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Everything posted by dc20willsave

  1. What I'm looking forward to, two regenerations down the line, is a Doctor that knows this is his last chance, tries to be a little more sane, but is also trying to live like this is his last day. Then he dies, regeneration starts, suprised out of his gourd and Fourteen's first words are, "Well, didn't see that one, did I?"
  2. Okay, that does blow. I would say that you need to sit down and talk but all of my relationships end in screaming matches so maybe that's not good advice.
  3. Judd Winick is co-writing. Well, my experiences with Judd Winick are mostly positive so I have no problem with that. Ah, didn't read his recent Batman then. Cause if I didn't, you'd be answering that differently. I did and oh well. He was still good on Exiles, Outsiders, as well some of his other Batman work. Everyone has bad runs. You can't judge their entire career off of that. I love Gail Simone and I'll admit that her run on Action Comics was pure shit but I still love her other work.
  4. Judd Winick is co-writing. Well, my experiences with Judd Winick are mostly positive so I have no problem with that.
  5. I love the JLI era. Damn, this better be a quality Bi-Weekly.
  6. And Conan continues to impress me. The man is possibly the classiest man on television. I hope the man the best in his endeavors.
  7. dc20willsave


    The univserse has a sick sense of humor? I dunno. The same thing happens when the track ball in my Blackberry stops working.
  8. The Reddick Brood would be a good name for a band.
  9. And you are now officially my hero.
  10. dc20willsave


    I apologize for doubling an image. I have the memory of a dead cow.
  11. dc20willsave


    Pizza Hut stuffed crust pizza is some of the best pizza to have cold in the morning.
  12. I'll be happy as long as a Jonas Brother doesn't get within an inch of the film.
  13. dc20willsave


    The internet would be better if there were a simple way to convey these things. Ehh, what's the fun if there was though.
  14. dc20willsave


    Umm, the alcoholism wasn't aimed at you, it was aimed at all us of in general. Sorry if it sounded that way.
  15. dc20willsave


    Congrats. At least one of us isn't doomed to AA meetings.
  16. dc20willsave


    I'd say you've become a lush but Smirnoff Ice is damn near impossible to get more than a buzz off of.
  17. Worse than Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter? Oooh, I'm intrigued.
  18. dc20willsave


    Now everyone be nice, I'm sure that Preston's dad has had years to fine-tune his technique. We shouldn't mock one man's achievement.
  19. dc20willsave


    "Out damn blood, out I say."
  20. It was rather awesome. If that song isn't up on iTunes tomorrow, I will be a sad panda. It's up! HOT DOG! Now to get an iTunes gift card so I can get this and the soundtrack to Commentary! The Musical.
  21. dc20willsave


    Preston, do you need a hug? Just remember, at least you didn't accidentally see them in the back yard in the hammock.
  22. dc20willsave


    I kinda feel like going dancing. I really don't know why.