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Everything posted by Delete

  1. The Rebels premiere is going to reair on ABC with a new scene featuring Darth Vader voiced by James Earl Jones.
  2. I enjoyed this show very much
  3. There is a way for this show to work and the pilot was not that. The Batman babies aspect needs to be way more subtle than it is.
  4. I really liked the first half and really disliked the second half
  5. The case of Art Carney winning in the category where Nicholson was nominated for Chinatown and Pacino for Godfather Part 2 would like to have a word with your conclusion.
  6. Yeah, by the end RTD was also getting a ton of grief. And to be fair, a lot of it was deserved. Just like Moffat. The gripes that a lot of people - myself included - about Moffat's writing (more interested in being clever than writing characters, bad at women) have come about with good reason. Sometimes with Moffat though I have noticed that the viewers tend to make thing more complicated for themselves than anything Moffat had actually written. I remember a lot of hand wringing over the weirdness in the Wedding of River Song for instance about the Churchill being Holy Roman Emperor and pterodactyls flying around and people being confused when the entire plot was that something was supposed to happen, didn't happen, then time got fucked up. That's all there was to it but reading online I saw a lot of people acting like they had to be quantum physicists to figure it out.
  7. This seems to be the tagline on the website.
  8. Delete

    DC reboot

    On second thought Damian can stay dead. OOF.
  9. Akira Toriyama is working on it just like Battle of Gods
  10. I wonder what piece of pop entertainment will be the first to depict feathered dinosaurs
  11. Delete

    DC reboot

    If Damian is not back then they're not trying
  12. Delete

    DC reboot

    Is Damian back?
  13. There has been a weird amount of stuff on this movie lately. Cinema Sins on this showed up on Youtube yesterday. There was an honest trailer on it a few weeks back. Now this here. Is there a reason I am missing for all this interest in this movie all of a sudden?
  14. The director's cut aired on Fuji TV. There are fansubs online of it if you look. Much better fansubs than of the original when it came out on DVD as a matter of fact.
  15. Limited theatrical run. I hope it is the directors cut. The directors cut is way better than the original
  16. Delete

    DC reboot

    See ya in December
  17. Delete

    DC reboot

    Is Damian back yet?
  18. Did fuck up a Wayne Enterprises satellite
  19. This links explains a bit about the Night's King Nothing that would spoil the show. As a matter of fact the show is probably spoiling the books if anything in regards to this.
  20. They're calling them Mutos I guess for copyright purposes, but that totally is who you think it is.