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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. Alan Moore very specifically made sure his name was taken off the project. He's never wanted anything to do with this project, especially after the V for Vendetta mess. I'd say reserve final judgement for the director's cut, whenever it comes out (there's rumors of it coming out theatrically if the original cut does well enough).
  2. I didn't catch that. I just can't get into this. I'll watch it online if I think of it, but, really, I'm not impressed what I've been seeing.
  3. Went on a major comic buying spree yesterday. Yay for paychecks! Death: The High Cost of Living 2-3: Sexton becomes a lot less annoying in these issues, which I'm beyond thankful for. I'm not really sure about how I feel about introducing the Emerite in the second and third issues; the story seems more about Sexton, Didi, and Mad Hettie than it does him being randomly added in, and even his part of the plot seems kind of pointless. But I like the overall resolution, and the conclusions Didi leads Sexton to. Also, got to see more of Hazel and Foxglove, which definitely helped with understanding Death: The Time of Your Life. Death: The Time of Your Life 2: Okay, at least we get the background on Foxglove/Hazel, courtesy of her conversations with Death, which I appreciate. More insight on Foxglove's current psychological state, with Larry's death and the ensuing events. Kind of wondering where this is going, really. Green Lantern 29 - 31: First venture into the Green Lantern universe, here. And I like what I'm seeing. Hal seems like an intriguing person, and getting introduced to the rest of the Corps and all the background/mythos is definitely a good place to start for me. Need to find the rest of this arc and get caught up. Green Lantern 37: ...Okay, I have no idea what's going on in this one. But I think I like it. Deadpool 8: Deadpool and his inner banter happily provide background on anything I might've missed going from #1 to #8. Banter as explosions and inner hallucinations are fun. And now the Thunderbolts are apparently going to try and take him down in the next Thunderbolts issue. This should get interesting. Lucifer 57-59, 68, 74: Comic Books: 16 TPBs: 16 Graphic Novels: 2 Motion Comic: 1
  4. W/r/t Ozy being so blatantly the villain: I think they had to alter some aspects of the original plot to make it a bit more clear to the layman or the person who went into this not knowing the source material as to what was eventually going to happen. Unfortunately, this was at the cost of the subtletly of the original plot. And as for the dialogue - a lot of it was from the book, but they switched it around to, again, lay groundwork for things to come, and made later scenes, in my opinion, lose their impact. As for the violence - I think that that, stylistically, is part of who Snyder is as a director. And in most cases, I didn't mind it or see any particular differences in what was in the original book, except for a few scenes. For the most part, Snyder was spelling out things that were implied in the book. I didn't notice that, actually. I'm betting that she at least appears a bit more with Ozy in the extended cut. But, hey, I always wanted a huge cat like her, so I didn't mind seeing her at the end.
  5. No, I would at least warn you if I was going to physically harm you.
  6. Hell yes? Love taking them and implanting them in pop culture. Plus, teh Bob Dylan song of awesome. Oh, good, that wasn't just me. My friend was rocking out to it. And then I told her who it was. And then she flinched.
  7. The last twenty-four hours have been made of so much awesome. Went to see my friend's senior project, a play called The Pillowman; she did the design work for the puppets and they are frightening as all fuck. (They're supposed to be. They did their job.) Probably going to go and see this again all the other times it's playing this weekend. And then, of course, came Watchmen. ^^ So, today, I'm still feeling sick and like shit for most of the day. And then I walk a mile down to the local comic store, because hey, it's payday, and I want to buy some comics. I walk in, and one of the employees recognizes me, and tells me he has something for me. He hands me a copy of the newest Deadpool. Apparently, the owner (I'm pretty sure it's only him and the clerk working at this place, it's a small local place) remembered me from Sunday, and remembered that I was looking for Deadpool. He thought that the newest issue of Deadpool was probably going to sell out (it did), and then set aside a copy of it for me. This is one of those "You know you're going to a fucking awesome comics store when..." Major props to you, owner of Powerhouse whose name I should really learn, along with the clerk who was also there on Sunday. And then I'm walking back and decide to order a pizza, and find out that there's a major discount on the type of pizza that I'm looking for (making what would've been a $15 pizza closer to $10). An old friend is also coming back to town for the weekend, which makes things even more awesome. And we just had sushi, traded tales, and had gelato (which is the sex). So, yeah. The last 24 hours have been made of teh win.
  8. Venneh

    The Music Thread

    "I Love You Mom", Tyler Bates, Watchmen Original Score
  9. Okay, actually awake now, or something resembling it. There's only one thing that I really took issue with in this whole film, and that's how they chose to use foreshadowing in this. My only other real issue with the movie? Some of the major speeches/plot points were switched to earlier in the movie rather than later, probably mainly to lay the groundwork for what happens later in the movie/make it slightly more accessible for the people watching it for the first time, but the switching also took some of the impact out of later scenes in some cases. But it could've been far worse in that case. I'm actually a little surprised at how graphic some of the violence was in here, but overall, it didn't really hurt the movie. Just made me squirm a little bit. But, otherwise? Absolutely wonderful. The actors carried their parts well, there were little easter eggs strewn throughout the shots like in the original comic, the level of technology for the time, for the most part, is pretty accurate, and there are several shots that you are going to be able to instantly recognize the panels from. Favorite scenes would have to be the opening montage, Blake's funeral scene and all the flashbacks surrounding it, and . We went with two people who'd never read the source material before. They loved the movie, both want to read it now, which is wonderful. Wonderful movie.
  10. Hah, I love this little series.
  11. .... Want soundtrack nao plz.
  12. The director's cut, without Black Freighter spliced in, is already well over three hours. My short, sleep-deprived reaction (will elaborate on this later today): Good film, could have done some stuff better, but still accessible to those who have not read the source material (which is VERY important).
  13. Happily, I only have a cold that's gone to my lungs b/c of asthmatic tendencies. And now I have pills that'll suppress my coughs and let me sleep for the first time in a few nights. Also, watching a friend's senior project play (The Pillowman, she did all the puppets) tonight, and then it's off to midnight showing of Watchmen!
  14. Not entirely sure; could've just been the way the light was catching them. Trailer looks very splodey, intriguing moments. So, anyone else thinking this may be a major retcon in order to open up an avenue for more movies?
  15. Rorschach's a friend to the animals! xD
  16. True. I keep on forgetting about that part. Either way, there are some excellent moments in there.
  17. For the comics, not for the movie. Still well-done.
  18. Also, a nurse who is the only source of health care on campus, and keeps office hours that are similar to most businesses (9 to 5) being gone from 10 to 1 is essentially useless.
  19. Why the fuck do my throat and chest feel like they got run over by a steamroller? Going to the nurse shortly, and hoping that she can actually do something for this.
  20. I've read the first TPB and a bunch of random issues that take me up until the third TPB or so. Still have yet to find all of it in collected form anywhere. It's pretty good, from what I've read of it, though.
  21. I got the same. I thought it was okay; the animation was neat, but I think our narrator should have varied his voice between the characters a bit.