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Everything posted by Delete

  1. What kind of mind fuckery are we gonna have to deal with on this movie then?
  2. More footage. Special screenings in Japan early next week. So spoilers are coming
  3. I have really enjoyed Gotham Academy
  4. I know it really bothers GRRM when it's brought up, but I am utterly convinced he dies before finishing these books anyway.
  5. She has always said how much she hates the makeup process for these movies too
  6. This has been an issue for me with these movies the last two months. Between this and all the Spiderman stuff it's more like looking way down the road than to the actual upcoming movies.
  7. Gonna go out on a limb and say whatever week November 9th 1997 happens to fall on was the biggest week of that year.
  8. First trailer with english subtitle New trailer out today with JACO THE GALACTIC PATROLMAN!
  9. The manga adaptation has started appearing in Jump. This is what hell was like for Freeza.
  10. Fox hasn't fucked up the X-Men as a money making machine the way Sony Pictures has fucked up everything other than James Bond that they have. And honestly adding mutants to the MCU would bring up questions that never seem to be adequately answered when it comes to how the other Marvel heroes seem to react so little to all the attempts at ethnic cleansing the mutants. The mutants are better off where they are.
  11. Delete

    DC reboot

    The New 52 branding is finished, but the current continuity and storylines are continuing. 'Zactly, it's like when they took off the branding of Brand New Day for Amazing Spider-Man. "We Are Robins" has me interested, and a bit perplexed. There are two female Robins on the cover, so I'm curious where that's going. T'was only a matter of time before Damian got his own series. I assumed we are robins was going to be a Dick/Tim/Jason/Damian team up book. Was disappointed when I saw the cover.
  13. I listened to the Cracked podcast that had someone on who read the script. Not only are they not breaking any new ground they are going to over explain every little thing. Including the Ghostbusters logo.
  14. He's an amazing actor, but every time he's tried being an action movie star it hasn't gone well.
  15. Yeah they couldn't do cool entrances this year because they were terrified of the American PPV time window.
  16. You should check out their first match from the 2013 G1 Climax. It is also quite great.
  18. I like the Fast and Furious movies
  19. The best explanation would just to have the events happening simultaneously
  20. peaceive and passful?
  21. Would it not be an easy thing to do where Spiderman is allowed in team movies for Marvel injecting new life in the character and allowing Sony to keep doing the solo films with a character that now has some renewed interest? Is that not a win/win for both sides?
  22. There are new reports today that Sony Japan might overrule Sony Pictures and allow Spiderman's use in the MCU
  23. Trailer time