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Everything posted by dc20willsave

  1. I'm willing to bet that we start down the route to the return of Batman after Blackest Night is over when everyone finds out that that isn't Bruce's skull. Personally, I'm looking forward to when they show up to get Bruce from wherever he is and the response is, "What took you so long? I finished leaving that last clue an hour ago."
  2. dc20willsave


    It's all right Suave. See what you did Graham, you made him cry. Are you happy?
  3. dc20willsave


    Super-Hero: Atomic Fucker Super-Villain: Mad Hooker
  4. That one is classic, ow if only someone can dig up to Sailor Moon pitch tape (for investors and station managers) I'll be set for stupidest anime crap ever. The DiC one or the Saban one? (The Sailor Moon Abridged people also did a parody of the DiC one.)
  5. A Sneak Peek at Pokemon Part 1 and Part 2.
  6. Wow, I suddenly wish I was straight.
  7. dc20willsave


    I've never thought about it until now but many of us could be charged with corruption of minors if the Randomness thread ever got brought up in court.
  8. dc20willsave


    have you forgotten what thread it is? It's "Hot Slash Fic Action" right? Tune in tomorrow for Hal and Ollie in "Throbbing and Hard Traveling Heroes."
  9. TT has been on sporadically for that last couple of weeks. I don't know which episode I'm looking forward to Mike and James review more: Employee of the Month (The one with killer tofu) or Revolution (Mad Mod takes over the City)? I can already envision the review of Revolution turning into them making fun of Ian for ten minutes. For that matter, I can't wait to hear Mike or James try to summarize Employee of the Month in a way that comes close to coherence.
  10. dc20willsave


    Not really. I've never met her.
  11. dc20willsave


    There's a person at my school named Paris Hilton. No joke.
  12. dc20willsave


    However, it all came to a head one night when Lex was having Brainiac do the laundry and he found a pair of black briefs in the laundry. His Kally doesn't wear those, he wears red. He went to find the kryptonite ring he was given on their wedding day so he could have a conversation with Superman only to find a little paper with a bat symbol on it.
  13. dc20willsave


    The worst part is little Conner (Superman insists on calling him Con-El) sitting there, pulling on Lex's apron and asking, "When's Super-daddy coming home?" Almost as bad as all those kids Bruce adopted running around in the back yard. Most are good but there's something about that Jason that ticks Lex off.
  14. dc20willsave


    Well, I see Alan Grant as the Principal. For that matter, most of the Justice Society works at the High School. But Lex only got the roast cold because Superman was out, paling around with Batman.
  15. dc20willsave


    When I become a comic book writer, I'm so going to do an Elseworlds where Lex and Supes are at war because Supes left Lex for Lois (or Bruce. Depends on what I can get away with.) I'll give you story credit, Stavros. I was just thinking about it and while I can buy a Kryptonian Male having sex with an earth female, I can't see a Kryptonian Female having relations with an Earth Male or a Kryptonian having anal as the bottom. If even the slightest bit of clenching occurs in either case, the penis of the Earth guy would come right off or get bruised to all hell.
  16. I had never seen the opening for K-9 and Companyuntil now. Based off of the opening, if I knew nothing of Doctor Who, I would have guessed that this was a show about an alcoholic eighties girl who drives around and can transform into a robot dog.
  17. dc20willsave


    So, apparently in case of the Rapture, there's a group of people willing to take care of your pets for a nominal fee. All I can say is wow, this may be the best scam ever.
  18. dc20willsave

    Batman Beyond

    Now the question is, will this be an out of continuity story, the future of New Earth, or one of the 52? If the future of the DCU, then the sheer amount of teasers that can be thrown in would cause more speculation then a Rip Hunter chalk board. That said, I'm all for this being in one of the 52. Other than having less to explain, it also means that it could provide the perfect set-up for a mini with other characters in the Batman Beyond future.
  19. Was going to get up early to get a copy from Toys R Us but since the roomie is getting a PS3 in a week, going to hold off and buy it with the next paycheck.
  20. First off, an interview with Dwayne McDuffie from World's Finest online about Static, with at least one question about the guest stars. "Hoop Squad is mentioned. The exact words McDuffie uses are "train wreck." Secondly, since it came up in the mail section, here's a link to the forum post that McDuffie made where he flat out said that he thought of Richie as being gay.
  21. Looking at new phones and trying to decide which pretty one to get for my needs.
  22. Yeah, all together, I'm at about year six. Mind you I went half time for years four and five because that's what I could afford.
  23. Wargames wasn't that good to begin with. Part of the reason I believe that DC brought back Stephanie is because of fan reaction. A lot of people, myself included, felt that the way Stephanie killed was bullshit. Not only did it feel like a case of "Women in Refrigerators" but it also did major character derailment for Leslie Thompkins by making her do something that was completely out of her nature. That said, I don't completely agree with her becoming the new Batgirl but Barbara Gordon is pretty much the DC Universe's version of The Doctor in that she makes people better. Black Canary was a much different character at the beginning of Birds of Prey. The same with Huntress. Even Manhunter in her brief time was showing major breakthroughs. I believe in Barbara Gordon.