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Everything posted by Davedevil

  1. I got Alien Isolation for Christmas, a game I've always wanted. Survival horror's not my thing, but the Alien franchise is. An hour into it so far, and I'm digging it. The tension is fantastic and the attention to detail cannot be understated.
  2. Merry Christmas everybody! Went to my aunt and uncle's place last night and had a fun time. Played some party games, ate some nice food, watched Muppet Christmas Carol and went home 2:30 am. As far as presents, I got my oldest cousin a copy of the new Gregory Maguire novel After Alice. I got her boyfriend volume 2 of Harvey Birdman. My other cousin got a Gundam kit and volume 1 of Atomic Robo. Meanwhile I got from them a Spidey mug, tickets to a Broadway show, Alien Isolation on PS4, and this magnificent Star Wars poster.
  3. The next season could be Capaldi's last as the Doctor.
  4. #VaderNeverStruckFirst That's an interesting observation. Says something about the character of Vader. It might be that John Wayne "You let them have the first shot" thing that Lucas talks about.
  5. Atomic Robo Volume 1 - Giving this as a Christmas gift to a relative, so I checked it out first. Fun, hilarious book with some nice art. Bit confused by the disjointedness, given that they're actual issues and not a webcomic put together in a trade, but I got over it. Harley Quinn #23 - Decent issue but it just feels like it's ticking off the checkboxes of a typical Harley issue. And the art wasn't as polished as it's usually been. Darth Vader Annual #1 - Struggling to remember the plot points. Yu's art has looked better, hopefully it'll be cleaner by the time he takes over the main Star Wars book. Web Warriors #2 - Fun issue, not a whole lot of plot to it, but fun regardless. I found the Gwen and Electro Prime interactions funny. The art continues to do a great job distinguishing between the different iterations of everybody. Spider-Ham is a delight as always.
  6. Poe in general was a delight. Bit underused in this, sadly.
  7. Got the Battlefront PS4 bundle. Took quite a while to install. Overall I think the game retains the spirit of the series pretty well. The mechanics take a little bit of getting used to but they're fine. I appreciate the variety of mission styles, and I'm probably getting the season pass anyway, so I'm all set.
  8. The Wicked and the Divine Volume 1 - Avoided this for awhile, mostly because the fandom annoyed me. I knew full-well that this was something that I would be totally into though, so I picked it up finally. And wow, it's a quick read (I read it over the course of my commute to and from school) but it's engaging. McKelvie's known for same-face art but this is the only experience I've had with him so far and it's great work. Some of the writing can get over-the-top but the world is pretty interesting. Amazing Spider-Man #4 - Decent read. Still not onboard with the new direction, but it's alright. Spider-Gwen #3 - Enjoyed all the stuff with Jessica(again, why is she pregnant?) and Gwen. Evil Matt Murdock continues to be a delight, and this is a great time to bring Harry Osborn into the mix. Star Wars Annual #1 - I guess this character's gonna play into Vader Down? Issue's a bore, really. The art's competent but not all that exciting. Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor #3 - Pretty reminiscent of the last two episodes of Evangelion, in that it's an extended trip through the main character's head, complete with panels that are just text. Like those episodes, nothing really happens, but it was an interesting read regardless.
  9. I dunno about you guys, but my first thought was "who and who?"
  10. I actually just watched this out of morbid curiosity and the most striking thing to me was just how willfully unaware everyone seemed to be to the fact that the finished product was going to be utter dogshit. But you know, the way the documentary was done almost makes me want to see it, and a couple other reviews I've read of it have said the same thing. Maybe it's Bile Fascination, maybe it's the earnestness for the project from pretty much everyone involved, I don't know. But we're probably better off without it.
  11. The Death of Superman Lives - Haven't finished it yet, but this is really good. Fricking hilarious whenever Jon Peters or Nic Cage is onscreen. Nothing is better than the idea of Superman throwing his cape to retrieve items, or take people's heads off.
  12. Rocket Girl #7 - The writing's a bit more focused than previous issues, but it's still pretty unremarkable. Art's gorgeous as always. All-New All-Different Avengers #2 - The characters are all well-written, but the plot's a bit ehh. Kubert does great as always. Gwenpool Holiday Special - Surprising in how fun it was. Should've been just titled the She-Hulk Holiday Special, for how much more of a selling point Jennifer Walters was. I wasn't gonna buy this until I heard that it was basically another issue of Charles Soule's She-Hulk. I will say though, that the art in the Gwenpool segment was the best in the book. Ultimates #2 - The best Marvel book I'm reading right now, I think. Just well-done overall, from the dialogue to art. Next issue, please.
  13. Being reminded of the Duck Dodgers theme song is always welcome. The thing about Iron Man reminds me of a magazine I read in 2007. It had an article about Spider-Man's various costumes, and for the Iron Spider, it said something like "This was given to him by Tony Stark, a superhero named Iron Man."
  14. Not sure if this promo picture is real, but the release date is. Godzilla: Resurgence, July 29, 2016. Teaser!
  15. Harley's Little Black Book #1 - Fun team-up between Harley and Wonder Woman. Like Harley idolizing WW in her own crazy way. Nice to see Amanda Conner interior art too. Sensation Comics #17 - Decent last issue. Fitting to have the villain be the Cheetah. Art's pretty interesting. Star Wars #13 - One of the funniest comics I've read lately. I never would've thought that Mike Deodato Jr. could work for a comedic story, but it's great.
  16. My new favorite episode. I'm biased, but so what? I love how Mark Hamill's episodes don't just coast on his appearance, but always significantly advance the plot in some way. That scene with the three Rogues is pure joy.
  17. Right now it's about as good as the early Flash. A lot of forgettable stuff about it, but it's alright. The latest episode reminded me of the various powerless storylines that Spider-Man's had.
  18. Unless you're me during Age of Ultron and sat next to the woman who'd comment and laugh at everything, even the dramatic moments.
  19. Two of the highest profile redesigns lately have been Batgirl and Spider-Woman, and I really like those. Stephanie Brown has a nice Batgirl suit too. I dig the Red Robin costume, and the Undernet variant is cool too. Most of the Spidey redesigns in Dan Slott's ASM have been nice. Not a fan of the black and yellow bulletproof suit though. And Superior Spidey's second costume is excellent. One of two alternate costumes I bought on Marvel Future Fight, the other being Sam Wilson's Cap suit. I love Catwoman's purple and green outfit, specifically the short-lived version with pants.
  20. Another thing. I'm not sure how the next one is gonna play yet, but I feel like these should've wrapped up Moffat's tenure. Not just because it's getting repetitive by this point, but it deals with plenty of the things that his era on Doctor Who had brought up.
  21. Still processing it. There were things I enjoyed, times when the episode just lost me, and events that bugged me. Oh, and I like how we seem to be getting Marvel's Silvermane next episode.