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Everything posted by Donomark

  1. As if Warner Bros. needed even more against them. His thoughts on Martian Manhunter fans stunned me. DC needs this like they need a hole in their head.
  2. Title revealed:
  3. A few months back after re-reading both the Chuck Dixon and Devin Grayson Nightwing runs in full, I sought the latter out on Facebook and requested an interview for The Batman A couple of months later she responded enthusiastically, saying she was grateful for a chance to clear up some things regarding how her Nightwing run ended back in '05. Now the interview has finally been published. Hope you guys enjoy, as I feel this interview puts a lot of her more controversial aspects of her time on Nightwing into a better perspective.
  4. If someone's never watched anime before in their life, IDK how this would grab them. It would be like giving someone who's never read a comic before Showcase #4. I'm talking about the repeated animation. DBZ has that too, but on an April Fool's episode for my DBZ podcast we watched an episode of Sailor Moon, and Mars does her fire attack about 4 or 5 times with the exact same animation sequence. You can say a lot about DBZ's repetitious fights and filler, but they never really did anything like that. And I'm not dogging on SM, it's just a product of its time.
  5. Donomark

    DC reboot

    I guess, but it's more out of stubbornness rather than momentum fueled by great storytelling. Post-Crisis had the waves of Batman Year One and Man of Steel going for it. The New 52 for it's first straight year had Scott Snyder's Batman run and the company-wide trainwreck factor to keep people reading.
  6. Wonder if they're gonna go the Dragon Ball Kai route and smooth out the rough edges of the aspects of the show with the repeated animation and such.
  7. Uh, let's see...the films I know he's in are Roger Rabbit...Hook...Mario...there, that's three! There ya go!
  8. Little over half an hour left, but JESUS JONES is this episode hysterical! I've always wanted to see A Time to Kill, and will put genuine effort into doing so after listening to your review. Snakes on a Plane: my friends and I were definitely into the hype as it was high school, and while Ian's review was 100% on the mark, I do remember us leaving the theater having had a fun time. I checked out Jackie Brown from my college library based on Tom and Derrick's praise of it, and I found myself seriously bored to tears. I only got through the first hour before returning it. I should probably give it another chance, as it's been a couple of years and maybe I was just impatient. I would definitely second Pandy checking Sam Jack out in Django Unchained. Personally I think that's the best performance I've ever seen him give, as he is an utterly detestable yet complex character. I daresay he almost disappears in the role. And now I'm going to Wikipedia to look up a synopsis for the Devil's Rejects.
  9. Helluva thing to be happening, especially when the new rebooted series is starting in Japan this year.
  10. That Selfie trailer made me want to kill myself. The writing is just godawful and unfunny.
  11. ^Yeah, I mean Electro was lame. He wasn't completely godawful, but he was lame. One of the lesser Spider-Man villains on-screen for sure in terms of writing. What they did to Dr. Kafka was unacceptable, and proves there's worse ways to change a character than just his or her race. The parents subplot was defiant in its pointlessness. Other than all that though, it is not that bad. Spidey's done perfectly, Peter and Gwen are protagonists you really care about, Aunt May has some nice scenes, and I thought Harry's plot was done pretty well. Was it rushed? Idk maybe, but not to an egregious degree. It's like with comic book movies these days, they can't be "Could've been better" anymore, they all either have to be considered good or "that sucked SHIT!".
  12. Have a feeling this is gonna hurt pretty bad...
  13. I saw this twice and overall enjoyed it. It is a clearly flawed film, but that does not preclude it from being completely entertaining. Spider-Man is rightfully the star of the show, and every single scene he's in is a joy. Electro's the weakest aspect, but that's not to say that he's godawful. He's very uneven, but we've seen worse in other films. I loved Harry in this, and the final scene had my heart racing. My biggest con was the parents stuff, because quite frankly Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5 does not warrant this large of a subplot. It is very distracting. It's kind of like what Ian said about Quantum of Solace in that while I get why people may not like it, I have a hard time getting why people would outright hate it. I think the Rotten Tomatoes score is particularly harsh, and at the very least it's better than Spider-Man 3.
  14. The Major from the 1995 Ghost in the Shell movie
  15. Many thanks to the both of you for one of the finest podcast productions ever made. As per Mike's instructions, I'll use this space as though it were an e-mail. As I wrote in before, I first discovered this podcast when you guys covered "Logopolis" and had been a new fan of DW around 2010. I enjoyed the large history the show had and really loved David Tennant, but had been tiptoeing around the notion of getting into the original series. Your podcast guided me to some really great stories like "The Mind Robber" and "Pyramids of Mars". But aside from the subject matter of the show itself, BOTI became my new favorite podcast to listen to, succeeding For Your Ears Only. Maybe I came in during a potboiler of interesting discussion topics in the JNT era, but I fell in love with the backstory of the Davison, Baker and McCoy eras. Episode 77 is my favorite because of Dan's unapologetic gushing of "Caves of Androzani". There is an internet rule out there that most fun reviews tend to be bad, but this was so positive that it was a joy to hear someone so happy about the thing they were talking about, and have different ways to express his affection for it. It was an example of the podcast's brilliant style of discussion that frankly all podcasts should aspire to be. You guys were witty, intelligent, reasonable, well informed, and had a good sense of balance in being a fan and being a reviewer that made certain discussions all the more engaging, like when you covered "Rose". I love and will miss this podcast, and I'm definitely down for Edge of Forever.
  16. Considering that the extent of Kane's success lead to Kane's wife being shoehorned into the 90s Batman films while Finger ended up destitute and buried in an unmarked, set, match.
  17. I was at first gonna challenge you on naming this the worst modern season, nominating season 2. But thinking back on it, all of the RTD seasons had two or three really stand-out amazing episodes whereas season 7 had none. IMO it's the worst by default in that the episodes weren't necessarily bad or godawful, but not a lot were memorable. Looking forward to BOTI's series finale! I'm figuring the coverage will include "Night of the Doctor", "Day/Time of the Doctor", summarizing Smith, Clara so far, and the modern series as whole!
  18. Thought this was excellent. Marvel's best movie to date. It carried perfect continuity with the first film without getting bogged down in references, same with being a continuation of the Marvel films and served as an excellent character piece for Steve Rogers. It was darker yet had it's light and funny moments, but without descending into farce like Iron Man 3. Honestly I would compare this to TDK in terms of how it upped the game in what to expect from comic book movies, or Marvel's comic movies at least.
  20. Having watched this for the first time on Netflix in prep for the podcast, I didn't think the acting was all that Godawful. Maybe it was because I was fairly wrapped up in what I was seeing that I didn't let any overt goofiness distract me. I actually kind of like Majel Barrett as Number One, although that might be more for the idea of her character than her acting. Susan Oliver certainly did go over the top at times tho, that cannot be denied. A lot of this is coming in new for me as I've seen so little of the classic series. The sexism in the episode struck me more as a character trait of Pike and even Vina moreso than a narrative for the show itself, although I've no doubt more is coming. I liked the scene where Number One gives Pike a death stare when he whines about women on the ship (or something), although it seriously begs the question that if a woman in such a high state of command is normal in the future why he would have such an attitude about it in the first place. It did get really bad when it was revealed that the aliens solution to keeping Pike on their planet was by throwing him Vina. It made sense for plot reasons, but the character acted like hooking up with a man was so much her end all-be all purpose in life.