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Everything posted by Donomark

  1. Either the Pursuit of Happyness or Ali to really see him stretch his acting muscles. He was nominated for Oscars for both movies.
  2. Hell yeah that picture. Alternative title should be "THE AWESOME TIME"
  3. You had me going for a minute there when you said Super Mario Bros. The thing about the Bale family thing from what I remember at the time was that he was accused of "verbally abusing" his mother and daughter on a red carpet premiere of some movie. He didn't attack or even touch them, but wherever they were that was considered a crime.
  4. Pretty good. Especially the "Viewer Discretion Advised" marker. OOOOOOOH Seriously though, I had no hope for this show, but they're making all the right moves judging from what's been released.
  5. Judging from the trailers and early reviews, I think Guardians will be a typical "Good, not great" Marvel film in the vein of Thor 2. It'll be entertaining enough, but it doesn't look like it'll be the game changing awesome-a-thon that the initial trailer had people proclaiming it would be.
  6. According to the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary page, Janet Fielding has WON her fight against cancer.
  7. *Batman rant; TLDR* Jim Starlin's one of my all time favorite Batman writers. I totally love his voice for the character, as he's dark and grim but highly intelligent and not a douchebag like he has been in the past half decade. Batman's inner monologue in that run feels so perfect to me, I'm hard pressed to think of whose interpretation I like more. His run was very much a product of its time. It came off of the Max Allen Collins run which, despite thinking that it'd be a cinch considering MAC work on Dick Tracy, never really gels. Beyond the initial story with the Post-Crisis Jason Todd origin flashback (Denny O'Neil remarks in the letters pages that those issues take place 3 years in the past, meaning Jason was Robin for that long, putting his age at the time of death at about 15), there's nothing great about it. Starlin comes around and gives it this intense 80s, political feel with the KGBeast storyline and turning Jason which at the end of the day I think was not a bad idea. I know people at the time and even now lament the fact that Jason was snotted up as a character, but considering how he was virtually a Dick clone in Pre-Crisis AND how Mike W. Barr and Alan Davis wrote him as Burt Ward in Detective Comics post-crisis, this was a refreshing change of pace. Change doesn't always equal good, but in the long run considering the personality types of all the Robins, having the second one be a marked step down from Dick Grayson is interesting to me. People exaggerate it though. Geoff Johns would have you believe that Jason was a jerk every panel of every issue all the time. He's a street kid who smarts off to Batman when he first meets him. He disobeys him once he learns that Two-face killed his father and that Batman kept the info from him. He has scenes in 2 or 3 issues where he is definitely darker and there's the famous issue with the diplomat's son. Aside from that though, he was still Robin. He saved Bruce's ass in the SERIOUSLY JACKED UP Cult story, and had his back during the Ten Nights of the Beast arc. In my personal head canon, Mike Barr's Jason was who he was when he first started out, and Starlin's Jason was who he became as he got older, a lot like how it was illustrated in the Under the Red Hood movie. I like Death in the Family. It's not a perfect story in that some of the coincidences are a bit nuts, but ultimately I enjoy it. Mainly due to Starlin's writing of Batman, especially after Jason dies. It's perfect. Bruce is in legit shock once he finds Jason, then after the authorities get his statement and leave the scene, he's all about the "THE JOKER MUST DIE" life. Yeah, the Superman/Batman scenes were definitely biting off of the Dark Knight Returns popularity (I know at the time Superman flat out told Reagan he disagreed with his policies about the Superhero Registration Act...or something), but I feel it's earned through the situation. Joker becoming the Ayatollah was insane and stupid, but I let it slide. This is also one of the first instances where Lady Shiva became as deadly and fearsome as she should be in the 90s. Batman writes her off at first, she she proceeds to whoop his ass. Had Jason not woken up from being clunked of the head, Batman could have potentially been beaten to death by her. The scene where Bruce reluctantly gives her sodium pentathol ends up being controversial because later on in Batgirl, when Cassandra directly questions if Shiva's her mother to Batman, Batman explains this scene where Shiva's said she's never had a child. Which doesn't work considering the timeline and Cass' age since she IS her mother, but nevermind... I too like Lonely Place. Some people enjoy Year Three more, but I'm way more of an Aparo fan than I am a Pat Broderick fan. They do an admirable job arguing the need for a Robin, and while it may realistically not work, Tim Drake is so awesome of a character that time and goodwill forgive it.
  8. Thank God for this thread! I, along with several friends have started a new shown which covers comic book flicks of all kinds, from mainstream characters like the X-Men to less well known franchises like the Crow and Blue is the Warmest Colour. It's called The Comic Book Film Revue, and we come out once a month. Episode 1 dropped a few days ago which has us covering the recent film X-Men: Days of Future Past. We're all seasoned podcasters, so the subject matter and format of the series will lend to some great listening! Please check us out at - Hope you guys enjoy!
  9. Wish I'd seen this earlier man, I would've been happy to donate. Great that you've reached your goals tho!
  10. DBZ has regained a bit of its popularity since around the Goku and his Friends Return special in 2009. Since then there's been DB Kai, Episode of Bardock, Battle of GODS, Toriyama showing Goku's mother and Bulma's sister in Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, and DBZ Abridged. It's been a fairly active series after over a decade of dormancy. I've yet to see this movie in full, and am probably going to wait until we come to it for my DBZ podcast. From what I've seen though, "lazy adaptation" certainly covers it. Goku in high school, WTH?
  11. Is there a confirmed Director's Cut made? Either way, I'm down for this and hope it releases near Nashville.
  12. YES, I'd agree that for a newbie, SM1 and 2, then ASM2 would be the way to go.
  13. Like I said earlier, I don't mind any of the questions the end of the film raises. There are legitimate questions, but none of them break the movie for me. I enjoy trying to figure out how things have turned out.
  14. I went into this episode shield and sword drawn considering how much I disagreed with Ian two years ago. I found myself agreeing with pretty much everything he said about ASM2 though! The sentiment that the Webb films do the weakest parts of the Raimi films best, but are vice-versa on the best parts of the previous trilogy was pretty insightful. I still think people can be a bit rough on how Garfield portrays Peter Parker, but the line about him spying on Gwen in this movie did nothing to help my position. I still prefer that to Tobey Maguire's Milhouse-esque portrayal, but that's neither here nor there.
  15. There are a buttload of continuity questions stemming from the end of this movie. This is all off the top of my head. Of course it's a movie and none of these NEED to be explained in great detail, but I am having fun trying to dissect all of the changes.
  16. I'm still processing everything after seeing it last night, but the ending made it all worth it. The movie is a dark, dour, particularly violent piece of work, but it keeps the sincerity of the original two Singer films. It's by FAR AND AWAY better than the worst of X-men 3 and X-Men Origins Wolverine, and more engaging than First class simply for the fact that we have Jackman, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen back in their classic roles pumping up the story. I still love the first two X-Men films over all of them, but this might be in the top three. IDK...I might have to see it again.
  17. This. It doesn't make genuine sense for Dr. Manhattan to take the blame and for the US not to be FUBAR'd
  18. Are we gonna talk about what David Goyer said about She-Hulk and the Martian Manhunter the other day?