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Everything posted by ShaunKL

  1. ShaunKL


    The crap was that?... --
  2. That was pretty cool. *giggle, snort.*
  3. Towards the end of season one it felt a little slow, after the lawyer episode, but then it picked up with the season finale and season two is going nice and steady.
  4. Ehhhh... I really really hope it's just Batman. And I pray they aren't going to pull out the co-op gimmick either.
  5. How do I need to approach this show to make it watchable for me? I've tried to watch it on whim several times and have recorded a few episodes, but I just can't get into it.
  6. Every time Arrested Development starts to drag it pulls out something new and makes it funny again.
  7. Oh! That is David Tennant, double Doctor Who rainbow, cause, y'know, I thought that seal behind him looked like The Seal... of Rassilon.
  8. A: That's not the full theme. B: I'm sure they never would've done this had they seen Four to Doomsday . Nonetheless that was pretty neat.
  9. ShaunKL


    <3 baby cosplay There was a mini-eleven at this event.
  10. Y'know what I'm hoping for? Multiple unlockable costumes. That's one of the best things about Batman Begins, I love playing it with the blue and grays. -- @Jack Fetch Around all the other characters and locales I think the catsuit would look out of place.
  11. Does anybody think Batman: R.I.P. will be re-released with the two "lost chapters" from Batman #701 - 702?
  12. Hrm, is it that low in Catwoman (was that discontinued?), she was fully zipped up during BftC and not near as zipped down in what I've read of GCS.
  13. Some of the puzzles at the end are very odd in the way they work. The ending, not the most fulfilling but this is still a pretty good game. But I'd wait for a price drop.
  14. Bah, Catwoman gets futzed again, I hated the weird cleavage in MKvsDCU, but I sort of understood it as the other fighters were rather scantily clad. In this it looks really out of place.
  15. ShaunKL


    I need to watch that again. Oooh, she was Gwen? That confirms it, she is quite the pretty person.
  16. ShaunKL


    The hair does add another layer of pretty to Mary Elizabeth Winstead, but I think she also carries her face a lot different when she's playing RF. And Venneh, if they're buckets worth, wouldn't it be better to invest in a bigger bucket?
  17. Ha ha ha, "Repeat for six years and you've got, LOST".
  18. Oh how I love the scene near the beginning of part 2, if you have it Dan, put it in and just focus on Colin when Yrcanos is talking to Peri, so much gold.
  19. Okay, grey colored buttons are frigging stupid. That is going to majorly up a lot of people. When I have a friend over, or am giving directions to my Dad, it's going to take a while to figure A, B, X, & Y. But they always instantly recognize when I say "Press the green one." Ugh gug gug.
  20. Oh gosh why did I let my sister talk me into her showing me Avatar? Can someone send me their copy of Murder-Set-Pieces? I need to lose those wasted brain cells.
  21. ShaunKL

    The news thread

    The Music of DC Comics: 75th Anniversary Collection
  22. Got a bit of a liver issue going on, so I have a set of pills I need to take after every meal, when I wake up, and when I go to bed. Apple sauce was getting old, as you can imagine. I'd not been keeping very well, so I just thought "screw it" and stood with that thing in the back of my mouth for about two minutes before I was able to down it with water. It's kind of like riding a bike, scared out of wits, then I do it and it becomes easy. (as you can tell, I'm very happy)
  23. Watching a fan commentary of Mindwarp. Ooh Colin Baker, why oh why did they make you leave? I'm on the second part and really want to just stop the commentary and pull up the volume and watch this thing. Ooh ToaTL, you are SO GOOD.