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But honestly Monica, the web is considered "public domain" and you should be happy we just didn't "lift" your whole article and put someone else's name on it!

Hey Mike, I'm gonna start sending a you a bunch of reviews from IGN, Gamespot, 1up, and Destructoid. Just remember to put my name on them.

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I'm without speech on this thing... Is it worse that the editor thinks that because it happens all the time it makes it ok. Or that it's now being discovered that the magazine has ripped off other, 'bigger' websites... And now apparently people are bombarding the magazines advertisers over this.

I'd predict that the magazine won't even have another issue, but with the 24hr news cycle, everyone will just move on, which is a real shame.

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Okay, this is pretty much the cutest and sappiest thing ever.

Also, your daily dose of amusing, from someone's meeting Neil Gaiman at Wootstock:

He was gracious and sweet and seemed vaguely baffled by me but in a very charming way and I explained that at the Miss Kyle Texas beauty pageant I’d been allowed to ask the contestants a question and that none of them had been able to answer it to my satisfaction so I thought he could give it ago and he was like “Of course. Please continue” and I took a deep breath and asked gravely “In an epic battle for world domination between unicorns and zombies, who would win?” Then Victor gave me a look like “WTF?” because he honestly had no idea that was my question but Neil (without pause, like bad-ass he is) stated confidently “Unicorns, of course”. And I was a little shocked at how quickly he came up with his answer so I was all “Okay, show your math” and he explained that “unicorns not only had the ability to run the zombies through with their horns but also they would be able to hoove the zombies and they’d all turn to sludge. There would be sludge everywhere but unicorns would be victorious” and I probably should have just said “Exactly!” but instead I was all “No. That’s not the right answer at all but I will give you extra points for using ‘hoove’ as a verb because I’d honestly never even considered how much hooving would be going on with unicorns”.

Then I’d like to think that he asked me what my opinion was because that would seem less insane than what really happened, which is that I proceeded to tell him exactly how the zombie/unicorn showdown would go down (utterly unasked for). I explained that the zombies win because (as we all know) unicorns can only appear to virgins and so all the unicorns would be forced to hang out in elementary school halls while the zombies continue to multiply into enormous hordes and so the unicorn numbers would stay exactly the same because unicorns are all about innocence so it’s not like they’re going to have sex in front of school children so mathematically the zombies would win by sheer number. Then Neil and Victor just stared at me and I was all “It’s science” and then Neil conceded that he did see my point but that it wasn’t like zombies are having sex and multiplying either and I clarified that I meant they were multiplying by being bitey, not by having zombie sex and he was all “Ah, obviously” and then I may have said something about how zombie porn is a pretty-much untapped market and Neil may have agreed with me. It all got kind of fuzzy and I began wishing I hadn’t hit the bar before coming. Victor just sort of stayed quiet and gave me a look that said “For the love of God, stop talking“. Then we discussed how we could only really settle this with a control group of unicorns and zombies and that this is exactly the kind of shit that really should be covered on MythBusters, which was made all the more surreal by the fact that Adam Savage was standing right at the door as we were discussing this but Adam wasn’t really paying attention because he was too busy talking to the chick that was on MST3K. This is all true, y’all.

EDIT: ...Huh. Small earthquake happening at the moment, judging by the way the room's swaying. Like ya do. (Seriously, it's like being rocked to sleep, only everything's moving.)

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