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Everything posted by Davedevil

  1. So it's a three-parter, sorta? I wasn't all that into Sleep No More. Didn't find much to care about. Some mildly effective tense moments, but that's about it.
  2. I'd disagree about Nygma though. I don't see his murders as "Oh I'm crazy now so I must kill people" but as him living out a power fantasy. More of "If you're so smart, why are you so insignificant?"
  3. Has the budget actually gone up this year, has the effects team just hit its stride or what? Because this season's been terrific as far as flashiness. (Couldn't help myself)
  4. Sensation Comics #16 - Both stories were terrible and had unappealing art. ASM #3 - Other than the last couple of pages, this was just annoying. Art was really good though. Star Wars #11 - Another great issue. Luke had some really funny lines in this. "Okay...so...closing your eyes doesn't always work..." Eleventh Doctor Season 2 #2 - Abslom Daak alternated between funny and annoying. I don't know what to make of the plot. I can really feel Si Spurrier's influence in this. ASM: The Book of Ezekiel - I don't really care for the mystical spider aspect, but I guess JMS giving that "Why not both" reasoning excuses it. I generally don't like Spidey mixed with the mystical, but whenever it was about Peter Parker and MJ, it's fantastic. Might be the last great work from JRJR.
  5. I thought the first half was the better part, where there was just enough characterization to allow the actors to do some interesting stuff. Then the accident happens, and characterization just gets thrown out the window. Save that scene with Reed and Ben talking after he got captured, Johnny hugging Reed(even though he probably should have been mad at him first) and some of the horror involved with Doom, everything felt flat. And of course, except for Reed, the four don't really interact with each other all that much. I'll defend the movie more than most, but I really wish this cast was given something different. And wow, could the last scene have been any more like the end of Age of Ultron?
  6. Yeah this is starting to pick up steam. Liked all that stuff with Kara learning to become a better hero. The DEO scenes continue to be my least favorite part of the show. The Flash's STAR Labs crew, this is not.
  7. The two writers have contributed quite a few good episodes before, though not together. Both parts of the Arrow-Flash crossover, Fallout, Rogue Time and Grodd Lives. One of them also cowrote the Atom episode of The Flash, but I'll try to overlook that.
  8. The Muppets is gonna get a soft reboot with a new producer in the spring.
  9. Flash GL: Faster Friends - Good look at the history of Barry and Hal. And wow Oliver Queen can be a dick. Superman #45 - Appreciated the Filipino myth(myth! Yeth?) plotline, the Godzilla homage variant and Howard Porter's art but this is probably getting dropped. Godzilla in Hell #4 - I would agree that this was the best since the first one, but I was more positive towards it than Des. Kickass battle between arguably the two most vicious adversaries and the most evil iteration of Godzilla in the movies. Alias Vol 3 The Underneath - Just happened to reread this. Love it for the mix of grit and the absurdity of the Marvel U. That Speedball appearance? ASM #2 - While I don't agree with the direction they've taken Peter Parker, I really enjoyed this. ASM Vol. 7 Happy Birthday - Possibly my favorite trade of JMS' run so far. While I didn't appreciate Dr. Strange butting in to advertise his own book(that never happened, if I remember correctly) I really liked ASM 500 and the two done-in-ones that followed. Shattered Empire #4 - This series as a whole didn't feel all that essential(yet) but it was still a decent read. Always happy to see Marco Checchetto's art.
  10. I enjoyed that more than the Flash pilot, but this could be me knowing what to expect. It took The Flash a little while to really get good, and I have some confidence that Supergirl could surpass that a bit sooner. Melissa Benoist is on par with Grant Gustin as far as being watchable. In fact I think she's a little bit more natural than Gustin acting-wise. Except for the narration. Man, that needed some work.
  11. And then there's his appearances in Dark Knight Strikes Again and All Star Batman and Robin. (In all honesty, he was pretty funny in ASBAR. Haven't read TDKSA yet, I'm saving that for a special time. Dunno what that it is yet)
  12. Still mulling over the latest episode. Everything involving Maisie Williams as Ashildr/Me were fantastic. She shows a large range in this one, with all the goofiness and the tragedy.
  13. Jared Leto's Joker on the cover of Empire Magazine. I'm starting to dig it actually. I'd like to see that coat and cane with a nice suit.
  14. Happy anniversary! This is a fantastic community, and I'm happy to be a apart of it. Thanks to Mike for putting it all together, and to everyone contributing whether it's on the podcasts, the front page or the forums!
  15. I was a bit biased, with how I've fallen out of love with the Tenth Doctor(only a bit though) but in the promotional materials I just see the Purple Man. Just thinking of his lines gives me chills. I really hope they looked at the Waid-Samnee Purple Man story. And that Kilgrave shows up in Daredevil sometime.
  16. I am too excited for this show.
  17. They just released an update to El Capitan, why not check that out first?
  18. Good episode. Ironside is great as Lewis Snart. Wentworth Miller continues to delight, his bromance with Barry is a real highlight.