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Everything posted by Delete

  1. Ben Affleck is the new Batman
  2. Well Batman is from Boston. So there are two now.
  3. I like his Spiderman so much more the Raimi's version that I will defend this reboot to the death.
  4. So they showed footage of the 50th at Comic Con
  5. You say full cast list yet I see no mention of who the damn raccoon is
  6. Delete

    DC reboot

    Yeah, whatever embers of giving a shit about DC I still had died with Damian
  7. So the Sentinels
  8. This is the new manga by Akira Toriyama. You can the first chapter here. There were hints in the first chapter that this takes place in the Dragon World and that has now been confirmed There is speculation that this is a prequel because one of the hints is that this is going 11 chapters and the first chapter is numbered DB minus 11 and a reference to the reason that Jaco has come to Earth is that an alien threat is on the way. The theory being that threat is baby Goku. Also Toriyama says this will be his final manga and adds that the reason for the nostalgic look will be a surprise. Which Weekly Shonen Jump promptly spoiled so they could advertise it as new Dragon Ball.
  9. There was also a tractor trailer with the Lexcorp logo driving by when Clark goes to see his Mother after talking to Lois in the graveyard, and a skyscraper in Metropolis that says Lexcorp on it.
  10. I thought this then I saw an episode where the running joke was that everyone died
  11. What's traditionally good looking mean? Generic movie actor look
  12. Blu ray comes out in Japan in September. This is what you get in the limited edition set
  13. I have no problem with the whole collateral damage bit since at no point in his fight with Zod do I feel Superman has any control of the situation. And as I previously mentioned I had no issue with Zod's final fate since what Superman did to him in Superman 2 was way worse and I have never heard a peep about it out of the people bitching and moaning now.
  14. What is the criteria for a Superman movie in your mind
  15. I think it is better than Spiderman 2 Disclosure: I hate Spiderman 2
  16. Also it's funny that I have never heard one complaint about the cold blooded murder of a depowered Zod and friends at the end of Superman 2 but a ton of bitching now
  17. Maybe it was because of all the bitching about it I went in expecting The Crow, but this movie didn't seem especially grim or dark to me
  18. If you read the reviews the critics that like it like it for the same reasons the ones who hate it hate it. So basically a matter of taste. Mostly the ones who are complaining say the movie takes itself too seriously and the ones who like it say that is what it needed to do.
  19. Spoilers don't bother me. Never have. So I have no issue reading it.
  20. Is it just me or do the people who are super vehement that Time Lords are asexual come across as kinda creepy?