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Everything posted by ShaunKL

  1. The island exists slightly out of sync with the rest world and continuously changes location around the world.
  2. Justin Bieber gets nailed by a water bottle at a concert. Also, a revolving door faceplant.
  3. Hmm, I going to have to collect my thoughts on it, but my gut reaction is, "Good story, slightly unsatisfying ending." 7.5/10
  4. Hrm, I'd like to think BS there, that'd be way to fast IMO.
  5. Ha! Looks like Preston is completely engulfed. Man I need to get busy on season 2.
  6. My sister recently started a new run-through of LOST. And I just have to ask her constantly, "What's the point? It's just a whole bunch of nothing surrounded by a mystery consisting of nothing that ends with nothing, there's no point to it, no payoff at the end. It's just... nothing."
  7. So, I just finished Watchmen, started the last issue at midnight, how cool is that?
  8. New Season Ten teaser, only about three seconds of new footage though. Also Comic-Con footage. Episode 2 Spoilers: And some casting for S10:
  9. Morgan Freeman's Guide to the World Cup
  10. What in the world?... EDIT: STAR WARS meets Hawaii Five-O
  11. Hmmm... I want Batman to be the only playable character, add more depth to his gameplay. With the addition of Catwoman you could have some really cool building hopping aerobics going on. Also more fear elements please, (ala Batman Begins).
  12. ShaunKL


    All Stargate is finally being added to Netflix! Hooray! (Not including original movie)
  13. I'd think that's RTD influence more than anything.
  14. Just finished Under the Hood in preparation for UTRH, now off to Ultimate Spider-Man! (High hopes, as Ultimate X-Men is the only Marvel comic I've really enjoyed.)
  15. Ha ha ha ha! Funny story about Red Dwarf, Sir Patrick Stewart was flipping through channels one day and came across what looked like a rip-off of TNG. The story goes he was dialing his lawyer until he saw something that made him laugh. Hrm, I've never caught Charlie Brown music in Arrested Development. (Would it be a death sentence to say the last time I saw Charlie Brown was many years ago?)
  16. No matter how many times I've seen BTTF, that trailer still gave me chills.
  17. Meh, gameplay was streamlined, heck, a lot of it was streamlined from AC1, I'll give them that. But I really didn't see anything special in AC2, no connection to Ezio, whatsoever, and the story barely moved two inches before they shut the door again. IMO when all is said and done, no noteworthy plot development and Ezio sucks.
  18. Unless you're a complete... fan. Then you get lifetimes.
  19. ShaunKL


    That looks amazing. As we know from science fiction movies, an abandoned missile silo is a great thing to have. Aliens invading? Well, now you've got the perfect base to strike back! World War III happening? Now you can easily survive the nuclear winters in this handy-dandy bunker! What about after World War III? Is the world in a slump? Just use the silo as a bade from which to launch the first-ever warp drive-enabled starship, and flag down the Vulcans! They'll be happy to rejuvenate human culture! Nyehh, they're pre-Kir-Shara Vulcans though, probably wouldn't be a great idea.
  20. ShaunKL


    Ahh, darn, no search for 360 yet. My Dad set up a special double x4 plan. Netflix is so good. (Also consider that one of their shipping hubs is in Oklahoma City, so it's literally next day shipping and receiving.)
  21. Simple searches, just google enterprise d, I had size limit set at greater than 1600x1200, I have some amazing TOS E if you want a look. Found this really nice SG-1 wallpaper: