Is Ultimate Colossus gay?

Tom Cataldi

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Seriously. I've been buying the TPBs, I'm up to the 4th one, which means I've read up to about issue 30 or so. And I'm not sure.. but I think he is. Some of my points may seem "stereotypical gay", but that's really all I have to go on, cause he hasn't really been outed as such. Now then..

- He's always dressed really, really nicely.

- He's got a hoop earring in his right ear only, stereotypically a "gay sign".

- When he went back to Russia, and Cyclops and Marvel Girl tried talking him into coming back, Colossus points out how alone he is in the group, saying "you don't even know my favorite show". Marvel Girl replies "Will and Grace".

- Then, we come to my clincher. Marvel Girl then says that the reason Colossus left isn't that he's unenamored with Xavier's dream, she says "Maybe you just want the person you love to love you back a little?"... then Colossus throws them out. Now, at the time, we've already got the Cyclops/Wolverine/Marvel Girl thing going on, and Beast and Storm are going out, but Iceman's got a crush on Storm. So unless you want to have one of the two girls have THREE people who like them...then you add in the fact that Colossus and Wolverine spent a lot of time together late at night saving people... I dunno.

Just wondering.

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How many gay superheroes are there anyway?

Click for a partial (?) list.

They really do have a website for everything. Thanks Yoda. I'm pleasantly surprised there's so many on those various lists. The most interesting character I could see there was John Constantine on the bisexual list. I have this crazy feeling that won't be referred to in the film, I don't know why. <_<

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Yeah, he's gay. Mark Millar's confirmed it in more than one interview before now. Two points of interest:

A - Note Colossus checking out Wolverine in the shower during the european tour (I think it was then).

B - When the X-Men are fighting Magneto, Mags starts to attack Wolverine, which leads to Colossus beating the crap out of him, flying into a rage.

It's probably not going to go anywhere, but it is intentional.

Beast 'came out' a while back in the regular X-Men continuity (turning down newsreader/floozy Trish, saying he was gay). However, it wasn't real - Beast had recently had a secondary mutation, and felt very unloveable, and since he figured he wasn't going to be involved again, he decided to come out, since an ex-avenger coming out of the closet could only be a positive thing for the gay community. He's never publicly gone back in the closet either, I think.

And yes, Constantine is bisexual - recent storyline involving the bloke who bought that mirror. Good story.

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From Yoda's link, in reference to Hooded Justice.

Unknown to the general public, Hooded Justice had a gay relationship with one of his teammates, Captain Metropolis, who alone among the Minutemen may have known Justice's true identity. Although the Silk Spectre often pretended to be his girlfriend in public, he also had frequent rough sex sessions with young men, perhaps supporting the Comedian's speculation.

Maybe my memory's going, but I don't remember Moore ever officially outing Hooded Justice, and I certainly don't remember any allusions to "rough sex sessions with young men" or a relationship with Captain Metropolis. Did they just pull this whole paragraph out of their ass? I always thought the way they kept HJ ambiguous, without ever answering the question of whether he was or wasn't, was one of the biggest appeals of the character. Same goes for his disappearance and the hints pointing to a body that had washed up on shore. He hinted it, but never came out and said it, so there were still some things left in the dark on the character.

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  • 3 months later...
Beast 'came out' a while back in the regular X-Men continuity (turning down newsreader/floozy Trish, saying he was gay). However, it wasn't real...

Sounds like a "bait and switch" to me.

Respectfully wondering if Marvel borrowed the people who wrote WWE's "Billy and Chuck" storyline,

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