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Everything posted by ShaunKL

  1. I saw a trailer for a show called The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret. It has David Cross and Will Arnett from Arrested Development, I'm going to give it a try, what do you guys think about it?
  2. It really is. With Halo 3, I might just be saying that, but Bungie really left with a bang.
  3. Oh this is sweet! I was gonna ask for them for my birthday anyways!
  4. The Ten Doctors - Part 3 has been released by Babelcolour. The man does such fantastic work. Part 1 Part 2
  5. ShaunKL

    Things you want

    Well, rings would just be the same thing.... how about I just settle for superspeed? (with matching reaction time of course)
  6. I love my 360, I don't know how much use you'd get out of it with an Xbox Live subscription though, depending on what you'd decide.
  7. ShaunKL

    Things you want

    I want a transporter room in my house. With extra combadge and voice command functionality.
  8. And cameos as GL at the same time.
  9. And thus a young Dave Lizewski was inspired to become a superhero.
  10. Wonder Woman movie, finally, please??
  11. Huh, I wouldn't of thought Lyla to be in it, considering they removed the Infinite Crisis bits from UtRH. Oh, by the way, what does WightKing think of Summer Glau as Supergirl?
  12. Finished Arrested Development season 2. This show never tires. Oh, and just the other day I found out who Ann was! Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Spoiler
  13. That's a British publication right? Don't they refer to everything as "series" now? (I.E. this year we had Series 5/Season 31)
  14. WHY HELLO THAR! Five new little blurb trailers that are only a few seconds long, but a few seconds is all it takes... :holyshit:
  15. Helps ease the giddiness for season 10,
  16. Trying to start Battlestar Galactica for the second time. A lot better than I remember
  17. Too much pizza does not a happy camper make I. Fun fact: Pizza smells after it comes back up.
  18. Lois & Clark: "Man of Steel Bars". Camptastic.
  19. Then they'll need to hire then. Seriously though, I think Damian would be a little too continuity heavy to bring to the table.
  20. Well... looks like you'll get your chance: Multiplayer Confirmed for Arkham City
  21. I'd rather they make more cool things for batman to do, some new challenge modes would be nice. But no co-op please, there's no use for it IMO.