Episode 158


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"The angels are coming for you. But listen: your life could depend on this. Don't blink. Don't even blink! Blink and you're dead! They are fast! Faster than you can believe! Don't turn your back! Don't look away! And don't blink! Good luck." That's right, we're talking about "Blink," the awesomely wonderful episode of Doctor Who. [ 1:05:25 || 29.9 MB ]

The above is from: http://www.earth-2.net/theshow/episodes/e2ts_158.mp3

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Wow, cool ep!!

It's hard to believe just how big Dr Who's become. It always used to be popular until around the mid-80s and the then-controller of the BBC, Michael Grade, cancelled it because he didn't like sci-fi. Then the BBC had a survey about what show they wanted to bring back, when Grade was the chairman, and it was Dr Who. And now the BBC can't get enough - there's two sub-shows devoted to the main show and two spin-offs, as well as BBC Shops being packed out with toys and merchandise!!! Funny old world!

One point: It really is ECCLEstone, rather than EGGLEstone. But I prefer him too. Not because Tennant is bad or anything, but because my girlfriend fancies the pants off him! Mike, I finally feel your pain over suave British people!!!

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Actually, it's EccleSTON.

Glad you enjoyed - I'll be listening to this shortly. I've had a huge amount of crap going on recently, and it's finally all sorted itself out.

Now I have a mic, and a phone to the US, if you ever want to do more Doctor Who stuff, I'd be totally interested in helping out. How about a catch up on the previous series, Q&A style stuff?

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Good, show, I'm glad you liked the episode. There are three episodes left this season and they are all pretty damn good.

Dr Who is a very patchy show and Tennant isn't as good as Eccleston (although theres an element of annoying writing to consider) but still, these last four episodes saved this show. Before that we were treated to pure crap like "The Daleks in Manhatten". Watch these last three.

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Speaking of Eccleston, I never rated the guy when the first series aired in the UK as I always thought he was too over the top with his cheesy grins, it wasnt until recently when I rewatched an episode or two that I finally came to like the guy and his over acting really really suited the role for him

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Speaking of Eccleston, I never rated the guy when the first series aired in the UK as I always thought he was too over the top with his cheesy grins, it wasnt until recently when I rewatched an episode or two that I finally came to like the guy and his over acting really really suited the role for him

There's a really good reason as to way the Doctor's smile is soo cheesy. It's fake, just a mask that he uses to try and cover the massive amount of guilt that he feels for killing two races. It's the reason why he quickly helps the Gelth when he found out that they were destroyed by the affects of the time war. It's the reason why he had some much anger towards the Dalek in the episode 'Dalek'(Which is the best episode in that season. There's a bunch more examples of it in throughout the season.

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This was a lot of fun, I enjoyed it. Would have been nice if you'd checked some of your stuff beforehand - there were a lot of '...I think''s and 'I'm not sure...'s, but since you're in another country and all, it's understandable. If you want a hand with anything, just email and ask, for future Doctor Who related stuff. It should be coming up to season end right now too.

The two of you have really grown into it, and it's nice to see Jen has taken more of a role than in earlier episodes (I don't listen to it often, because I genuinely don't have much time).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this seems late but I couldn't download this to hear it, it's not compatible with aol or some such nonsense, so is there an alternate way of downloading it or a script I can read as Doctor Who is one of my favorite shows and this one of my favorite eps, i'd really enjoy to hear your thought on it.

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  • 2 months later...
Assuming you mean Doctor Who episodes, no. We didn't get to see any more from the same season / series as "Blink". However, as soon as I have the cash, I'll buy said season / series.

Understandable; British TV on DVD tends to be prohibitively expensive. IMHO, totally worth it, although I'm biased as a Whovian fanboy from way back. And Blink in particular was a highlight, despite being this year's Doctor-lite episode (although the writer, Steven Moffatt [Coupling, Jekyll, scads of other really good TV] actually turned that into a strength of the episode).

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