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Everything posted by Davedevil

  1. I'm really of two minds when it comes to this movie. Disliked it as a kid, liked it as a teenager and now I'm back to disliking it. As a fan of Burton and Danny Elfman, this movie saw them become the director and composer that they are today. Great work by the both of them. There's not a single problem with the cast. It has one of the funniest lines in this series, "Bruce Wayne? Why are you dressed up like Batman?" But it's hard to deny that it really is unpleasant. It reminds me of the Elseworlds one-shots, where everything is reimagined almost for the sake of it, and it's very pessimistic. Maybe I've just come to prefer a classic take on Batman, and left the gothic sensibilities in the past.
  2. Big Eyes - Good but not great. Not the better one of Burton's biopics. Adams was good, even if the story being told dictated that she had to be a bit ineffectual for a chunk of the film. Waltz was too cartoony, reminding me of Mark Hamill and not in a way that works for the movie. Krysten Ritter was fun to see, but underused. I did get lost in articles about the subject after seeing it, so I guess that's a good compliment.
  3. They should get the kid who was young Andrew Garfield in Never Let Me Go.
  4. Just saw it, thought it was pretty good. Great action, bit brutal at times but never really went too far with it. A little too many references to the original, with one very meta conversation about it, but whatever.
  5. And then there's Captain Cold.
  6. A-Force #1 - Enjoyed it. Art is a bit samefacey. Daredevil #15.1 - Light. The Marc Guggenheim story is entertaining enough, while the one Samnee wrote was...interesting. Not worth the $4.99. Secret Wars Spider-Verse #1 - Interesting. Like the cast. Ehh on the art. Star Wars #5 - Ooohhooh boy. Boba Fett is IN CHARGE and I love it. Not the biggest Cassaday fan but he does some good work on Fett here. Convergence Adventures of Superman #2 and Convergence Flash #2 - Huh. So those happened. Sensation Comics Wonder Woman #10 - Didn't get the first story, with the pop star. Art was great though. The Lopresti-drawn and penned story with the dragon was pretty good. Man of Steel Volume 2 - The three regular series after MOS. Action Comics and Superman by Byrne and Giordano with Adventures by Wolfman and Ordway. Good stuff here. I'm not usually a fan of cosmic stuff but I really enjoyed the Legends tie-ins with him going to Apokolips. Dig this version of Lex Luthor too.
  7. Daredevil: Parts of a Hole - Uhm...okay. I liked the basic story. Kingpin convinced Echo that Daredevil murdered her father, she wants revenge, fight happens. Echo was cool as hell. Felt a bit like David Mack trying to recapture Elektra, from an indie comics filter, but whatever. The Kingpin backstory was interesting, you can see where they took inspiration for that episode of Netflix's Daredevil. Art was really good, I think Quesada has earned his place in the pantheon of iconic Daredevil artists. Nowhere near the top, but he's definitely up there. David Ross did pretty well in his few pages and in the conclusion, going along the same look. He's helped by Richard Isanove, who's a great color artist, especially paired with the right people. A couple of the images here, like Echo and Daredevil fighting in the park and the Daredevil logo in flames, were clearly taken by the movie to lesser effect. But the details of this story...Okay, what's with the Kevin Smith references? Why was Matt suddenly playing piano, something I've never seen before or since? Why did people seem incapable of shutting up? Why did Black Widow show up out of nowhere for half an issue? Would the story work better or not if this was told in a straightforward way? I don't know. In short, it was an engrossing read, but what the hell was that?
  8. I love the 2012 Captain Marvel series as my introduction to Carol, but yeah the stories were never as interesting to me as she was. Dug Dexter Soy, his art evolved as he went along and I wish he got to do the whole 17 issue volume. (Plus he's Filipino so yeah) Emma Rios wasn't bad, but having the two of them on the same arc hurt it. And I couldn't stand Filipe Andrade's art, it was so out of place from everything else. Although he is responsible for Carol's awesome hat. The 2014 volume is at least a little more consistent because it had something of a direction and a more consistent team. I don't really like heroes leaving their regular cast but it worked alright.
  9. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH So yeah that was great, can't wait to see season 2 and beyond. And I know we say this after most episodes of The Flash but I can't believe the effects that they could achieve on TV nowadays.
  10. I didn't even know that he was attached to a Lobo project. The Shazam movie would probably be better for him anyway.
  11. Catching up on comics since I'm done with the semester. Convergence Catwoman 1 - Might be my favorite of the lot, really. Convergence Detective Comics 1 - Something about this felt off to me. Love Wein's writing, this wasn't a stellar example. Enjoyed the Cowan and Sienkiewicz art though. Convergence Superman 2 - Awww Superman 40 - I was impressed by JRJR's writing. His art, not so much. Daredevil 15 - So it really is ending huh? Bring it on.
  12. Promo picture. Arthur Darvill looking like a Doctor here. And there's also a featurette. And a First Look.
  13. Not reading the Manapul and Buccellato Detective Comics?
  14. If you remember the Flash trailer from last year, it's probably best to watch only the first minute and a half. I like it though. I still dunno what they're gonna do with Superman but whatever. Not like Superman shows up too often in Supergirl's title, as far as I know.
  15. His 3 minutes in one of the Transformers movies did that for me.
  16. Hellblazer Volume 3 - The Fear Machine: Interminable. I'm more into character over plot but jeez I just did not care about what was happening. The art was standard Vertigo from the time period(though this was before the Vertigo imprint) nothing spectacular. I actually think I preferred it when Richard Piers Rayner was doing the pencils, much as I love Mark Buckingham. But yeah, can't wait to get past this, it doesn't seem like Delano's Hellblazer is for me. One thing I noted was that as I was reading, I heard Matt Ryan's voice all throughout. Sandman Volume 8 - World's End: Not bad. Favorite issue was the Prez story, with Allred on art. Real treat seeing him draw Death. Sensation Comics #9: The Lois Lane story was a joy. Would love to see this team do more. The first story was pretty cute too. Chrononauts #2: Do not know what to make of this series. Love Murphy's art, but wow. Ms. Marvel #14: The twist was pretty clear but it was still pretty heartbreaking. Dig the new artist.
  17. I saw that movie for the first time the other day. Wasn't really planning to, but a friend had it on so I decided to watch it. Really dug the style, and the Blu-Ray of it looked gorgeous.
  18. I wonder what this means for The Flash though, with the two main Rogues being on another show.
  19. Some people would say that that's reason for the era not being explored enough.
  20. The band playing during Steve's dream was named the Roy Thomas Band.
  21. It kind of relates back to a bigger problem with Ultron: he has no real motivation whatsoever, other than being a program with a goal. He's more like the MCP from TRON than anything else, really. But then his human characteristics don't make sense. Having human emotion and mannerisms makes sense for a human who's had a lifetime of experiences, but Ultron is basically an encyclopedia that somehow has a complete personality. Loki had a similar "I want to conquer/reshape the world to my will" goal, but we'd had an entire movie previously to explain what was driving him as a person. Ultron basically popped out of the womb as a supervillain, which kinda makes sense, but it doesn't explain why he seems to be a complete individual who can make jokes. I might have bought it more if Ultron initially was stiffer, but got more of a personality as he progressed through the movie. But at the end of the day, Vision made a lot more sense as a character.
  22. Man Out of Time was a limited series from like 2009 I think? Good stuff, if a bit wonky art-wise.
  23. Yeah I was talking about that with a friend and we're both hoping that they bring the real Wells back somehow. Probably won't happen but it's just not gonna be the same without Cavanagh.