Episode 310


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Great work, guys. The amount of new content every week on this site is just staggering, and it's always great for the people who put so much into the site to get their props.

...Except for Dubs, his ego is know going to be out of control if he ever returns to the internet. :P

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Congrats to the winners - I've told Adham that he HAS to listen to this show, because he'll love it! As for my part, I'm happy that the Batman reviews are going down well along with FYEO. I really didn't expect the New Podcast award at all, so many thanks!

Glad that Dan got the MVP award too. As my dad always says, wear the old ones out first!

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Guest DCAUFan1051

Aww Dang I was hoping you would do it again mike :D that was so funny. Awesome awards show guys can't wait for next year. Anyone know what the timestamp on 266 is for where that desk abuse is?

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Congrats to Dan. Well deserved.

And thank you for all of my awards. I think the reason I won so many is because I had my hand in so many different things last year, and never really stayed in one place. Quanity over quality and all. Words cannot describe how happy I am that the No More Heroes review won. I think its the best thing I've ever written for the site, and I was so sure that people would have forgotten about it.

Next year, the Glancy Award should be renamed the Golden Babychest Award.

Also, if Mike can give away his silver, then I want to give my bronze to Des, even if he did take the piss out me for my SPAG habits. The guy worked a hell of a lot harder than I did last year.

EDIT: And I could have SWORN Kellen did Animazing Segment. Gah. I'm smart. S-M-R-T smart.

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-Man, I didn't know how much undeserved recognition I got around here

-Mike, maybe I will have some more written content for the site in the next few months due to the hiatus and lack of social life out here at the lake.

-Congrats to the winners, especially Dan, great show.

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