What's really strange is how obvious it is that the next Captain America movie is going to be all about how shady SHIELD is
  18. Yeah I started listening right after I posted that, and was like oh they address this.