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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. This was a hard review to write, mainly because I couldn't find the words to get across what I was trying to get across. Probably not the best one I'll ever write, either. You know going into this that it's going to be a high-quality production, which sets your standards pretty high. And, by all rights, I should be ranting and raving about this. But, watching it, I don't get that feeling, and I can't pinpoint where that comes from. I just feel "meh, it's a good show", but nothing more than that.
  2. Hard Candy. ...So, maybe this wasn't the best thing to watch before and after a two and a half hour tech crew shift. Excellent movie, yes, and Ellen Page and Patrick Wilson do amazing acting in this. It's just very very dark and hard to watch at some points. So, going to watch a bit of Tropic Thunder before passing out for the night to mitigate it.
  3. Adium. It's what I use, and it works well. Plus, you get ducky emoticons.
  4. Venneh

    The Music Thread

    "A Little Less Conversation", Elvis v. JXR
  5. Venneh

    Recording software

    Hehe. Question, though, and it's probably going to make me sound like an idiot. Macs come with a built-in mike, right? All I'm really looking to do is record the occasional reading on my end, nothing too fancy.
  6. Venneh

    Recording software

    For Mac users (I know there's one of you on here at the least): Which program is best for recording voice?
  7. Have a good one, Preston. ^^
  8. ... Come on, Hollywood. You have to have original ideas out there somewhere. Right?
  9. Venneh


    Bit of image spam, apologies.
  10. Hm. Was one bought online and the other burned from a CD or downloaded illegally?
  11. I may disagree with the ranking, but props to him for making it through that mindfuck of WTFness. Was it good for you? Linkara - Neutro
  12. ...How the fuck do you bend a foot of a table so that it's completely unusable as a table? HOW?! Tech crew: my job should not induce this much stress in me.
  13. Theme Songs That Didn't Need Lyrics But I Added Them Anyways - X-Men
  14. Last Wednesday. I would have done it sooner but I had to get my W-2 from my ex, which was an adventure in itself. I was told that filing online and getting it directly deposited to your bank account would speed up the process. Thanks, everyone. Hm. I've never done it online, so I couldn't tell you. Hope everything works out for you! In the meantime, I have four hours of class today, along with about five hours of work. Oh, and I have to do homework and meetings in there somewhere. ...Something does not add up, here.
  15. When did you file, Dubs? It usually takes about two, three weeks for you to get a return from what I remember.
  16. Venneh

    The Music Thread

    "Opening Movie (Theme of Final Fantasy XII)", Hitoshi Sakimoto
  17. Tech crew may well kill me this week, with the sheer amount of hours worked. The incredibly-heavy-could-kill-me-if-it-fell-on-me spotlight already tried to do that today.
  18. Venneh


    Don't think the artist got Alan Moore's crazy fro, but it's still close.
  19. They clamped down pretty hard on filming the awards if the cameras didn't belong to a TV station, as I understand it. However, give it a week, and you should be able to find at least the opening number on YouTube somewhere, probably.
  20. Repost of my video above, only now you don't have to register to see. Still NSFW.
  21. That's what the Golden Globes are for.
  22. I'm more angry because, between the two categories, Iron Man had the better visual effects in the category, and Hellboy II should have won that make up award. I can get pictures if we need to. Also, this: