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Everything posted by dc20willsave

  1. dc20willsave

    Poor Cyclops

    They've been somewhat accepted by the people of San Fransisco but it's doing a slow cool down. I'll also agree that Carey is doing some of the best work with the X-Men I've seen since Grant Morrison's run. Claremont was still tolerable back then and the only cloud was Chuck Austen but the guy's really a terrible writer to begin with so let's not think of that (Seriously, Nightcrawler is descended from Mutant Demons and Angel is from Mutant Angels? Dear god, who stabbed metaphor and pissed on it's body?). The only one of the Satelite books to pick up would probably be X-Factor but that's just because Peter David kicks all kinds of ass. On subject, I am finding Cyclops slowly more and more tolerable. Let's see if that lasts, shall we?
  2. Someone I know on Facebook that I used to work with but is now a manager in Illinois is taking over a manager position back here. His status on the site is that he's moving back to Dayton. The manager thing is a secret apparently and he didn't want me to tell anyone despite the status. I mention it to one person at work, he somehow gets wind of this, and I'm marginally annoyed that he got annoyed with me for it despite anyone with half a brain could put it together.
  3. All in the Family is the ultimate in Spin-Offs. All in the Family spawned Maude, The Jeffersons, Gloria, 704 Hauser, and Archie Bunker's Place. All ready we're up to five spin-off's, four if you consider Archie Bunker's Place a continuation rather than a spin-off. That said, The Jeffersons spawned Checking In and Maude spun off Good Times. It gets worswe when you consider that the last episode of Fresh Prince related the two with The Jeffersons buying the family's house. However, if we count that, then Star Trek turns into a crossover with Knight Rider, Heroes, as Vegas, and Lost and Jean-Claude Van Damme is dead in all of them.
  4. Tomar-Re and Tomar-Tu have been the guardians of sector 2813. Tomar-Re was the Green Lantern of the sector when Krypton blew up. As for the Black Lanterns coming after Jason Todd, I don't see why they would. While Black Lantern Martian Manhunter said something about Hal and Barry being supposed to be dead, I don't think they Black Lanterns are picking on the people who came back specifically.
  5. From Digital Spy: Looking at this news, it pretty much makes it possible that if John gets the role, and it's as a series regular, our window on Torchwood Series Four might shrink. For that matter, it brings the possibility that Series Four might just be the Gwen Show. I'm not opposed to that but the idea of no Captain Jack is kinda depressing right now.
  6. I plan to listen to this one while I'm on vacation and need a laugh based off of the ten minutes I listened to. Pretty freaking terrible already but the good kind, like Showgirls.
  7. It's older and the video is bad but it's still one of my favorites:
  8. Okay, now I'm curious as to what Podcast it is. just so I can see (Hear?) how big a clusterfuck it is.
  9. Watched it on BBC America the other day. I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to watching another episode tonight.
  10. dc20willsave

    PS3 news

    Sony cutting prices on Bravia televisions and Playstation consoles in Australia. If it's happening in Australia, always chance it will go global. At least I'm hoping.
  11. dc20willsave


    I'm liking something with Wolverine in the title. I think that's grounds to commit myself, right? As for what it is, it's the Wolverine/Doop two-shot from a few years back. It's actually funny.
  12. If this isn't a hoax, I would so buy it. I'm a Disney fan (Played Kingdom Hearts so many times) so it could rock.
  13. "Girl in the Fireplace" is probably my third favorite of the new series History episodes (Shakespeare Code and The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances.) The music is some of my favorite of the new series and, yes, the Doctor does fall in love with the Madame de Pompadour a little too quickly but the look on his face at the end just gets across how alone the Doctor feels and it gets across what I truly feel to be the main theme of the Tenth Doctor: Loneliness, a man that keeps on running and every time he finds someone that he connects to, that he feels can lift the pain, time pulls them away from him.
  14. Ninja Turtles meet Barbara Walters.
  15. [witty birthday phrase]Stavros[/witty birthday phrase]
  16. I personally don't completely mind Fear Her. It's an interesting premise, just not executed as well as it could have been. Love and Monsters, 42, and Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks are the only episodes from the new series I really either can't get into or are painful to me to watch. Love and Monsters has the problem of the ickiness of carrying on a relationship with a concrete block at the end and that's one of my lesser problems with it. 42 was rather boring and I had points in it where I was trying to figure out if I was supposed to want anyone to survive. The Dalek two-parter was painful because, well, the Cult of Skarro was a great idea when we were introduced to them in Army of Ghosts then it slides into... well... pig people, Broadway Singers, and "human" Daleks. The Daleks are supposed to be the Boogeyman, not mad scientists. That and for being practically Nazi's in their pursuit of purity, you'd think they would be more disgusted with their plan then they turn out to be. I could go on with more reasons for hating that episode but I doubt I need to.
  17. No prob. The best part is every time it bitches out on you, you get another free month of Live so, even though it's annoying hardware failure that shouldn't fucking happen, enough times and you end up like one of my roomies who has an extra half year of Live buffered up.
  18. dc20willsave

    Poor Cyclops

    I would like Scott being with Emma except I like Emma as a character more and I really don't anticipate when they end up screwing each other over in the near future. Emma has received way too much character development since the Hellfire Club days to backslide into being a villain. If Dark Reign takes it there and this isn't some insane Xanatos Gambit between her and Scott, then I might be a little pissed. Anyway, Scott has become a more interesting character as of late when he isn't being a dick to Xavier for what feels like no real reason to me.
  19. Dancing Bookstore Idiots. I wouldn't post it normally but I know some of the people and at least one was a level 15 sorcerer at one point who completely broke my D&D campaign so this is my way of punishing him.
  20. io9 has a summary of an interview with Russell Davies. There are Torchwood spoilers so be warned if you haven't seen Children of Earth yet in which case, it's 15 dollars on Amazon. Just saying. That said, I don't mind his thinking about keeping the current format of Torchwood (five episode arcs rather than the monster-of-the-week.) It really helped keep the story focused and away from the possibility of another "Love and Monsters."
  21. dc20willsave

    Poor Cyclops

    The best part is that, due to time travel, Cable is older than Scott and is raising a daughter that is, quite possibly, the reincarnation of Jean, Scott's second wife and the clone of Cable's mother, Madelyne. For that matter, the only thing dissolving Scott and Maddy's marriage was death and, since she came back from the dead and all recently, this brings up the point, if my wife/husband comes back from the dead, are we still legally married? If so, Scott is not only a polygamist, but if Hope is indeed Jean, then he's also got a child bride but at the rate she's been aging, it's likely that when all this time travel is over, Hope will be 18 and legal so Scott can dump yet another girlfriend to hook back up with Jean... only to find out she would rather do Wolverine this time. Then maybe, just maybe, Scott will take the time to realize, hey, maybe I've been a douchebag all this years, I need to stay with the woman I married, not abandon the children I sire, and maybe, just maybe, finally get that surgery to remove that stick from my ass.
  22. So, I think I got pink eye. Going to scrape together the money to go to the nurse practitioner on campus to check. I really can't afford to be out of work for a week but what can I really do if I'm infectious. Edited to add, I also can't call asleep right now either. This sucks.