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Everything posted by Venneh

  1. Hm. I'll keep that in mind, drq. Admittedly true.
  2. Wonderful job, guys. And it's great to see you back, Preston!
  3. Death: The High Cost of Living #1: Death is probably one of my favorite characters in the Sandman continuity, period. This is also being turned into a movie, so I thought it was worth a look. Don't think much of our main male character; don't find him all that deep, still at that stage of being a teenager where he's really whiny. Mad Hettie and Death, though, and their interactions with the world around them are incredibly intriguing and well-written. Getting the rest of the run on Friday, bought this back in October along with the rest of the comics covered in this post. Death:The Time of Your Life #1: I think we've probably been introduced to Hazel in the Sandman proper, so that might not be why I don't connect with her quite as well. And also she and the baby are important somehow? I'm missing something, that's all I know going into this. Either way, like the way that Foxglove and Larry work together, wish we could've had more of that, but Larry's heart attack is a good way to introduce Death into the mix. Foxglove herself is interesting, and I like the insights we get into her here, especially with how she's balancing being who she is and being a celebrity. Marvel Zombies: I like what Kirkman did with the concept with this. Superhumans get the added ability of sentience on top of the zombie hunger, which makes for good drama (except in the case of emo!Spidey) and interesting insights into the mechanics of zombie-ness. Especially like seeing how being zombie-fied has affected everyone, even the villains, and especially what happens in the last installment. Watchmen Motion Comic Chapter 1: ...Eh. Would not have paid for this, glad I got it as a bonus for getting a midnight showing ticket. The animation style's pretty interesting for this; it reminds me of South Park, really. Kind of ambivalent about it. The one real disadvantage to this is that it's simply one guy doing the voices, which is especially jarring when Laurie comes into the picture. He doesn't even really vary his voice that much, so unless you know the comic/are paying attention to the movements of the characters, it's difficult to tell who's saying what. Will watch it on the ultimate director's cut, but won't go out of my way to get it. Comic Books: 3 TPBs: 16 Graphic Novels: 2 Motion Comic: 1
  4. Sorry for the double-post. Got an unexpected bonus when ordering my midnight showing ticket online: A half-hour's worth of content on iTunes free. Includes a Tales of the Black Freighter sneak peek and part of the Motion Comic; will get back to you on which chapter that is. So, yeah; ordering the tickets online is actually quite worth it.
  5. Watchmen: Reread this for the I don't even remember how manyth time in anticipation of midnight showing on Friday. Watchmen was what got me turned on to comics proper in the first place, really. I heard all my friends ranting and raving about how awesome it was, and I asked a friend if I could borrow it off her. Alan Moore writes an amazing story and characters, when he's not being insane. I like how things kept and kept building in here, and how he uses the appendices and smaller subplots to flesh out the world. Also really like the deconstruction/subversion of all the superhero tropes that are in here. Comic Books: 1 TPBs: 15 Graphic Novels: 2
  6. This is only the second one they've done.
  7. Given this review, I'm not that surprised.
  8. I guess I only just recently blossomed into geekdom, really. I started realizing I was a geek in middle school and high school; I really liked a lot of stuff most of the people at my school would never even look twice at. I had friends who were into those things, but even then they always kind of looked down on you if you really got into them. It's only when I got to college last year that I met people who encouraged me to pursue what I loved, and damn what other people thought. And in the last two years, I've gotten into so many different things and found other people to geek out with them over. And only just recently did I go into a comic book store alone for the first time. So, we'll see where this whole geek thing takes me. But I've found wonderful people along the way. So, cheers. To five years of Earth2.
  9. ...Your library owns mine. I'm at about 25 gigs, and my iPod has space for 27 gigs.
  10. Heh. You have one of those huge music libraries like I do?
  11. Venneh

    Green Lantern question

    Thanks, Dread! I know where my paycheck's going on Friday...
  12. Venneh

    Green Lantern question

    What're the issue numbers for when Secret Origin starts/ends? It's been suggested by Preston that I pick it up at/just after that point.
  13. Venneh

    The Music Thread

    The piano version of "All Along the Watchtower" as heard in episode 4.17 of BSG. Spoilers if you're following BSG, but it's an awesome moment nonetheless, especially musically, as the piece comes together with a synth and string underscoring.
  14. Just because it's not the most well-known voice doesn't mean it's not good. I looked up a clip from the episode on YouTube, and it honestly doesn't sound that bad to me.
  15. Venneh

    Recording software

    Thanks, Doug! I think it'll be good enough for what I'm looking to do. Starting to play around with Garage Band; this is gonna be fun. Whee~
  16. Heroes: Most recent episode. ...Meh. Battlestar Galactica: ...Oh. My. I've long since given up even trying to figure out where the show's going and just decided to sit back and enjoy the ride. And this week's episode was nothing short of phenomenal, especially on the musical side. Kara. Tyrol. Dollhouse: Watched everything that's been released up until this point. ...Meh. It gets better by the episode, but it still feels soulless, to some degree.
  17. 'm watching the episodes that have been released up until now, starting the second episode. The first episode has an interesting concept, but unless we get more on the actual processes and what happens inside the Dollhouse itself, I'm not going to stay with it. It feels like a soulless generic action show, and I could guess most of the "twists" a good ten minutes before they happened. It seems like anything that's made it Whedon was stripped from the show. Also, please, writers, give us some humor!
  18. Deadpool #1: So, going into this, I know jack-all about the Skrulls/Secret Invasion. However, I know of Deadpool. It's a good introduction to the character (who I find myself really liking), and the character's background up until this point at the back of the book is very much appreciated. Still not entirely sure what's going on, but hey, I'll go with it. Apparently, all of Deadpool's current run is sold out and in the process of going into second printings, so I'm going to have to wait for the trades to attempt and catch up with the run. Also, much love to the owners of the comic shop who helped me, a very clear first timer, find her way around the store. Looking forward to going back on payday on Friday and buying more stuff. Comic Books: 1 TPBs: 15 Graphic Novels: 1
  19. The problem is, is Fox going to give it that long? It's getting pretty shit ratings.
  20. .... Hitler became a Super Saiyan. oO
  21. And you regretted that instantly, did you not? The lead character's called Ceodore. Christ, even a fic writer could come up with something better.
  22. The Producers (2005 version) Not quite as good as the original with Gene Wilder, but still good.
  23. Venneh


    Apologies for the double-post.
  24. Venneh


    The coloring's pretty close to the original Watchmen panels, which is neat. Also, like the detail of his snake god in the background.
  25. Time to start preordering midnight showing tickets... ^^