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About Dan

  • Birthday 06/19/1974

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    Boston, MA

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  1. Thanks, Jack! We have no plans to stop doing the show. C37 is taking up a lot of my time right now, and while I won't speak for Mike, I know that while I don't dislike Whittaker's Doctor at all, it's hard to get excited about the Chibnall era. So when he and I both have time to do something besides B-movies, BOTI doesn't tend to be the first thing either of us suggests. However, as you say, this is the sixtieth anniversary year, and I think we'll likely get into that.
  2. I don't know if this would be helpful to you at all, but I noticed if you're subscribed, I can still listen to old episodes on my podcatcher (Spotify) even if they're not available directly on the site at the moment.
  3. In terms of the original Bullpen, Larry Lieber is still with us. Ramona Fradon got her start in the late Golden Age as well, and she's almost 100.
  4. John Romita, Sr. has passed away at the age of 93.
  5. This one's pretty goofy. There were others, certainly. I'm reminded of "Cobrathon", when Cobra once again is low on funds and solves this by taking over the public airwaves and hosting a fundraising telethon, which includes Destro in a ruffled tuxedo telling Henny Youngman-esque jokes and doing it quite poorly.
  6. Help! hasn't been historically viewed as bad, per se, just a silly inconsequential romp that wasn't at the level of their first film. It's certainly more clever than the vast majority of rock-star-cash-in flicks of the same era, and it's also the more obvious template for the Monkees' TV show the following year. It's only in the recent past that people have really looked at it and realized, oh hey, there are a lot of English character actors pretending to be South Asian and putting on accents and maybe that's not okay. (Not unlike a distressingly large number of comedy movies and TV shows in the same era, unfortunately.) Magical Mystery Tour has to be viewed as more of a psychedelic period piece and less as a story with a plot. Individual sequences (not unlike Head, the ones that are essentially music videos) are great. The sketches, less so.
  7. There are SEVERAL great reasons to own that box. Those movies are iconic for a reason.
  8. I expected to get fucking CRUCIFIED for this one.
  9. Thanks for your insight, Donovan. Obviously Japan doesn't have the same history with the depiction of Black characters in media that we do here, and I rarely feel like it's done out of malice when I see it in anime or manga, but that still doesn't make it acceptable or fun to see. And the backstory regarding Fist of the North Star definitely lends a different perspective on the depiction of Mari.
  10. Hey, so long as SOMEONE gets to take on Dracula.
  11. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Things are evolving, as they do, so I'm not sure about laying out the schedule right now. I can say that future episodes, which will come out every other Friday, will feature such luminaries as Rowdy Roddy Piper, various Ramones, a guy in a bird suit, Doctor Who but also he's a Dracula, Special K minus Boogaloo Shrimp, and a cop with a face as big as a stop sign.
  12. Jameson was able to keep his involvement in the creation of the Scorpion a secret for years, but he came clean when the Hobgoblin used it against him in a blackmail scheme. He did end up having to step down as the Bugle's editor-in-chief and eventually had to sell the paper altogether. (For a while. Because, you know, comics.)